(In Style Home, Spring 2006, I believe this is Mariah Carey’s closet)
Oh, according to my hubby, yes you can. But, at least I don’t have this many!
Me and shoes go WAY back. My closet has always held its share of shoes, especially when I was younger. Now, I try to keep only the shoes that I know I will wear regularly and it’s still hard to pare them down. I have one of those shoe cubbies that holds 25 and it’s overflowing, so I really need to get in there and decide which ones to keep. I mean, how many pairs of black shoes do you need? Apparently, a lot. Casual, dressy, heels, flats, and everything in between.
So, I just added 3 more to the collection. A cute as a button pair of Cole Haan black and white flats. I wore flats years ago when they were really popular and now they are back again and looking really stylish, so I really needed a good pair (or 2) and with my love of all things black and white, these will be so versatile for the wardrobe. A TJ Maxx special, they were even on clearance for $25. You sure can’t beat that.
Never one to like old lady shoes or those “comfort” shoes that so many older women wear, if a shoe looks strange on my foot, I am not gonna wear it. Pure and simple, I don’t care how comfortable it is, if it is clodhopper UGLY, there is no way in the world that I’m going to like myself in them. Are you like that too? Shoes can make or break an outfit. When I was in my 20’s, I couldn’t imagine ever wearing ugly shoes just for the sake of comfort, but now that I’m older, comfort has become more important with the bunions I’m now sporting (never thought that would happen either!). Even now, comfort does not totally override style and fashion. I still have to feel and look cute in them! Take for instance, the ever-popular Crocs. I think those are the ugliest shoes known to mankind. Now don’t take offense if you love them, that’s just my opinion.
This pair (above) I picked up at Rack Room and they are really comfortable. I’d never heard of the brand (Bjorndal), but they feel great on and they are just right for a casual look without looking old-lady. Perfect with jeans and I think they may become my favorite casual shoes. With socks in the winter, without in summer.
I couldn’t resist this pair of flat Aerosoles either, on clearance at TJ Maxx for $15. Whatta deal!
I’m not even going to count how many shoes I have, but it’s probably around 40 or so, counting the boots. I’m sure many of you have way more than that. Some of them have to go, my closet just isn’t big enough to keep hoarding them like I do, especially since I don’t wear them all.
So, do you love shoes too? Come on, fess up! Do you have a favorite brand of shoes (for comfort) and do you only wear shoes that you FEEL good in? How important are comfort AND looks? I’ve had great luck with Aerosoles for both style AND comfort and find them quite often at TJ Maxx.
So, go ahead and tell us how many pairs YOU have, while we’re talkin’! And excuse me, while I clean out my shoes to make room for 3 more.
Edited to add: Julia at Hooked on Houses is having her linky party today & since I seemed to be hooked on shoes, I’m adding this post. Go on over and take a look at all the other things people are hooked on!
Olive Rue says
Those are a lot of shoes!!! Looks like a shoe department at Macy’s. No, I don’t think we can ever have too many…but like most men (including my hubby) yes, you can have too many. That’s a an argument we often have. 🙂
Kasey says
I too love shoes! (I mean who doesn’t right?!)
My fave for comfort are my gray New Balance.
But I just bought the cutest pair of purple suede boots from ALDO! They look so cute with a cute pair of skinny jeans!
I can’t hardly wear heels (I chase 2 little ones around all day) So I go for the stylish flats!
Love the black and white pair!!!
Ki says
Your post made me laugh out loud when I read your quote…Shoes can make or break and outfit.
Last weekend I was invited to dinner with my folks. When getting dressed, I realized I didn’t bother to pack anything but lace up tennies, (we used to call them bumpers in the sixties) as I headed south for the winter. So I figured if I dressed in my nice black slacks, pretty crocheted sweater with perfect makeup, and meticulously groomed hair, nobody would notice my worn out blue bumpers. My plan was to stand only in the middle of large groups and sit down immediately at a table to hide my feet.
It worked! Nobody noticed, or atleast they were polite and kept it to themselves. My shoes totally broke my outfit. I need a pair of those black patents!
RealEstateGirl says
Just stopping by to say “hi” and “Happy New Year!” (I know I’m a little behind)… I’ve been “away” for a while and just wanted to check back in and see how you were!
HOpe all is well!
Jillian, Inc says
Oh yes, how I love shoes. I think I have nearly 100 pair – but that’s for all seasons, so really only 25 at any given time – ha! I still go for fashion over function and comfort. I wear heels every week day to work, with a few exceptions on Friday. I am tall so I also love flats, which I wear on the weekends. I’m also a big fan of Sketcher “sneakers” – have several pair and I always buy them at Kohl’s. My other favorite brands are Cole Haan, Burberry (though they tend to run a bit narrow sometimes), Coach, Tory Burch, Via Spiga, and Donald Pliner. Talbots also has had some great looking shoes the past couple seasons. And I never pay full price for any shoes- that’s a rule I never break!
