Last Thursday, December 10th, Grandma Eleanor turned 91, so we went over to visit and have a little celebration in honor of her birthday. After all, it’s not every day that one turns 91, so that is quite the achievement and we need to remember every single birthday. The balloons came from her neighbor, who she calls Pop, and I think he’s around 95 or so. They’re a little sweet on each other, but that’s as far as it goes.
Grandma has a voracious sweet tooth and only asked for chocolate cake and champagne, so we brought both, along with a card for her to open. We popped the bottle and gave her a glass and she was a happy camper. Said that she liked how that champagne tickled her nose.
My hubby went a little overboard with the cake, which was only going to serve 4 people and he got one big enough for a small office staff!! His mom cut some HUGE pieces for all of us and I got the smallest one. Store bought cake isn’t all that great to me and I don’t want to waste the calories, but I did have a good sized piece too. Now, if you want REAL good chocolate cake, see my post about the cake I made for our party from The Pioneer Woman. Now THAT is chocolate cake worth breaking a diet for. 🙂 But, I digress.
So, Eleanor got a huge slab of cake served up to her and her eyes got really big at that, saying she couldn’t possibly eat it all. And she didn’t, she nibbled away at it and we put the rest in the fridge for later.
Eleanor loves her stuffed animals, teddy bears in particular, and you would swear that a 10 year old lives here. They are everywhere, all over the house.
Mr. and Mrs. Claus on the coffee table.
Eleanor sipped away at her champagne and we let the dog, Chi-Chi, out of her room for a visit. She always goes straight to this guy, my hubby Peter, who she adores. She won’t give anyone else the time of day when he is around.
She did jump down one time looking for crumbs and did go over to Grandma, who scooped her up and talked baby talk to her. She looked back over her shoulder at my hubby, with those pleading eyes, saying get me down from here, pleeeeze.
Eleanor wanted to show me what she’s been up to lately and brought out these 2, that she made with her very own hands out of terry cloth towels. Now, isn’t that impressive for a 91 year old? She sewed some of it by hand, their eyes and all and made the clothes. I’m so glad she still keeps herself busy with things like this, everyone needs to stay occupied with something.
Check out the details on these clothes and the face. Pretty cute, huh?? By this time, Eleanor was nodding off in her chair from sipping that champagne, so she went on off to bed for a little nap.
Her sewing machine is set up in their sunroom/back porch and is a good spot for Eleanor to sew with plenty of light coming in.
And another hobby that keeps her busy is gardening. She loves to putter in the yard and with her houseplants, which are plentiful. So, this 91 year old is still going and not about to sit down and quit. I think that’s pretty neat, don’t you?
I spotted this beautiful hummingbird painting on the backporch, so I think she must have just painted this recently, since I haven’t seen it before. It’s a pretty piece and shows how talented this lady is.
I got a short video of Grandma Eleanor talking about turning 91 and how she feels about that, so take a look at it. I think you’ll get a kick out of Eleanor, once again. If you’d like to see more of Grandma Eleanor, you can click here for some other videos I did with her helping me with a slipcover project back in the Fall.
Eleanor is a complete hoot!
Don’t forget about the Tassimo Giveaway still going on for a few weeks through Dec. 31, so sign up if you haven’t already.
It has been a VERY busy weekend for me and I have not even had time to sit at the computer and visit all of you who joined my Christmas party tour, but I’m planning to as soon as I can slow down a little bit, even if it takes me til Christmas Day.
That very fun home site, Houzz, who featured me awhile back, is having some fantastic giveaways for Christmas, so click over there for all the info on 20 fantastic things that you can win just by commenting.
Oh my .. Happiest Birthday to you Grandma E!
You are such a sweetheart & I love when Rhoda shares you with us all.
That painting is stunning.
Rhoda I just love all your videos of Eleanor she is a GEM , she reminds me of my grandmother, I still hope God is making them like her, once again so glad you guys have her in your lives!!
