There once was a woman who had a big backyard that needed to have the grass cut very often during this rainy summer. So, she bought herself a nice Honda push mower that did the job and was self-propelled after all. Not that hard a job!
But, then came the opportunity from her dad’s next door neighbor who was moving, to purchase a Sears Craftsman cute red riding lawn mower for $400.
Sold, she said!
That was quite a steal for a used riding lawn mower and she knew that she would love flying around the backyard on that cute red mower.
She had never been on a riding lawn mower before, but she could just imagine it would be similar to riding a go-cart or a golf cart,and she’d be right.
Nothing to it!
But, first they had to get it to her house from her parent’s house. So, her hard working daddy and mom came over to deliver the mower. That might be a little bit of a feat, since the darn thing weighs a lot. But, her smart dad came up with the idea of backing it up next to the hill in her front yard, rolling it down 2 pieces of lumber that were sturdy and strong.
Hey, y’all, look at this!
What every redneck family does, right? back that thing right off the truck. There were a few nervous moments, but over all, everything went just perfect.
Her dad got it cranked up and started backing. Once the wheels touched the wood boards, it wouldn’t go up. But, they found a way to do it by pushing it in neutral and moved it up and over those boards.
Once those wheels came over the top, they were good to go. The people with the red riding lawn mower.
Then that daddy of hers backed it on down the ramp and into the yard. Easy as pie!
And she was a happy girl, clapping her hands in glee! She had her own cute red mower now. Once her very cautious dad gave her a few lessons on how to start the mower, put the blade down and how it all worked, she got busy in that backyard with the tall grass. It’s a wonder he didn’t stay and watch it all to be sure she knew what she was doing.
She spun around and around on that cute red mower. Her roommate took these pics from afar.
She drove that cute red mower, making circles that cut the grass down all with an excited intensity.
Round and round she went until that grass was looking really good, smiling all the way. This is not work at all!
She had fun with her red mower and got that grass cut in record time. Should she hire her roommate to be her new photographer? Maybe not.
A used red riding lawn mower makes for a happy girl!
Cute red mowers and tall grass are quite the pair. Cutting grass will never be the same again, with this toy in her garage. She can’t wait to get all the junk cleaned up in the backyard, so that she can really have fun with her new toy.
There are always lessons to be learned though. One word of caution. If you have a riding lawn mower, she wants you to know that you should always disengage the blade before riding that lawn mower into the garage to park it. If there is carpet on the concrete floor, it will be sucked into the blade and hacked to smithereens. That, and the engine will shut off. Don’t tell her Daddy she did that,
OK? It’s our little secret.
Thank goodness, all is still well with the cute red mower.
The End!
Loved the story! The last part reminded me of my old mowing days. My parents had lots of land, so my mom and I would take the two riding mowers and my brother would run the weed eater. We knew to watch out for large sticks, pool toys, and the sprinkler; however, we had a dog that loved to fetch tennis balls. Only once she must not have ‘fetched’ correctly and the ball was left in the yard. It scared me to death when I ran over that thing. The blades cut the ball in half and made a really loud THUNK! We have lots of mower stories from our childhood 🙂 And we never told Dad.
They really are fun to use!
Wow, you have good karma and fantastic luck! They red beauty will make quick work of your mowing I’m sure! And mums the word on the carpet. Wait, what carpet? There was carpet there? I think that was tossed when you moved in, right? ;0))
Rhoda, I love your story especially the happy ending!!
I have to say that was such a cute article. It’s proof that no matter your age or theirs, your parents will always be parenting you. 😉
Thanks for the chuckle 🙂
Love the post, sweet parents, did your mom dress to match because she knew you would take pictures to post 🙂 .. where is the picture of the carpet 😉
No, on my mom dressing to match, this was all off the cuff as it happened. I didn’t take pics of the carpet, it was a mess to clean up!
Cute story, Rhoda, I love it! I admire you for hopping on that thing- I’ve always been a little scared of them- maybe you could give me a lesson? 😉
Sure, Sheila, come on over!
Love it… but what I love more is that you look cute and are wearing cute flats while mowing the lawn on your rockin’ new lawn mower!
Those are my all purpose black Crocs, they are great lawn shoes!
DEFINITELY don’t tell Grandaddy. The summer they drove to Alaska, he made me take lawnmower lessons for two hours, and that was without any carpet mishaps.
This is such a fabulously awesome story – the red really is great 🙂
I know you are a big time blogger – but it would be amazing if you could link up to our Tell Us Tuesday link up party. My friend Lauren and I just started this and we are big fans of your blog 🙂
Maybe you could even co-host one week! It can’t hurt to ask, right?! Have a great night!
I love your cute story, especially the funny ending! Great photos, too!
So funny….and how about that curly hair Rhoda?
Lol! Love the antidote at the end. You make mowing the lawn look fun – maybe I will even give it a try if my husband and I complete the purchase of 20 acres shortly. We’ll definitely be needing such a lawn mower if all the stars align for us!
Oh my goodness! Look what I’ve missed! You and your cute red riding mower! How awesome! (I miss Google Reader and still can’t seem to remember to access Feedly during the week!)
It is much quicker to cut your lawn with a riding mower. Riding mowers are also better for those individuals with health issues because there is much less manual labor involved. Riding lawn mowers can also serve other purposes such as being used as a snow plow or a small trailer.