I think I mentioned how pretty my hibiscus are every year and this year is no exception! They are really bustin’ out right now & we just had a pretty good rain one day this week, so they are loving the water. These were only planted a year ago in February & they bloomed & bloomed last year & are even bigger this year.
This is the whole bed…there’s a Limelight hydrangea in the middle of the 2 hibiscus (the hibiscus on the right gets less sun, so is smaller). I can’t wait for them all to be in bloom at the same time. That’s a real treat.
Here’s an update on one of my containers. It’s really getting hard to get these things watered every day, with this dang drought we’re having, but I’m trying.
My basket is doing OK, not great.
Yardsale Finds: I know you all won’t be too surprised to find out that I’ve found some treasures to keep for myself & I hope you all are enjoying the items I’ve put in my shop. I just had to share a couple of things that I found in the last 2 weeks. I hit a wonderful estate sale on Friday & really lucked out on picking up 2 tole trays. There was a line to get in & everyone made a beeline inside the house when the doors opened in the garage, but I decided to browse out there first & these 2 tole trays were waiting for me. I paid $8.00 for the black one & will be keeping it. I’ve only found one other tole tray while yardsaling, so I figured I was due for another one. This one is a beauty, even if some of the black is a little scratched around the edges…it’s gorgeous!
This large green one was priced at $20. I’m putting this one on Ebay in case anyone is interested. It’s large & really pretty.
Here’s a closeup of the floral on that one. I don’t have a place to put this one or I would keep it too. I have an affinity for the black ones!
Thank you girls for stopping by! I appreciate it so much.
Marilyn asked about my Ebay shop, so I added a link to that on my sidebar, in case anyone is interested in looking.
Love those hibiscus and your trays – what a bonus find!
Have a great week.
Gorgeous flowers! Thinking I am hearing thunder in the distance…(please, please, please rain) rain desperately needed here too.
absolutely gorgeous hibiscus! Can we keep those year-round here in Alabama? My mom (who lives in Georgia) thinks it would die in the winter if I bought one.
I am loving all the stuff you find at yard sales! I’m going to have to accompany you some time!
Still looking forward to a trip to B’ham to meet you soon!
Love the finds and your flowers.
Hey, I was down in the south last week. Little Rock at Family Life Radio.
And I’ll be in Atlanta in 2 wks. I was reading your profile 🙂
Happy Week Rhoda!
For Reluctant Entertainers
Oh, your hibiscus and all your flowers are so beautiful 🙂
Get out! I love those trays! What a great find.
The hibiscus is breathtaking. Such a happy flower, isn’t it?
I love black, and want to start incorporating more of it into my kitchen. I didn’t know you had a shop online- I will have to check it out!!!
Those flowers are GORGEOUS! All your neighbors must adore you – I know mine defintely appreciate my floral quest for beauty! For me, I have found that if I fertilize once a week, I am having bigger and brighter blooms. I buy fertilizer from Walmart by a company called EXPERT…it’s granular and you just mix it with water. Maybe you could try that on some of yours!
Oh my what perfect flowers and more perfect treasures. Love the pictures!!!
Oh what gorgeous flowers ~ both the real ones and the painted ones!
Your hibiscus are beautiful. I have some just like those but they don’t bloom for about another month up here in Michigan. You lucky Southern gals get all the pretty blooms for so much longer than we do…..
Love the trays, I would be so tempted to keep them both.
Life At Home
Your hibiscus are beautiful. It takes mine until fall to grow back and bloom again, so it is hidden behind my hydrangea.
I sold a black tole tray on eBay several years ago and I still regret it. I’ve never run across another one–at garage sale prices, that is. Yours is very pretty.
I love your skirt. It’s adorable.
Your hibiscus is absolutely gorgeous. I love it against the picket fence…very pretty!
Rhoda- I’m so jealous of your green thumb. Everything looks so beautiful that it’s hard to believe you have been in that house for such a short time. Love your yardsale finds too. I never find cloths so designer duds are especially lucky.
Beautiful blooms! Love them! And your latest finds are wonderful too! I love your new on-line shop! Have fun Rhoda! You are such an inspiration!
Your yardsale finds are fantastic! I took Folk Art painting lessons in ’86 and the amount of work that has gone into your trays is incredible! We planted a hibiscus in the garden to celebrate my husbands 50th – last year was the first time it bloomed … large burgandy tea plate size blossoms. Your gardens are gorgeous!
Wow, I love your blog! I love yard sales too. See somewhere near the beginning of my blog http://www.sunnypondhome.blogspot.com for some of my exciting finds. I am currently all pumped up to go to the local antique show/flea market that comes to our town the second Sunday of the month! I’m sure I will be a devoted reader of your site from here on out! Thank-you for the neat ideas for your finds!
P.S. Hibiscus are my second favorite garden flower next to hollyhocks. Yours are gorgeous.