I just wanted to pop in with a little share about dad today. Last week, July 14th, he turned 97 years old. Mark and I went by to see him and I took him a card, balloon, and an ice cream treat and he was so happy we did. He was quite talkative that day when I reminded him that it was his birthday and how old he was. He’s such a sweet man and when I have conversations with him, it always comes through how grateful he is for where he is in life.
I think he enjoyed our visit and his treats as well. I’m so happy he’s doing so well and seems to be content and happy whenever I stop by to see him. He seems to comprehend that he’s in this place and that they take care of his daily needs. What a blessing it is to have places like Dogwood that help memory care patients still live and function in their lives.
He’s not very sociable and tends to be a loner, but I think he enjoys watching the activity going on around him. I take him outside at least once a week and he really loves being outdoors. That’s always been his happy place.
I try to remember to take pictures of him very often too when I stop by. At his age, we have no idea how long he has left. At this rate, he could live to 100!
He often remarks how grateful he is that he can still get up and walk around. He’s very slow now on his walker, but so far can still manage to get up and shuffle with his walker to where he needs to go. He has a few spots around the facility that I can usually count on him to be, so it’s easy to find him.
He enjoys going out to the front porch and watching the traffic and trains go by. He looks around at the blue sky and all the activity happening around him. He’s still very observant.
I can see content on his face and I’m grateful that he is content and happy. It sure makes it easier on me. He doesn’t bring up mom very often anymore and that’s fine too. I know she is tucked away in his memories and he still loves her deeply, but he’s not verbalizing those feelings. Perhaps that is the best, to keep him from grieving continually. We all miss her, but we know she’s in a much better place and one day, daddy will be with her again.
I just wanted to take time to share his 97th birthday with you all. He’s an amazing man and we are grateful for his long and happy life.
Your dad is a blessing. I love to hear him pray. “We thank you, dear Lord for all your many blessings. In Jesus name, Amen!”
Happy Birthday! Congrats on reaching 97! Your dad looks the picture of enjoyment for his twilight years. You and your sister have a unique blessing of still having a parent alive. Happy for you guys! Enjoy the rest of your summer. Still loving your blog.
Hi Rhoda, I’ve followed along with your blog for years. (Got the idea to use metal plant hangers and a curtain rod for my laundry room from you!) I enjoy the updated posts about your family. You all seem like very nice, love the Lord people. Your dad really does look content in those photos. I pray God’s continued blessings, favor, and wisdom for your family.
And Happy Birthday to you dad!
It is so wonderful to see your dad and how content he is. The memories of him helping you move from Alabama, all of the renovation work he helped you do on your home, the gardens in Georgia and in the NC mountains, and the many stories throughout the years must bring you great joy! Please tell your dad “happy birthday”!
Condolences on your mom’s passing. What a reunion that will be one day!
I have been reading your blog from when you were in Alabama.
Van, thank you so much! I can definitely tell you’ve been reading a long time. That all goes back many years now. Thank you for the well wishes!