In case you didn’t know it, I love winning giveaways just as much as you do. And I’ve been blessed to win a few lately, so thought I’d share them with you. I love having giveaways here on my blog for all of you too and am happy to share the wealth when they come along. Winning is fun!
First, from my friend, Sandy, at Reluctant Entertainers, I won this whole box of Fall goodness, from chocolate cake mix to pumpkin mix, Mrs. Meyers dish soap in Basil (smells yummy), and some beautiful Fall dish towels, Fall napkins and a pretty green door planter. Thank you SO much, Sandy! The chocolate cake has already been baked and consumed by us and we enjoyed it tremendously.
Next, from Kim at Beautiful Living, I won the book, Blogging for Bliss, which is penned by a very popular blogger, Tara Frey, of Typing out Loud. I’ve been dying to read this book and have really enjoyed going through it to see all of the blogs that I love and read on a regular basis. One of my dear friends, Kim of Daisy Cottage fame, is highlighted in here and I loved seeing her article. So many great blogs out there, so if you are new to blogging, this is a good book to read, since it tells a lot about the basics of blogging too.
Then, I won a giveaway from The Flying Bee blog and the prize was a $5 Starbucks giftcard, which has already been spent on a Pumpkin Spice latte on the way to Bible study . YUM, by the way! The rest of the prize was a $50 gift certificate to the beautiful online shop, The Beautiful Life. I chose something for myself and it came all wrapped up in this beautiful box and ribbon.
I picked this gorgeous dove gray bird tureen and it is so pretty in person. Had enough left to get a sweet-smelling bar of Mango Butter soap, which I know I’ll love.
For now, I put the tureen in the dining room, but I think I’ll have to find a special place just for it.
Earlier this summer, I won a piece of jewelry from Kristen’s We are THAT Family giveaway, from LaBella’s Etsy shop. I chose this very special personalized bracelet and used our wedding pic cropped and in black and white and was so happy with the way it turned out.
Flanked by stamped sterling discs with our wedding date and names, it is a one of a kind treat for the wrist. Love it!
So, in case you think you are never lucky enough to win anything, I thought so too, until I joined blogland and started signing up for giveaways. I have been SO blessed with all of these, just wanted to encourage all of YOU to keep signing up too. You’re bound to win one day!
Jumping back to the monogram plaques that I showed you earlier this week, one of my readers, Sheila, emailed me these pics of her monogram letter project that I just had to share with you:
Sheila uses decoupage and scrapbook paper on her letters too (lay letter on paper, trace and cut), along with some pretty sparkly embellishments. Look closely and you’ll see pearl stickpins filled with pretty beads and finished off with an earring back.
More great Holiday gift ideas! Thanks, Sheila for sharing.
I really enjoyed reading all of your comments yesterday on the simple pleasures of life. Just goes to show, it’s not about the bucks, but about being content in the small things. I love that!
One more little pleasure I just treated myself to: a wireless keyboard and mouse combo. Now, that’s a good one, if you haven’t upgraded yet. I’m zippity-doo-dahhing along so fast now! Of course, y’all are probably way ahead of me. I’m not known for being on the fast-tech track. Heck, I didn’t even get a cellphone until 2002. And can you believe, I don’t even own an I-pod? or an I-phone? I know, it’s shameful, just shameful. 🙂
RE: Yardsale items! Still waiting to hear from Vanessa and Tracy. If you all would please email me back, I’d love to get these finalized. There are others in line for the items if you change your mind!
LOL–my husband has a wireless mouse/keyboard, but I just have a laptop. I think we’re going to get me a regular desktop when we do get my office area finished up, though. And I will definitely be pushing for a wireless set up!
I don’t have an MP3, an IPod, an IPhone, a Blackberry…nope. I don’t really text message, either, since it seems silly to text rather than call–esp as I can’t figure out how to shorten everything I want/need to say!
I’ll admit it. I’m a technophobe. Married to a technogeek. He’s working on programming in C and basic, building computerized items for his hobbies, and I’m just like a bobble head, nodding along while he discusses it with (at?) me…lol.
Maybe one of these days!
I’ve not won anything online, but I just finished up my first blog contest/giveaway, last night (it was a “name my new chick” contest, lol).