Lisa says
Enjoy your new shoes.
I used to be a shoe freak. In college, I made a film (received an A on it) using only shoes and one actor. My own collection starred in the film. Back when I wore fashionable shoes, I was a cool, creative type!
My feet are shaped like ice cream cones. I can’t buy narrows, which would fit my heels, because the front of my foot is a medium. I rarely can wear shoes without ties or straps that buckle. Backless syles are perfect.
I draw the line at wearing my Crocs anywhere, except in the garden. They are wonderful for playing in the dirt.
Amanda@Imperfectly Beautiful says
Oh dear! It’s confession time, huh? Oh let’s see…I probably have 50 or 60 pair. I think I might wear 20 of them on a regular basis. So it looks like it’s high time for me to declutter my shoes! I’m not really particular about any one brand and I definitely prefer fashion over function! The one brand I do LOVE is Yellow Box for my flip flops and sandals. I think it must be a “southern thang”, because alot of people have never heard of them. Btw, I agree with you about TJ Maxx. I always find great shoes, sometimes designer brands, at a great price. Marshalls is good too! What a fun post.
justabeachkat says
Well, since you’ve actually seen my closet, I can’t very well lie about how many I have. LOL I love both pair of your new flats. The other one just isn’t my style, but cute. I’ve just buy two new pairs of flats…brown and black. I love them both.
btw…I’ve missed your visits.
Blondie's Journal says
Hi Rhoda!
What a fun post. Where do you get these ideas??
I am not nearly an old lady, not even middle aged, but I did have a bunion (what an ugly word) 3 years ago. I had to have it removed and my foot was never the same. Before that I had shoes everywhere, probably 60 pair and I loved heels with everything. Now it is flip flops in the summer and UGG boots in the winter. They are the only things that don’t hurt. The good/bad news is that I am having another surgery to fix that foot for good and then I can start a new shoe collection!!!
Rose says
I am defiently with you on the crocs! I hate them to! Only time I have EVER worn the things was to go feed my ducks! lol yep feed my ducks! A friend of ours had bought some and they hurt his feet so he gave them to my DH. DH wasn’t wearing them so I said, hey they’ll make GOOD duck shoes! lol I can hose them off over and over and not tear them up. So Rhoda, if you get cha some ducks, get cha a pair or crocs! 😉 hee hee can’t beat em for feeding the ducks in. 😉
Helen says
I’m hesitant to share this, but … years ago I had both feet operated on – bunions. My surgeon told me to throw away each and ever pair of heels I owned as they would counteract the changes in my feet that surgery created. Oh, how hard it was to part with those three inch beauties! I still dream about them. The surgery left me, years later, with somewhat deformed toes which my surgeon actually told me would happen SO thongs like Tevas feel great, I love flat boots, and thong sandals in warm weather. No more heels …. boo, hoo.
KMfamily ;-) says
I dont know any gal who doesn't enjoy getting a new pair of shoes!
Who cares if they just gave you blisters, as long as you look smokin in them, thats what counts!
& YES! a shoe can make or break an outfit. Hands down!
thats just my philosophy
Elaine says
Wow. Most women really are alike, aren’t they! I have about 100 pairs, I think, if I include running shoes (2 pairs) and summer sandals. I tend to rotate among maybe 20 – 25 pairs for each season. Favorite brands are Coach by Joan and David (they run wider than most which is perfect for my foot), Donald J Pliner, jCrew and Franco Sarto. I don’t have a lot of time to shop so I get stuff from Zappos.com because it’s easy to return if needed 🙂 Did you count boots? I forgot to! lol
Lisa says
What a great post. I have many many shoes, still in the double digits (for now ;o) Cute shoes by the way.
An Accomplished Woman says
I don’t think you can have too many shoes. That’s my story and I am sticking to it. Rhoda, love your site, you are always an inspiration.
The Blonde Duck says
Stopping in to say hi! It looks like you’re crazy for shoes! 🙂
Marie says
Fun post! However, I am so NOT a shoe person. I just don’t get the appeal! lol I’ll wear a pair of shoes until they are falling apart and then begrudgingly buy a new pair!
Anonymous says
I have well over a hundred pairs of shoes and definitely need to downsize. I have many pairs that I’ve never even worn. I have been buying flats (including boots) the last few years and love them. Since I’ve retired, this winter I’ve been finding myself mostly in either Nikes or Pumas with jeans. I have to admit to owning a pair of Crocs, but they’re simple sandals and really not too ugly. Don’t even get me started on my (expensive, but purchased on sale) handbag collection!
sandra/tx says
I’m sure my husband would say I have too many, but not true. 😉
KayEllen says
Wow Rhoda…you are right that’s an amazing closet!!
Love it when I am out and about and find a great pair of shoes…on SALE!!!!
Thanks for sharing;0)
Have a great weekend!
Warm hugs from sunny southern California,