You Atlanta girls need to pay BIG attention to this post!
You’re gonna love me for sharing this crazy fun huge shopping spot and I have my friend, Debbie (Miss Lucy’s Monograms)to thank for turning me on to Cash Hotel Furniture Liquidation down south of Atlanta in Forsyth, GA. I grew up going to church camp as a youngster at Indian Springs, GA, so Forsyth is near and dear to my heart. Debbie has a knack for sniffing out bargains just like I do and she found this place. It’s an hour and 1/2 from where we live, but Debbie, our friend, Jen and I headed down there recently early one morning. I had to convince Debbie that it was my duty to share the goods with my readers. She wasn’t so sure we needed to get the word out. 🙂
This place is amazing! It’s huge, it’s full of hotel liquidation things, all pieces that you would imagine from a hotel chain. Only we’re not talking Motel 6. No, no, no, we’re talking Caesar’s Palace Atlantic City and the Ritz Carlton Amelia Island. Nice places! Expensive stuff, they don’t do junk at those hotels.
Yeah, not too shabby, huh?
You are going to DIE from excitement when I show you what is in here! Nope, I am not kidding.
You bargain hunters are going to get as excited as I did when I walked in here and took it all in. My excitement could hardly be contained! Bargains, bargains, everywhere bargains.
I tried to take notes on the prices, so a lot of them I captured the pricetags. These were really cute rattan dinette sets, I think they were $99 for the set.
A few things were over $200, but not many. These chairs came from Caesars Palace Atlantic City and if I remember right, were $299 each. Everything else goes DOWN from here in price.
Wait, just wait!
Set of cute country dining chairs.
$39 smackers! Not bad at all.
Framed prints galore, starting at $5!!
Golf print was $10. The frames alone are worth that and really, some of the art was still pretty,
Large round mirror $29. I know, can you stand it? You could paint this any color you want. It’s large too, not small.
Mirrors galore, in all price points. Most a bargain!!
I can’t read this pricetag, but I think it was under $100 for this pretty cabinet.
You can see this leather chair was $159 and the pillow $10. I was walking around with my mouth gaped open. Even if you don’t like the fabrics, it might be worth recovering. Hotels freshen up their rooms and lobbies and this place buys them out and recycles them. I love the concept!!
$199 for this pretty wingchair. A lot of the upholstery is still in decent shape if you find a fabric you like. Some needed a bit of cleaning. Debbie has bought a few chairs and lots of other things here already.
Modern side table, $39.
Traditional wood frame chair $29. Are you dyin’ yet?
Cute, cute wood and fabric French style chair, $39. I’ll take 2 please!
This cool statue was $79.
More mirrors, silver $29
Classic gold and black for $49. You can tell these are huge.
Ornate furniture, lamps and mirrors.
This was a HUGE framed neo-classical print for $299, more expensive than most things, but it was taller than me!
Debbie bought one of these for $49.
There was a pair of these yellow chairs for $79 each. Don’t they look comfy?
Two of these plaid chairs, $79 each. They were cute, I thought!
This large armoire was $159.
More framed art, I think this was about $20.
Check out these brass lamps with the plugs in the base. Now that could come in handy for plugging in electronics on a side table.
More framed art, $49.
Tons of framed art and lamps.
Deb bought one of these cute cottage side tables for $19.
We all loved this pierced white ceramic lamp for $29.
Desk and chair, I think both were about $100 something total. Really good prices.
Ritz Carlton Amelia Island drapes, $19 each. Now, I know these colors are NOT the height of fashion, but you just might find something for the price.
Ritz Carlton drapes and valances, a pretty purple and green toile. $19, yep read it!
They are hanging and stacked in the back of the store. My mouth was still hanging open even after an hour of walking around snapping pics.
More drapes.
$99 for this bathroom vanity.
These cornice boards were $5 each! You could easily recover the boards, love that thick cording.
Padded headboard, I think these were $100+.
Debbie bought one of these when she went earlier, $79 for this gorgeous black and gold side table. I love these! They would be great as nightstands in a bedroom.
All wood side round table, $19. Paint this baby and watch it change!
$99 for this pretty cherry all wood traditional side table.
Another modern silver one for $39.
French style, this one would be easy to recover for $99.
Loved this gold-toned coffee table for $89. It was beautiful!
French style nightstands for $129. This could be painted too.
I love barley twist legs and this little side table was $29. Are you jumping in your car yet?!
Another bargain, solid turned wood floor lamps for $19. Debbie and Jen bought one.
$79 with a black granite like top. Love the shape.
Tons of lamp bases for $1 and $5. What are the possibilities on this table?
$10 for these ceramic bases. Oh how fun would these be too. You could always spray paint them, don’t forget that.
Wall sconces, $1. One measly dollar!!! I can’t stand it.
Pretty French style sconce, $10. You can bet I’ll be heading back here when I get a house. OH yeah!
Silver tissue boxes, $5.
