Recently, while cleaning in the library, something jumped out at me from my hubby’s book collection, all stacked up nice and neat. Oh, I kid, we don’t have a library. This is the upstairs guest bath, which hubby has taken over and this is the cabinet with pretty glass doors that is perfect for containing said reading material.
The thing that was comical and struck my funny bone is the titles of HIS books, compared to mine. He is intellectual and reads a lot of deep books, many of them over my head or interest level. From stock trading to finance, to politics, to commentaries on Revelation (the man has a Masters of Divinity under his belt) and many in between, you will most likely never find me picking up one of the above books. You know, the older I get, the more I think that an intelligent man is a sexy man. I love my brainiac! 🙂
Here’s my stack of books. I’ve never been accused of being intellectual OR particularly deep and you can see from my collection, I’m drawn to frivolous, pretty, and entertaining. 🙂 I do, however, love my Bible and Bible studies, so I do dig down for that.
How about you? Are you and your hubby polar opposites or two peas in a pod?
They say opposites attract and that seems to be true in our case.
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We are in the middle of our big attic cleanout and I was so excited so find some of my classics. We have 4 bookcases in our house that only have books on them. Hubby loves science fiction, John Grisham, James Patterson, anything on woodworking, anything on computers, gun trader guides etc.. All of his psychology books are at his office. I read it all – classics, southern fiction from Flannery O’Conner to Mary Kay Andrews, biographys, humor books (Celia Rivenbark is a fav.), dog training and psycholgy, home, garden, decorating, sewing, home improvement, little gift type books, books on meditation, Beth Moore, and the list goes on. BTW, my name is Beth and I am a book addict.
I look for books at every thrift store, goodwill, library sale to buy. I will get a book from the library first and decide if that book goes on my list to find on the cheap or with a really good coupon. Then it goes on my shelf and heaven help the poor person who tries to spearate my and my books!
Oh and the magazines! But that is another story!
How funny, our book collection looks just like ya’lls! My husband has very similar intellectual/finance books and I am obsessed with decorating books and anything girlie. I often marvel at the comparison. Btw, I have the Nell Hill “Feather Your Nest” book – dontcha just love the title of that?
What a timely post. My two daughters just switched rooms, and oldest daughter had built-in book shelves with over 400 books to move to a room with no shelving yet (February project). It was fun to look at her books and remember the stages of her growing up by the book titles. She is now 20 and away at college, but her shelf full of yellow Nancy Drew bookspines just made me so nostalgic.
I noticed your Mary Carol Garrity books. I have those titles too and am fortunate enough to live an hour away from her absolutely fabulous shop. You have got to come and see it for yourself!
Too funny! We not only don’t read the same things, we don’t even like the same television! He could watch sports, the news or the History Channel 24-7. Give me HGTV, Lifetime
(Wifetime as he calls it) or a good ol’ movie anyday! Not to mention a fab episode of TLC’s What Not to Wear – LOVE that! But, we’re 22 years and counting, so I guess it works!!
Love this post, Rhoda. Very interesting to see the differences in our spouses’ reading material. My husband reads a broad range of books — mostly fiction. I tend to read a wide variety but have everything from decorating and decor books, a huge cookbook collection that I can sit down and read like a novel, a lot of novels, biographies, Christian fiction and Bible studies too. And unfortunately, I have a problem getting rid of books that I really don’t need any longer. My bookshelves are in disarray and I desparately need to attack them with a vengeance. The goods is that hubby is in the planning and prep stages of building a new study/library so we will have lots more built in bookcases for storage of these books I can’t give up. Well, maybe not all of them. But most!