So, I got in my new big-girl camera (Canon T1i) and have just this week been playing with it. I goofed. I ordered the camera online, thinking it came with the kit lens. And it didn’t! I got the camera and was patiently waiting for the other box to arrive, that had the lens, camera case, and some accessories. That 2nd box finally arrived and NO lens.
Uh oh! Went back online to where I had ordered from and discovered that nope, the lens didn’t come with it (I could have sworn I read ALL the fine print on this one). It was still a decent price, but I could have done better ordering the camera and lens together. I did find a good online price for the kit lens and now it is on the way. In the meantime, I had ordered another lens, the 50 mm/1.8 Canon that I had heard great things about and it got here fast, so that is what I’m playing with at the moment.
You know how you try really hard to get the best deal you can get when you’re researching something big like this? I had done that, but I think they must be running some specials for Father’s Day, cause now I’m seeing better deals than what I got. Much better! I’ll tell you about one below.
I’m loving the pics and have walked around the house taking a few snapshots to test it out. Wowza, what a difference I think.
Love the details.
This is going to be fun. I love those blurred backgrounds and this does it so easy (I think that’s called Depth of Field). 🙂
All these were taken in Program, no flash.
Can’t wait to get really good and learn what I’m doing with this thing, but it takes great pics, even on Auto or Program.
I’m determined to learn more about photography. 🙂
These are all right out of the camera with minimal Contrast applied.
So, we’ve had a cat and now Mr. Chippy getting into the bird feeder. He was so cute, we let him get up there and eat. His little cheeks were bulging by the time he hopped down and ran off.
Playing around before we went out to dinner last night.
I’ve got SO much to learn about this camera.
We went down to Petals from the Past Saturday morning and I got a few flower shots.
I’m really pleased with how pretty the shots look with minimal effort. When I figure out what I’m doing they should be outstanding. 🙂
But, so far I’m loving the camera and I know it will be plenty for me for a long time. I thought I’d post some pics since some of you are thinking about upgrading to a DSLR too.
After I ordered my camera, I have found even better deals on the Canon T1i than I bought. Like this one here (at $579, that is a steal! 2 days ago it was $649, then went down to the price it is now since then). That link is for the camera AND kit lens and is a great price. If you’re looking for a deal right now, you might want to jump on one of these, it is less than what I paid. Let’s see how long that price lasts!
And no, I don’t get anything for that link, just wanted to pass it on. I wish I had gotten this deal! I think they must change those online prices daily, because it was more when I looked at it the day before and it’s been a month since I ordered mine.
Rhoda, go to Pioneer Woman’s blog and she has great photography tutorials.!
Wowza! The pictures ARE impressive! Gorgeous home! Thanks so much for sharing all the great info! Bet you’re clicking away right now 😉
Okay, I love the chipmunk picture! 🙂 Too cute. You have some really good shots, Rhoda!
Any good photographer will always tell you to never, ever buy the camera kit because the lens that comes with the kit is usually a piece of crap. You would have been better off not going back and ordering the ‘kit lens’ you thought you were getting and just sticking with that 50mm f/1.8 lens. Any 50mm lens is a good purchase.
Great photos… enjoy your new camera!
Beth, I know…I’ve heard that too about the kit lens, but since I’m brand new with all of this, I figured I could learn a lot on that lens & between the 2 of them, I should be OK for awhile. I’m looking forward to making this camera work for me & learning the ropes too.
Isnt a DSLR just awesome? I especially love the no shutter lag.
I took a really affordable 8 week class at my local community college. It was fun, and gave me some much need “me” time.. (I have 4 kids 11 and under at home)
Also I wanted to say if you order online(Amazon or something),they will the refund the difference if their price becomes cheaper. You have up to 30 days to claim the difference. I have done a few times and have always gotten the refund. Good luck!
Rhoda, So glad you got a t1i because I got one for Mother’s Day. I thought it was going to be easier and I would make great pictures and was I wrong because I have so much to learn. Glad for all the comments to learn about helps out there.
I have to tell you something else that is funny. I have been reading your blog probably a year now or close to it. Of course, many of the places you blog about I am familiar with in Birmingham because I live in south Alabama. My friend’s daughter lives in Birmingham and I asked my friend to ask her daughter if she was familiar with Sally Ann’s. We talk everyday and both of us kept forgetting to discuss whether or not she knew where that was. Long story short the daughter had not heard of Sally Ann’s. I told her I would try to find the post that talked about it because I knew I remembered at least two posts. Anyway I found the post and I had not read it clearly to understand Sally Ann’s was a blog nickname for the Salvation Army. We really had a good laugh about it. Thought it might amuse you and a few others too.
Thomas just gave me a Canon Rebel for my birthday. I am so pleased with it and having a lot of fun learning as I go. Looks like you are too!
Your Friend,
Looks like a great Camera, and very good shots too, Hugs
Ah! You are going to love it! It is amazing what a difference it makes! That was a great deal too!
I am definitely going to learn better photography…I’ve got a friend and this is inspiring me more! Thank you!
Hi Rhoda. I just started following your blog and love it! I am a fellow Alabamian, below you in Mobile. Congrats on your new camera. I just recently got a new one after much research. I went with a Nikon. If you haven’t checked out Ken Rockwell, I would say check his site out:
I learned a lot from reading his site for an hour or so.
I looked at he does not have a tutorial on your camera as in depth as he did mine, but if you read his stuff he gives great tips (regardless of which camera you use) and says it in a way that a newbie will understand. Have fun!
I just have to comment again because I learned so much from this post both from you Rhoda and all those commenting. I am considering the on line course mentioned .
Also thanks for your encouragement. I posted twice since you noticed it had been since Easter. I will tell you though I uploaded pics and received error 400 so many times I was ready to quit. It is very frustrating. Are there others using Blogger having trouble?