Before we get to the recipe, I had to show you my yardsale finds for the weekend. Again, I wasn’t going to go out, but spotted two close by in the paper and stopped by on my way to the gym. Am I glad I did! Most of you know I have a real obsession with bunnies…but only really cute and special bunnies. Not the cheap kind that you find in the discount stores, but really pretty bunnies only. I’ve got too many already, but there’s always room for a couple more when they are special bunnies. This little plaque above was $1. Too cute to pass up and see what color is in there….aqua! You know what that means.
And at the same sale, this really pretty pottery bunny bowl was $8. It has a certificate inside, so apparently it’s a collectible (the lady told me it was originally $50…I’ll do some research on it). Do you see that aqua color again? I think it’s a sign that the guestroom needs to be aqua. These things will be really cute in that room. I finally told hubby my plans for changing out the guestroom and he is fine with it as long as I use things I buy and get rid of what I don’t need. I can do that! I may be having my own yardsale before too long.
Here’s another fun little story for ya! My hubby’s maternal grandma Eleanor lives with his mom about 1/2 hour from us. Eleanor has a little house near downtown that is going to be put up for sale soon. Nothing fancy, just a small 2 bedroom cottage. Hubby looks out for the two of them, since they no longer have husbands. It’s a circus over there. We are constantly dealing with almost 90-year old Eleanor’s delusions of what she is going to do. First, it was buying land and building a log cabin. That was last year. This year, it’s moving back into that little house by herself. It ain’t gonna happen! Hubby had to take away her car keys in the last couple of weeks and you would think he had tied her up and tortured her. She goes back and forth with being mean and snarly to being thankful for the help. We know it’s her age, but it’s a trip to deal with. Anyway, a few weeks ago before her keys were taken away, she took off to Lowes by herself to buy paint for that little house. She ended up with a color call Tangerine Dream (can you say orange sherbet?) and another aqua color that she wants to use in the bedroom. The aqua is not so bad. I took her back to Lowes last week and had them remix the 3 peach gallons to something more liveable and less peachy and it should work now. She thinks she is going over there to paint. She’s not.
She took me up to the attic to see all the stuff that’s up there that she has been hoarding…she is a BIG hoarder (I had heard all about the attic, but had never been up there). She has stuff ALL OVER the house. So up we go. There’s all sorts of art work lining the stairs going up there. Nice original pieces of art that she did and her former art instructor did. Going to waste in the attic. She has artwork ALL over the house, on the walls, leaning in the hallways, bunches of art that she painted and others painted. I got a few pieces from her right after we got married and have a really pretty pear painting in my kitchen that her instructor painted, a beautiful watercolor. Anyway, back to this story. She tells me she has an aqua chair up there that she’s had for a long time that has a slipcover. She wants to put it in the little house to set it up for sale. She thinks she’s going to take all sorts of things over there to make the house ready for sale. We’ve all decided that it’s probably not worth it to haul furniture over there to sell the house, so we will just get it cleaned up and painted and then it will go on the market. We’ll go over soon and look at the house (I’ll have to take pics to show y’all). Hubby’s sister has been living in the house for a few years and just moved out.
So, all that to say this….that aqua slipcovered chair is adorable! It’s a wingback and she sewed this pretty aqua slipcover for it no telling how long ago. The slipcover goes all the way to the floor. I asked her if I could borrow it and she said I could once she was finished with it in the little house. So, that’s going to be my mission. To get the aqua chair for my room redo. I’ll let you know how it goes. It’s sitting in their attic collecting dust. Why not get it for my guestroom? Last find at the yardsale, this faux concrete planter for $1. I’ll paint this to look more weathered and bring it in for one of my faux palms.

So sorry, I hit that publish comment button 2x…Nancy
You are so good at finding the simplest little treasures. And the bundt cheesecake…too die for! I should tell you when I’m coming to town and swing by for a bite.
Thanks for stopping by and I hope you come again soon.
I have an award for you! Stop by my site and get it.
Yummy dessert!! It makes me hungry to look at it! And cute bunnies too!
Ohhhhhh… you picked up some great things this weekend at garage sales!!! Can’t wait to see the bedroom transformation….your rooms are always fabulous :o) I might have to try your bundt cake…it looks sooooo delicious!
I love those bunnies and the story is just too adorable. I have a little collection of Easter bunnies and I think that is where the love of bunnies came from.
I do hope you get that aqua chair for the aqua room….can’t wait to see it!
Hi Rhoda 🙂
I loved that story! She sounds like fun to me LOL I sure hope you get to borrow that chair 😉