Hope you all are having a wonderful Memorial Day weekend. Don’t you love long weekends?
Now that I’m working at home, long weekends don’t mean quite as much as they used to, since I don’t have paid holidays anymore. But, I love the flexible schedule of working for myself.
I didn’t travel anywhere this weekend, but plan on spending the day on Monday with my friend Debbie at her house, sitting on the porch and enjoying her beautiful pool. Summer is officially here!
Some of you found some great treasures last week, so I’m highlighting a few of my faves.
The Reading Girl found this fancy old bed on Craigslist and painted it creamy white with distressing. It is officially gorgeous now and looks so much better painted.
The Gaines Gang made this gallery wall in a teen room with the addition of some thriftstores frames. Way to stretch that budget!
House of Hawthornes found these funky and rustic wooden boxes for 25 cents each, people! Now that is a thrifter’s best find.
And she found this vintage motel chair for $10 at an estate sale. I’ve always loved the nostalgic feel of these old metal chairs.
Living in the 513 found this great old vintage side table with a marble top that is so classic.
Globes are such great pieces to decorate with and I’ve found a few of these myself. I love using them like this…..
Meg and Andy found these and what a great look to group them all on top of this bookcase. Group those collections for the best display.
Who doesn’t love vintage aqua Pyrex? The Country Chic Cottage picked these up for a steal at Goodwill for 99 cents each.
Myra from The Casabella Project found these beautiful framed maps at an estate sale for $15 (plus one more thrown in) and they are a wonderful grouping.
What have YOU found lately? Add your link to the Linky list and remember our guidelines for the party.
There are a TON of parties out there to highlight all your projects, so please let’s keep this one about thrifty finds that were bought 2nd hand!
- Add your permalink to the link list, which is the actual post that you did for this party, NOT your general blog url. To get the actual post, after you publish the post, just click on the title and THAT will be your party post url. PLEASE try to get the correct url in the first time!
- Please add my button to your post or blog OR at least link back to this post in your post. That’s all I ask. It’s common courtesy to link back to the person having the party, so that all of your readers can find it too.
- Please do NOT link to an Etsy shop or something similar (even if you think it’s a fabulous deal) or I will delete the link. This party is for sharing thrifty finds from yardsales, thriftstores, or something along those lines. If I see that your post is not really on track with this theme AND you don’t link back, I’ll delete your link. Sorry, but I’d like to keep the party consistent! IF YOU SEE THAT YOUR LINK HAS BEEN DELETED, IT IS PROBABLY BECAUSE IT IS NOT IN LINE WITH THIS PARTY THEME.
LOVE, love, love that bookcase! Need things like that ALL OVER my house…