Jumping out of bed early in the a.m., anticipation of what treasures might be out there. That giddy feeling ushers in the beginning of yardsale season that you die-hard fans like me can relate to.
My sister and our friend, Susan, got up bright and early on Saturday a.m. to hit the Bridgemill neighborhood sale in Canton and it was so much fun. They were looking for different things and I was along for the ride. Taking pics and seeing what was out there.
Bridgemill is a really big neighborhood with lots of communities inside, all price ranges, and a mega pool and playground area. I used to hit this sale before I moved to Birmingham.
Susan wants to fix up her back deck (she loved my transformation on the deck last year) and found a couple of things to get her started. Cute frogs!
I spotted lots of furniture with great potential for makeovers. I don’t remember how much they wanted for this one, but it would look great painted a bold color.
We spotted this whole bedroom set and it was $100 for all of it! What a steal. A girl heard us talking about it and immediately snapped it up. We told her what a great deal she got.
Pretty mirror! That’s the 3 of us, Susan in pink, me and my sister.
My sis found a neat serving tray for $2. She figured her hubby can serve her breakfast in bed. 🙂 I told her not to hold her breath on that one.
Two bar stools, for $40 each, not a really great yardsale price. But, they were pretty.
Those plates are Butler’s Pantry, $24 for 8 plates. I know that’s a great deal. I think those black pieces are old Southern Living at Home.
This entire set of wicker was $200, really a good deal. It could easily be repainted, it was in good shape.
This cute little guy was very friendly. I love black and white cats.
I found my friend, Vicki, a cute wooden fish for 50 cents. She will love it for her house in Port St. Joe.
As well as this pillow for $3, it will be perfect in her guestroom there.
I love this little rattan set.
This coffee table has such a great shape, I would have snapped it up if I needed one of these. Could be painted so many colors.
Loved this ole iron bed for $35. It’s already shabby chic, so you wouldn’t have to do a thing.
Spotted a nice piece of white coral for $3, so my sis bought it.
This old window was $50, a little high for yardsale prices, but nice.
Bridgemill has several different communities and this one has smaller cottage homes. We just loved them all, they were so cute and quaint.
Loved this table and chairs that was from Crate & Barrel and she was asking $400 for all. I really thought it was a pretty good deal, it’s a really nice set.
Now here is a fixer-upper opportunity for someone. I did see it got snapped up after we passed back by. They were asking $20 for this whole set, but it had a broken leg on the table that needed fixing, as well as some rickety chairs. But, really what a deal for all of this vintage stuff.
Funny story at this house. We stopped here and started looking around. Some other people were there too and they said that they couldn’t find anyone who was minding the store. No one would come to the door, but they had all this stuff out. Some things were priced and most were not. He left his money in the front door. My sis and Susan found a few things they wanted, so we came up with a fair price and left it inside the door too. We were laughing over that one! First time I’ve ever had that happen.
They had some nice looking pillows too.
Susan bought this pretty coral vintage platter for 50 cents.
I spotted some gigantic Easter eggs in one yard.
Another old vintage bedroom set, I think they were asking a couple hundred on this set. It was definitely a fixer-upper too.
These old sets have such character.
So, did you think I wouldn’t buy anything?? Well, I sure don’t need a thing, but I did score this cute tall pair of shoes for $1. For that price, I figured even if I wear them twice a year, I’ll get my money’s worth. I’m not crazy about high heels anymore, but for a special occasion, maybe. 🙂And this pretty dress was $2. I think I’ll wear it with leggings and flip flops, could be very cute for summer. Here I go again, buying more black and white. I can’t seem to stop myself.
That’s it for this week. I may not get out there every week and surely won’t be buying any home stuff, but when I find clothes and shoes this cheap, I can definitely afford that. Renee and Susan will be working on projects and want to go yardsaling more, so hopefully we’ll hit a few more neighborhood sales this season.
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Could anyone Please tell me when the fall community yard sale is at bridgemill subdivision? Thank You very much. You can send e-mail or call 678-988-2016. Again Thanks…
i have been trying to find out when the fall community yard sale is also. if you have found out the date, would you please email me and let me know. thanks for your help. vicki