Great news! The granite is IN. I’m about to pee my pants with excitement, it looks exactly like I thought it would and I’m just doing the happy dance. They are cleaning up now and the plumber will be here tomorrow to install the faucet. It will take me a few days to clean up, since we have Mother’s Day festivities this weekend, so expect some pics next week!
Also, thanks to all of you who came by for the Garden Party, it was a lot of fun and I hope all the blooms inspired and got you more excited to dig in the dirt.
About 8 years ago, I found this plate at a yardsale. It was milkglass and I knew it was collectible, vintage, blah-blah-blah. Did I care? Nope. I decided to decoupage it, since I was in the decoupage stage at that time and thought it would be quite pretty with a bunny on it. So I painted it black, used some wallpaper I had on hand and pasted this cute bunny in the center. And I really loved it for a long time. It hung on the wall in my bedrooms. But, now that I’m collecting white dishes, I decided I might try to get that paint off and use it as it should have been originally. Milkglass.
Out came the Goof Off and with a little scraping with a razor blade and rubbing with the Goof Off….Eddie Ross would be horrified at me, especially since I see this same large plate in his Etsy store! 🙂
I got that paint all off. I even used toothpicks to get it out of the crevices.
And hanging in the dining room on the wall. Even though I’m still not an official milkglass collector, I like this plate. The cut-out edges are so pretty and it looks right at home with my other white dishes.
So, this is just a word of caution…be careful what you paint. You just might change your mind later!
I can’t wait to see your granite pictures. I have new respect for ‘Goof Off’ now after reading your latest post!
Wow, looks fantastic. I can’t believe what a transition a little paint can make. I have a wardrobe I’m thinking of painting and would love your input. I posted it on my blog.
NOW ya tell me! (LOL!)
Wow! Wow! Wow! I can’t believe it’s the same plate! Beautiful!
Hugs from Eventually Cottage!
What a pretty plate!! Wow! You did a great job cleaning it! It looks great on the wall!
Can’t wait to see your granite!! And the milk glass looks beautiful! I am wanting to switch to white too! Love your BLOG!!
What is it we’ve been saying all these years? It’s only paint! I love it! Wanted to wish you a happy granite day! Can’t wait to see the end results!
I laughed when I saw your plate because I’ve been wondering about all this furniture painting I see all over blogland. How many painters will regret their decision in a few years? Getting white paint (or black, or red) out of the grain of fine wood will probably be almost impossible. So I haven’t yet painted my oak armoire, but I would really like to!
Hey girl….I am so happy for you getting your new countertops!!!! Can’t wait to see them…love that you turned the plate back to the original… is gorgeous and yes I have painted many a things and then later wish I hadn’t!!!! lol I hope you have a fantastic Mother’s Day weekend girl!
This is the reason my dh won’t let me paint our wood cabinets. He thinks I’ll want wood again someday. Jen
You should have called this “The Plate That Lead Two Lives”! They e certainly are different and each style filled its purpose at the time. Hope you are happy with your granite and have a happy Mother’s Day!
What a tedious task! But, hey, the plate has had a couple lives in your house now. Fun! ~Mindy
Holy cow, what a job to uncover that milkglass! But it is beautiful! Either way, you had a pretty plate!
LOL Rhoda that is exactly something I would have done! lol That is too funny! Just happy you were able to get the paint off. I am so afraid I am going through a paint phrase in my life right now and worry one day I will regret painting my wood furniture AND my cabinets that I plan on painting soon.
I missed your garden party yesterday but saw it late last night. So today I posted pix on my blog of my garden. Come on over and check them out.
Oh my goodness, my stomach just did a flip flop seeing a milk glass plate with paint all over it! I think I’m recovered now. lol It was cute but I’m glad you restored it. It’s a great plate!
Wow, I can’t believe it came off! Awesome!
Wow! You are so patient to get all of the paint off of that plate! It is beautiful!
I can’t wait for pics of your granite!
Wow – it looks as good as new! I can’t believe you got all the black paint off. I think it has finally stopped raining here so hopefully I can join your garden party a little on the late side!
That plate painting looks great!
Girl, you amaze me. I’m astonished! You are so gifted in all that you do. You also have a gift for patience. Ha ha! I don’t know that I could have taken the time scrub out all the paint from the crevices with toothpicks. Both looks to the plate were gorgeous and the white looks stunning again! Ammmaaazzziiinngggg!
Also, you signed my blog and mentioned guest blogging. Do you ever do that on someone else’s blog? If so, I’d be honored to have you guest on mine once we return from vacation. Let me know if this is something you do or would be interested in doing. I’d be in seventh heaven if you did. 🙂 No pressure or anyting. Ha ha! And ps…I’m humbled and flattered at the thought that you would have even contemplated having me on yours. You are such a sweetheart.
Blessings, Angie Seaman