Happy belated Birthday to Eleanor!! She is VERY taented, I LOVE that dog she made and he has the cutest clothes ever! Her painting is so gorgeous:0) God bless .
Hi Ronda,
Well, first Grandma Eleanor doesn’t look 91 years old! What a beautiful woman. And how talented…love her stuffed animals and her painting is so pretty too. And the video was fun to watch. If I am blessed to live that long I hope I look as good as and can be as active as Eleanor. Happy Birthday sweet Grandma Eleanor!
Teacup Lane (Sandy)
Thanks for sharing Grandma Eleanor! Happy Birthday to her! She is adorable! I hope I am doing all those things when I am her age! She is a talented lady!
Have a great week, Rhoda!
Grandma Eleanor is just beautiful! I love her zest for life…and oh, my goodness, is she talented! I adore her humingbird painting…the wings are just amazing! She really captured their energy and spirit. I think the humingbirds could take a lesson or two from Grandma Eleanor. 🙂
She is adorable!! I love that she is so into “living” and also that she looks wonderful. I’m sure she is a joy to be around and also to listen to a bit of history that she might share.
That chocolate cake you mentioned…the one from Ree? It’s known as the original Texas Sheet Cake! 🙂 One of the best chocolate desserts ever created.
Wow, Grandma Eleanor seems unbelievably competent to take care of herself! Does she live alone? My mom is 88 and while she still takes FOREVER to put her makeup on (including the lip plumping gloss that I tease her about), she’s had to move in with my sister. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ELEANOR!!!
Happy Birthday, Eleanor! I’m sure she has some wonderful stories about her life. She looks like a very sweet woman. I love Chi Chi (too cute).
Eleanor is awesome — much like my father-in-law who is 93 and still going strong as well. He just got his driver’s license renewed and we were rather surprised as he was. But I think his eyesight is better than mine. And if we didn’t help him, he would still be climbing on top of his roof to do Christmas lights. Gotta love ’em.
What a character! I always admire folks who try and stay active as they get older. I sure hope I can do the same. Thanks for sharing her with us.
Happy Birthday!!!!
What a talented lady = that painting is so impressive. She’s incredible – you are so lucky to ohave her in the family.
Rhoda, thanks for sharing Eleanor’s birthday with us. She is so cute – I noticed her red top and her scarf and jewelry. She has beautiful white hair and looked like she was wearing a bit of make-up, too. She looks amazing for a 91 year old.
It’s inspiring to red about her lifestyle. Sewing and crafting, her painting, and gardening – my goodness. Puts me to shame!
I enjoyed the pictures and her video. Please tell Eleanor that she received many compliments and good wishes for this special birthday.
I LOVE that she has a neighbor that is “sweet on her” – how awesome is that?! And the terry-cloth dogs are awesome! She reminds me a lot of my Great-Grandmother who died when I was in my teens – she could do amazing stuff too. But she didn’t have a neighbor who was sweet on her – maybe she would have lived longer. Romance has got to be good for the heart, right?
Happiest of Birthday wishes to Grandma Eleanor! She is one fabulous lady!
p.s. love her little dog
91 years… sigh. I should look so good at 91! She looks like a spry young lady! Oh and I’m with you… I don’t “do” store bought cake either. (I didn’t even eat my own wedding cake – uh, that was in 1979!!!)
Hey! Don’t forget about the Christmas GOodies recipe exchange party going on now!
Come to my Christmas Goodies Recipe Exchange and link up Dec 15
I agree with you, Grandma Eleanor is a hoot!! I have enjoyed your past videos with her. Happy Birthday to Eleanor! That little dog looks just like our dog. My daughter’s dog looks just like that too and believe it or not, is also named Chi Chi!!! Love & blessings from NC!
Happy Birthday Miss Eleanor! Bless your sweet heart!
Your house is absolutely beautiful!.. i love all your decorations… Your tree looks amazing and i love your blog!
Happy blogging!
OMG!! and i forgot that video is so cute! She’s a doll! Happy Birthday Eleanor!