I have been going to tour the Home for the Holidays showhouse here in Atlanta for so many years now and this year I didn’t get the invitation, so they either didn’t do a media preview or something happened, not sure what. But I did get an email with the official photographs of this holiday house, so that will do for this year. I always enjoy touring this home during the holiday season, with all the designers coming together and decking the halls so magnificently. If you want some great designer ideas for Christmas decor, here’s your opportunity to look over these photos, they are gorgeous!
Atlanta Homes and Lifestyles Home for the Holiday showhouse is open to the public from now until December 12th. You can find all the tour information on that link. Enjoy these beautiful photos!
All Photos/Photographer: David Christensen for Home for the Holidays
Anne Davis says
I’m surprised that you didn’t credit any designers.
Rhoda says
I didn’t get any of that information, so I don’t know who did what, but I’m sure the designers are mentioned on the website.
Anne Davis says
A list of designers is on the site but not which designer did which room.
Rhoda says
They didn’t share that with me, I just got pics to share.
Meredith Johnson says
Thank you for sharing! I posted the little girl’s room on my Instagram Account, @theginghammagnolia. I am only 2 weeks in and have a small following, but credited you with the information, credited the designers and the photographer! I hope you like the post. I tagged you in it! Love your blog, Meredith
Bonnie says
Thanks for sharing.. beautiful rooms..lots of decorating ideas.
Rebecca Payne says
Simply GORGEOUS! I love the green and pink little girls room and the tree is beautiful. I wouldn’t mind having that bedroom for myself and I am over 60 years old. All of your trees are Gorgeous. Thank you so much for sharing.
Tina Dyck says
Wow what a beautiful home!
We love the look of this 2021 Atlanta showhouse! Where can I get the floorplan for it?
Rhoda says
Hi, Tina, I have no idea, but you’d need to contact the builder, I imagine. I don’t have any other info other than what I shared here.