Speaking of blogging opportunities, I am going to be on the lookout for ways to sign up for opportunities that might be out there. The way to find out about these opportunities is to keep your eyes and ears open.
Here’s one I recently came across that I’ve signed up for. I have no idea how it all works, but thought I’d pass it along to some of you who might be looking for ways to get giveaways or paid reviews. There are so many new things out there now with internet businesses and I know I’m not the only one interested! They send emails with business contacts and you can decide if it is a good fit with your blog or not. Check it out and see what you think! I’m just passing this along.
I just got an email from Sharon here in Georgia about the tornado relief effort in Alabama, so please read this and pass it on if you are in the Atlanta area. Drop offs in Newnan, GA:
Please drop off donations at the Newnan GNC for the AL tornado victims. We are coordinating with Adam Scott from 2 Men & a Truck (PTC) who is making weekend deliveries to and volunteering with the First Wesleyan Baptist Church in Tuscaloosa (which is acting as a distribution center for the local relief efforts).
Needed items: non-perishable (in date) food, new or like-new clothing & shoes, baby supplies, toilettries, first aid supplies, can openers (hand), childen’s toys/books, etc… The need is great (est. 15,000 people now homeless in Tuscaloosa alone)- please donate whatever you can. We’re on Bullsboro, in the Super Wal-Mart SC, next to Lowes. Thanks.
Sharon @ the Newnan GNC
Thanks, Rhoda, for posting the information about tornado relief efforts for Tuscaloosa. I received an email today from the UofA (I am an alumna) about the UofA Acts of Kindness Fund your readers can Google and contribute if they wish. You have such a sweet, caring, and kind spirit, Rhoda.
Rhoda, it is all over the state. Cordova was completely wiped out. 11 tornadoes all together. EF3’s to EF5’s. They were big when they were on the ground they traveled for miles tearing up everything. It wasn’t a house here and there. We are talking whole neighborhoods gone. 2 towns are gone. Forests and trees are laying down or are snapped off at the base. It is only by the grace of God that people actually walked away from this. And as I understand it, GA got a good bit as well.
Hope you are doing well.
Thanks so much for posting this info. We left Trussville that morning, and saw damage from the early morning storms that came thru on the same path taken again later in the day. That huge tornado came within a mile of our son’s house , and we weren’t sure we weren’t talking to him for the last time as we traveled back here to Texas.Don’t understand why some were spared, and others not, but I do know we were all” saved to serve” as one of my favorite pastors used to say. We want to help!
Please allow me to add my best wishes also to you Rhoda….. you’ve brought so much sunshine to my life thru your blog, (which is at the top of the list)- as you introduced me to the blogworld.You are truly as someone else has said, a” Steel Magnolia,” and your charming style of writing keps all of us coming back for more… tales of your family are so heartwarming, and give insight into how the strong roots of your faih were first established. I echo nearly everyone else who commented- you are gifted and talented in this area, and I believe God will bless everything you do, as you bring blessings to others thru this work. I am so thrilled you are continuing this, and can’t wait to see what’s ahead.
God bless -you are a sweetheart !
It looks like you are going to find a few great solutions to expand what you love doing. It’s so wonderful seeing our neighboring states helping with tornado relief. While Audley & I were spared damage, so many of our neighbors (and community) did not. An E-4 in the valley can destroy a lot before it can finally bounce free. I think it is awesome the way everyone has come together!
I just finished taking a photography class at our local community college and I had a great idea for you. We had to fill out a review of the class and one question was “What other classes would you like to take?” At the time I didn’t think about this, but later I thought I would like to take an home decoration class for the amateur. So then I thought about how you’d be the perfect teacher for such a class and I bet you’d love it. And you’d get paid for it. Just wanted to drop you that idea! (obviously that would be at a community college near you, not the one by me)
I actually just signed up for Social Spark and really like it so far. The first lead they offered was for Pier 1, so THAT was a super easy post to write! It doesn’t pay tons but I’m thinking it will add up. I’m also very picky about sponsored posts, so I like that I only have to choose things that appeal to me. Here’s the link if you are interested in signing up, feel free to get in touch if you have any questions about it:
Good luck! There’s money to be made out there if you have the time, and I know your friends will support you as you move toward full-time blogging.