I’m working on getting moved to a new server over the weekend, so things will be down for a couple of days, but I’m hoping this will get my feeds back to normal, as well as email updates and all the problems with loading my blog and seeing the pics. Hang in there with me, I am hoping to get this thing back to normal soon! Believe me, I’m so frustrated! I’m not going to post anything after this until I get moved, since things are so up and down right now.
If you’re getting back on here for the first time in 2 weeks (that’s how long my feeds have been down), please go back and look at all those older posts that I’ve posted all during the last 2 weeks (at the bottom of this post, underneath you’ll see all the thumbnail pics of the posts, just click on one to read). I’ll be back soon with another new post, as soon as I get moved to the new server!
You all got a sneak peek of the new floral drapes in the dining room, so I wanted to show those a little more. I really do love the added color and texture they bring to the space.
I actually bought that fabric 2 years ago and it is Robert Allen Basquiat Teak. I found a link online and there are several if you do a search. I was going to use it in my last house, but it got saved for the new one and I’m happy about that. It’s a pretty modern floral with lots of impact. I found it locally at Fabric and Fringe Warehouse on Canton Hwy. and I think they still have it.
The drapes just add a cozy factor to the space and I’m so happy with them. It’s nice to get that finishing touch up.
Wall color in here is Benjamin Moore Rockport Gray, mixed in Valspar at Lowes.
My blog friend, Laura from Top This Top That, brought me that beautiful burlap wreath and I found the perfect spot for it on my board and batten in the dining room. Thank you, Laura!
I couldn’t be happier with how this small dining room turned out. It’s such a pretty space to look at every day. Got to work on hiding that lamp cord on the left. I’m sure I can do that. Funny what you see once pics are made, right?
I had the drapes made at Fringe Benefits here in Marietta for $55 a panel, plus lining. That price is for single width, lined and pinch pleated. You do have to purchase the lining too. They are the same company who did my living room drapes too and I love the pinch pleats. That rod is a thriftstore find and the rings are from Ikea. I had these drapes hemmed to 91″ and hung them close to the ceiling. They frame the sliding glass doors nicely.
This particular fabric was definitely thought out with my current dining room chairs in mind, when I bought the fabric 2 years ago. All the colors help bring the gold fabric on the chairs together with the rug and dark brown floors. And it has green also which flows to other parts of the house, including the kitchen. Just a look at my thought process when I’m putting fabrics together. This one really does bridge the chair fabric with the wall color and everything else in the room and I pulled the gray out of the florals for the wall. That’s how I knew what color to paint the walls above the board and batten early on. I already had this fabric!
Since I’ve already showed this space, I’ll add in the pic of the corner cabinet. It’s a nice little accent in here too. This was a thriftstore fine that I painted and revamped a few years ago.
My fave bunny hangs out here, along with some other yardsale pieces.
I just love all these colors together, so warm and inviting.
Aren’t they pretty?
Rhoda, how do you hang your plates? I can’t see any of the little metal plate hangars in your pictures.
Your dining room looks awesome of course!
HI, Jeanne, I do have those little wire plate hangers on most of these, so they do show just a bit. They almost disappear though. You can get those any Hobby Lobby or Michaels.