Caesars Atlantic City wall sconces, $1.50. Die now!
Cute Jen bought one of those white and turquoise side tables, $19. There were 2 different feet to choose from. She got the turned feet, Debbie got the bun feet.
This pretty piece was $199. Biedermier anyone?!
So after 2 hours of wandering around, it was time to get that stuff to the SUV. Jen’s SUV. I did not think they would get all of it in there, but those loading guys surprised me.
Here’s part of it.
The guys worked diligently on packing that SUV like a puzzle and got every single thing in there. I was shocked!
2 chairs, ottoman, 3 side tables, 4 lamps, and misc. stuff. It was crazy and exhilarating.
There was just enough room for Debbie to sit here.
Packed to the gills, but we made it. I totally did not think they would get it all packed in the SUV, but everything made it home with those girls. And no, I didn’t buy a thing, but had a ball looking at all those goodies. You can bet your grocery money that I’ll be heading back down there.
It’s a treasure trove and the guy that runs the place told me that many designers come in here. Yeah, I can see why!!
I know all you Atlanta girls are going to be heading down to check it out. It’s right off I-75, you can see it from the interstate, exit in Forsyth, GA. Forsyth is between Atlanta and Macon. Debbie had been telling me all about it and I am so glad I got to see it in person. It’s fantastic and as you can see, the prices ROCK!!
So, who’s going first?
This is one of my favorite places. $5.00 feather pillows in zippered covers, $10, $15 alternative down comforters king size, awesome curtains (like my bedroom). I get here every couple of months. The furniture and pics come from Ritz Carlton, Marriott, Sheraton…all the upper end hotels…oh…and Disney Resorts. 🙂 Like anywhere else you have to dig, but worth the time. Beautiful framed art at a steal!!
All of us girls in Macon know this place. I am the absolute bargain queen, and yet, haven’t been yet! I find so many goodies here in town, that it keeps me busy. Like a Dior sweater and (several, actually but bought just one) a pair of Salvatore Ferragamo loafers at Goodwill. Now our Goodwill stores have “caught on” that women who also shop upscale shop at Goodwill…and the prices are no longer the bargains they once were. Sad, because I end up shopping there less and less. (I will pay, but not close to retail, for used items with no warranty or return priveleges. Sorry. I do still donate avidly to Goodwill and always will.) I am giving you my heart now…! Not to be taken lightly. On 75-S towards FL, there is an exit for Byron, Ga. (We still refer to it as “where the strip club used to be – right across the street. Lol.) You may have to ask around for better directions. If the place has a name…I have never noticed it. Anyway, it is huge. Perhaps not the sq. ft. of Cash Liquidators. However, it is packed to the gills, and pretty orderly – with a treasure trove! There is furniture/tables/lamps, books, antique-y appliances (you will see something nostalgic, for sure), and then collectible glass and silver/silver plate. There is a jewelry case. There is gobs of fabric, seasonal decor, and ugly old art. The next room is women’s clothing and jewelry. A separate barn full of damaged (some lightly) furniture. TRULY, this is a hit or miss, depending on the day kind of place. SO, my best find? A Spode Sleigh centerpiece (retails for over $100) for .70 cents. There is a small chip which is immaterial, to me, since I wasn’t trying to add to a Spode set or anything. But, saving $99.30 for an item currently being sold was quite a coup. I love it, too. It’s a beautiful piece (and large) of fine Spode china. My other great find there was a white mink (a bit yellowed) that fit perfectly. It was marked $30 and I was in full trot to the register when the owner (and sole price negotiator; hope she is there if you go) said to me, “I’ll take $20 for that.” Apparently, she thought I was going to the register to ask for the price. So, I said, “Great! Thank you.” And walked out with my white mink for $20. I have experienced the envy of many with this and my other (bargain-find) furs. Macon also has a row of Antique shops that is quite good and reasonable, I think. (Small market.) It is in the “Ingleside” neighborhood. There are beautiful homes all around, too. All were authentic, architect-built, I am sure. Ingleside in on Ingleside street. If you can find a main road called “Vineville” – there is a small sign indicating where to turn for Ingleside. I recommend doing Google or Mapquest. I will try to find a few actual names to publish. That will help. One moment. Wow, the “Ingleside Village” has its own website! Here it is: These are serious but friendly shops. The wares are of true American and European provenance. An armoire that costs $1,000, though, may be worth $5,000 (if you know your stuff.) If you collect Primitive, there is a lot of it.(I would make a pun, but won’t.) There is a clutch of shops after Ingleside Village, so if you still have the energy, look for them. They are also very good. Also home decor and wine. For lunch, go to Panera on Tom Hill, Sr. Blvd. (right off 75-S.) For dinner, splurge at Bonefish Grill. It is of the first order. As good as any restaurant I’ve enjoyed in any major city! Plus, you can go in jeans, or full-tilt Sex and the City. Every bite and sip is impeccable. Tell them Kris Bass-Malloy sent you. Love you, my fellow shoppers-with-passion and purpose! Ask me any questions at [email protected]. All the best, Kris
P.S. Speaking of purpose. I know that if I save $10 – I can put that to a truly worthy cause – like charity. Give and you shall receive. Truly has worked for me all my life. And it feels so good, too. I know you do the same…xoxo.
