On Saturday, Layla and I headed up to the Nashville Flea Market to check it out. We had both heard good things about it, so I was anxious to see it for myself. We did enjoy it a lot and by far, the best things to be found are outside the buildings.
I have very fond memories of Lakewood Antiques in Atlanta and have been there countless times over the years. Color me sad when that placed closed down a few years ago. I think many of us are still mourning that one. The Nashville flea market has a bit of the same vibe as the old Lakewood market, but it’s not nearly as big.
(Kim, Layla, Rhoda)
As August usually is, it was a hot day at the market and we felt every bit of it. We were there about 3 hours and saw plenty until we couldn’t take the heat any longer. We also met up with our friend, Kim at Twice Remembered Cottage. We had met her earlier this year at the Blissdom conference and she lives in the area. Fun to see her again. So, come on along with us and we’ll show you some junk that we saw. Plenty of good junk too! Loved this mantle/shelf thingie that would be great on the wall.
Ahhh, blue shutters that were oh so pretty. In just that perfect shade of turquoise.
Browsing with some water on hand. You gotta have water when it’s this hot out.
Loved this lantern that might have been made out of reclaimed wood. So pretty, I think it was $50.
All these colorful old bottles caught my eye too.
I think these were some sort of old grain scoops, maybe. They were really cool looking. Would be great for hanging on the wall to sort things.
Layla checking out some vintage stuff.
These were candle holders that were pretty cute.
Glass floats. I loved these, but don’t know where in the world I’d put something this big. They were $25 each or 5 for $100, so not that bad. But, they are huge.
Cowhide chairs and rugs.
Zebra is still making a big showing.
Some old fans waiting to be taken home.
Farmhouse table. These sure are popular now.
A painted and distressed table and chairs that were already sold, I thought this set was very pretty.
These old seltzer bottles are always pretty to me, but at $200 a little much.
White painted furniture is still the rage too.
One booth of nothing but crystal chandeliers.
Rusty old gates.
One dealer had a whole slew of vintage beadboard stuff, which was quite pretty. These were benches.
And check out the beadboard bed. I thought this was pretty clever.
Some very unique items at this shop.
More beadboard shelves.
Ceiling tins.
This was a really cool piece and the dealer said it was already sold and that they were going to put a slab of granite on top and use it as a kitchen island.
These old carts with wheels are still popular as coffee tables. Rustic and chic.
Old sign letters.
Plenty of painted furniture.
Loved this pair of glass cabinet doors, in a pretty shade of aqua.
And saw a sweet little puppy along the way.
A whole area of old hardware and vintage baubles.
Set of chairs for the taking. Layla, trying out an old bench.
And this was either a really HUGE dough bowl or some sort of trough. We figured it was a horse trough or something.
Painted corner piece.
Huge set of wood corbels, these would be gorgeous in the right kind of house.
I didn’t buy a thing. Remember, we are having a yardsale in 2 weeks and I need to pare down, not bring more home. It was fun looking though. Definitely worth it if you are in the area.
Layla found a ladder that she couldn’t live without, for $10. We couldn’t figure out how to get the seats folded down in the backseat of her car, sooooooo……..
We drove home like this all the way back to Birmingham.
That didn’t stop us from talking non-stop the WHOLE way back though. It was so much fun to spend some time with this girl and browse a flea market again. The last time we did that was last year at the Longest Yardsale.
Always a fun time!
REMINDER: Layla and I are having a HUGE yardsale on Saturday, September 11th, at my house in Birmingham, so if you are in the area, I hope you’ll come on out and see us. It’s going to be a LOT of fun and we will have a TON of stuff, between the 2 of us.
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I was at the Nashville Flea Market at the same time you were! We bought a matching antique buffet and china cabinet there. As newlyweds, we needed somewhere to place our wedding china! You can see the buffet in my Fall Home Tour on my blog 🙂
I love the market tons and tons of awesome things you could probly find anything that you could want at a pretty good price somethings are alittle over priced but if you just look around you could probably find it at a better price. There’s almost always two of everything