Oh Love, love, love everything. Congratulations. Your tureen is just wonderful, as well as everything else. Hugs, Marty
What a lucky gal you are!! You found/ won some beautiful items!! Congrats!!
Hi Rhoda!
So many great blessings! Isn’t Ruth’s shop the best?! I love what you picked out! Tara’s book is great, too. It helped me sooo much when I started my blog.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Wow! What fun goodies you won! Good for you 🙂
WOW what a stash… that bracelet Rhoda !!
And that tureen is gorgeous…..
I called myself the Susan Lucci of blogging until I won over at Fifi’s (Fifi Flowers Design)a few months back, love her & her work. And did the happy dance it was so FUN to win.
I hope I can do the Happy Dance again sometime.
I can’t get over how generous the bloggers are with their giveaways….
I also remember that rug you won (Our Creative Life)….that was amazing !!!
I just rubbed this post so maybe I will get lucky again LOL
Have a great day,
Kathy 🙂
***And the London Broil was awesome, that is such a hit here!
Wow, what a lucky streak you’ve had! Love the tureen.
I also stopped by to remind you not to miss Mood Board Monday…
I recently did a simlar project for a frame, got the inspiration and tutorial here:
I made one for a hostess gift and then 7 for the girls I work with who are teen moms trying to become independent and learning how to be good moms.
Lovely tureen. 🙂 I’ve been wanting to read “Blogging for Bliss.” Maybe that will go on my Christmas list. You’ve been a lucky lady!!
Thanks for showing us that there really are winners out there! So many cool things, but that bracelet is over the top! I love signing up for giveaways. Haven’t won yet, but my number’s coming up soon…I just feel it. Hopefully in the new year I can do a giveaway or too. Love that blogging book, will have to look for it. Take care Rhoda!
LOVE LOVE LOVE The bowl with the bird on the top!
I have been so blessed to win so many wonderful things too. Isn’t it fun? My daughters have won too. I have also been blessed to get to know so many wonderful ladies. In fact, this past week, I got to meet one of my blogger friends in person. It was so neat to finally meet someone that I knew so much about through reading her blog. We had an awesome time! I love all your things you won. Have a great weekend. Love & blessings from NC!
Hi Rhoda,
I am not very techno savvy at all! I don’t own a cell phone and usually only borrow hubbies when it’s absolutely necessary. We have a wireless mouse and its great providing the batteries keep their charge. I love not having to contend with unsightly wires though.
What great gifts you’ve been fortunate enough to win lately. Your bracelet is such a lovely keepsake.
Thank you for also featuring my monogram project today and thank you to your readers who left such kind comments. I have thought about the idea of someday starting a blog but I think that may only happen when I retire. In the meantime I’ll keep reading such great ones like yours. TFS! Sheila
Wow, you’re a lucky gal! I never win anything, and I don’t own an I-Pod or an I-Phone. Guess I’m boring too… LOL
Rhoda, I just read my comment. EEK! I mean that along with being behind the times, that I’m also boring. I don’t mean to insinuate that anyone else is boring!
You have been a lucky girl! As far as computers go and phones – I still use my old phone (I am happy with it) and I just bought a wireless mouse that I love! And it is red!
I had rather spend my money on other things. 🙂
See you on Tuesday at the Open House. Will we be able to take pics? If I can I will bring my camera.
Ok, I am REALLY going to look hard for some big wooden (or plastic?) letters! Between your project the other day, this project and the huge, sparkly letters I saw on a Christmas tree in a local shop the other day, I NEED some to use! But no where here sells them, so I’m watching for anything! So cute! Kids initials for their rooms/doors, family name for the tree or door. Lots of things would be so fun!
How beautiful and wonderful all of your blessings. I doubt that I will ever win anything because I’m not a blogger. At least, not yet. But I still enjoy reading all 681 blogs that I subscribe to! How can I ever find time to blog after spending all my time reading everyone’s blog?
Enjoy your goodies and I’ll keep enjoying your lovely blog.
Congrats on so many wonderful giveaway gifts! Wow! It must seem like Christmas to you already.
Happy weekend sweet friend!
You lucky lady! You won some really wonderful things. The book is a fun read since you’ll probably know some of the people! Love the tureen!