P.S. If you need a guide, email me. If I am able to do it on your date, I sure will! Just hydrate me and we have a deal (I drink crazy amounts of cold water. Always have.) It is hard to describe where things are in Macon. The layout is haphazard. That is why I offer. I cannot give precise locales. I do know, myself, where everything is however. By the way, there is a place I just learned of (from my hubby!) that is a huge Antique Flea Market (on the skirt of town.) Also, there is HomeStore with discarded (by contractors) high-end building products such as doors, windows, tiles!, and fixtures. (Another you-never-know-what you’ll find kind of store.) Also, a grungy store that benefits kids/homeless and has lots of trash and then you find the vintage/marked handbags and belts I found there…it is worth a look! They had jaw-dropping garden furniture (sectionals!) this year for such a great price. Yes, it may pay to travel 1.5 hrs. to our town. I grew up in Atlanta and I know I would have, had I known. One day there may be a shuttle!! No really, it has being batted back and forth for a decade or more. It would make hauling your finds difficult (though I am sure most shops would UPS big items.) You could just carry generous bags or a 27″ suitcase for the rest? IF we ever get the shuttle, that is. It would be so mutually beneficial. Perhaps we will get leadership with that vision. (We will if I run for Mayor at 50, as I keep threatening, LOL. Everyone says they would vote for me!) Cheers to all!
Hi, Kris, thanks for stopping by! Wow, you are a wealth of knowledge about Macon. I have only been down to Cash Furniture that one time and have no idea when I’d make it down to Macon, but it sounds like there is great shopping down there. I’m up in Marietta, so it’s a bit of a haul down there. Since I’m renovating my house right now and have lots of stuff in storage, I don’t need a lot, but it’s always good to find more good antiques/thrifting spots. Glad you shared your expertise with us!
I need the phone# of Cash Furn. Liqudators/Forsyth
Was looking for my grandaughter a desk for her home office and found you site and all I could do if click from picture to picture! Can’t wait to show this to her. thank you so much for sharing this wonderful place with the rest of us!!
Great information. My daughter just bought a house and what a great place to start shopping. Thank you ladies!
There is no address on your site . I can’t were you are?
Could someone please tell me the days and hours this place is open? I live in Chatsworth, Georgia and now with my daughter and my 2 grandchildren back here living with us, there are things there I think I could use. And from what I have seen, the prices are right.
Thanks So Much!!!!
Hi, Dawn, I linked to them in the post, so you will need to call them and confirm times and all of that. I have no idea what their schedule is.
Hi Rhoda, we live only a few miles from this wonderful place and it is exciting to go there when word spreads that there is new stuff coming in. It is amazing that you can purchase a whole Kimble king-size bedroom set, all oak, for under $500. This price includes the bed rails, box springs, matress too. We have brought many friends here over the years as a vacation attraction. It takes hours to look at all of the furniture and it takes days to get over the prices. Great blog website for this truly great business!
We are a small Church in Greensboro, NC. We are in need of 2 King Bedroom sets
2 Queen Size Bedroom sets
2 Twin size
We help to empower men and women. We help those who are struggling and do not have furniture . Please help
My heart is broken! I live in Kansas and there is nothing like this that I know of. Sigh.
If you are near Salina, there is a DAV (Disabled American Veterans) store in Salina that I used to shop all the time when we lived outside of Salina several years ago. Their prices beat Goodwill and Salvation Army, but it’s a similar type of store to them, only your dollars goes to help the disabled vets.
Have loved this store for years visiting my daughter and now I am happy to live in the same town of both the store and my daughter!!! 🙂 Just got my own home and I cannot wait to shop for it at the Liquidators!
I have been going to this place for years, so glad to see someone else who enjoys going. We have used this for college dorms, to first apartments for the kids. I use it often for my business so I can offer better pricing to my customers. As an embroiderer, and seamstress often I frame items for weddings, births, etc. I can purchase a picture and so long as the frame is in good shape, glass is good, and the mat is not warped I can use it. Even a stained mat is okay, so long as its not warped, I can paint it any color I wish, put stamp art on it, whatever fits the theme. I can buy the large, solid colored panels (Curtains) and cut them down to fit a window, or make something completely different, striped top sheets make great pillows if you cut the fabric in angles. Top Sheets are great for any number of projects, even if you just want to protect you floors. I have even purchased plain headboards and made benches out of them. So I Wish you happy hunting!!
Furniture Liquidators of Georgia in midtown on the westside…off Chattahoochee Ave NW is also a great place for finds. Fantastic prices for frames, mirrors, lamps, furniture, and more plus king mattress and boxspring sets for only $50! Something new every week.