As you saw last week, we are steadily working on that screened porch, but in between that project, this hard-working Daddy o’ mine is going strong in his garden. I stopped over there recently and saw the progress and had to show you all what else he’s up to. This man has been gardening for probably 50 years, certainly a long as I can remember and eating these home grown veggies has to have an important impact on my parents health. I’m totally convinced of that.
They have 2 gardens, one here in Georgia and an even bigger one up in North Carolina at their mountain home. My daddy thrives on working in that garden and I don’t think he’ll stop until his body just won’t keep working. I sure hope that’s not anytime soon. It will be a sad day indeed when that happens.
All these pics were taken with my iPhone, so not the best, but enjoy!
He was hoeing away and said he was trying to keep the weeds at bay. It’s time for another rain too, in spite of our really rainy spring. Rain, don’t stop now! These gardens need to be refreshed.
Daddy says they’ve already picked a few squash for supper.
Those Kiawoh blackberries that came over from AL are really busting out this year and are loaded. So glad we took the time to bring those with us and get them established in GA.
These ginormous blackberries are a real treat.
The muscadine vines are green and lush this year too.
Squash, zucchini, tomatoes, beans, lots of great things going in here.
We all look forward to the tomatoes coming in, that’s probably my most fave home grown veggie.
He’s got LOTS of tomatoes growing.
Look at these clusters of green tomatoes already! Yum, can’t wait.
Cabbage too.
Mom came out to take a look too. The garden is looking good. That’s the storage house that had all my stuff in it. I still haven’t completely cleaned it out yet. Our family likes to collect things, so I’m sure it will never be empty.
They’ve got blueberry bushes here too and they are loaded again.
Blueberries and huge fig trees.
See how big these fig trees are? Massive and they are always loaded too.
The oakleaf hydrangeas are gorgeous! This one was dug up from my old house in Birmingham and I’m planning to get a cutting of it for my new house too. I just love these hydrangeas.
Mom loves flowers and has lots of those growing in her flower beds. My parents are so precious and hard working and I sure do enjoy still having them in my life. Good and Godly parents are a gift for sure!
So amazing. He needs his own bookmark here.
I woke up missing my sweet Daddy this morning. This time last year we were hard at work in our family garden. We grew wonderful veggies, but we grew even better memories. He passed away 4/17 at age 85. He was cut from the same humble, beautiful cloth as your Daddy. Thanks for sharing, but more importantly, thanks for knowing what really matters.
Aww, Tracy, I’m so sorry for your loss. I loved your comment, thank you!
I have been following your blog for a couple of months and really have enjoyed seeing all of your renovations in your lovely home. We had a split-level home similar to yours for many years, so I appreciate all of the improvements you have made. I also LOVE this post on your Daddy’s garden–especially since it reminds me so much of my sweet Daddy who passed away 3 years ago at 94. He spent so much time in his garden and was not really happy when he was unable to continue working it the last year of his life. These are such special times for you with your parents now and you will find you are making very cherished memories! Continued blessings to you and your family–
Your Dad is sure a worker bee.
Goodness! what an amazing garden and “goodness” it must all be for your family. I am sure after seeing and reading this post that your parents great health is due to growing their own fruit and vegetables. Today there are so many fertilisers and sprays used that our bodies are becoming toxic. I believe in New Zealand they use sprays that are actually banned in other parts of the world and we are meant to be “green” country.
My dream is to build a house on a little bit of land and grow my own food but whether that will happen or not I don’t know. I definitely wouldn’t be able to spend the time your daddy does in the garden but the rewards are certainly worth it.
I am amazed at the size of it, its like a mini market garden, congratulate him from me for all his hard work, it’s great encouragement to those of us who want to aspire to such a garden.
Lee 🙂
You are truly blessed, Rhoda! And I did not see a single weed in your dad’s garden. That is a HUGE achievement!
Thanks for sharing, Rhoda! What a beautiful garden. I have to ask how your Dad supports those tomatoes? Does he just let them go and they do their thing? Thanks.
He puts those bigger tomato plants in a cage, so that seems to do the trick. He makes a ton of tomatoes!
Your parents are amazing. Amazing! I think you need to start a Southern Hospitality Heirloom Seeds biz with your pop. 🙂
You are so blessed to have hardworking and loving parents!!
Beautiful garden…beautiful parents! Truly you are both blessed!
Amazing! I’ve never had a vegetable garden, but have tried tomatoes in containers on my deck. I think we got one tomato and the chipmunks stole the rest. 🙁
xo Heidi
This brought up tears and memories of my parents and the loving, kind and hard working people they used to be. They are at home in heaven singing praises now…ho how I wish I could hear them!!! I am treasuring this special email from you so I can occasionally look at the pics and enjoy!
Thank you for sharing your precious parents and the beautiful nature God has blessed us with!
I moved to Lawrenceville from Philly three years ago and my gardening attempts in GA have been full of fail. I need tips from your father! lol
Your Dad is the type of man every girl wishes for. I know you love him so much! He is awesome and seems to know how to do everything. His garden is beautiful. Yum! Hi 5’s to your Dad!! Congrats and blessings to you for you cherish your parents and it shows. 🙂 Pat
Wow! Your Dad has so much talent!! That garden is so impressive; it seemed to go on forever. Do you think he could do a guest post & answer gardening question from your readers? 🙂 The dirt doesn’t look like the red clay we have – has he amended the soil a bunch of times?
You have such wonderful parents! Thanks for sharing a glimpse!
HI, Amy, I’ll ask him if he will do a gardening post for me. I think he would be happy to answer questions. And yes, he has amended that soil with compost many times. He’s been gardening in that backyard since the early 70’s.