We don’t do a lot of balloons and fanfare for birthdays around our house, but we do celebrate the lives of those we love with a birthday dinner and that’s what we did for my dad last Sunday, the 14th for his 86th birthday. I wanted to host at my house this time, since we just finished up the porch and it only seemed fitting to have the party right there on the porch, enjoying the fruits of our labor. Last year, I wrote a whole post about my sweet Daddy, so if you missed that, go back and catch up. I know he has a lot of fans on my blog!
I finally got my dad on video too, so don’t miss that at the end of the post, it’s a good one! Short and sweet!
We decided to do a simple Summer fare of hamburgers on the grill. I just got a new grill out on my little deck and it’s cute as can be. Thanks to my Lowes giftcards, I was able to get myself a grill just the right size.
I wanted to share my dad actually relaxing now that most of the porch is done and it was a happy day to be able to gather on my new porch and eat a meal together outside. Dad was enjoying his iced tea.
Southern style, on the porch in the rocking chair.
I brought a box fan out there to add some breeze to the day, but it actually ended up being a nice and breezy day after all. Very comfortable on the porch. My dad likes how I decorated the porch, but he thinks I have way too much stuff out there. I told him I love it just like it is and he’s glad for that! He just wouldn’t want it on his porch.
Here’s my new little Char-Broil grill from Lowes. It’s a perfect fit out here, just the right size for me and my little deck.
My brother-in-law, Bruce, was manning the grill for me. He’s a pro at grilling!
My sister, Renee and my roommate, Rhonda, relaxing and talking. Renee brought Buster, their Boston Terrier over to play with Cody and they got along great.
Here’s Cody, the rascal dog and he belongs to Rhonda. He loves me and waits for me to get up every morning! Isn’t he a cutie? He’s a Bichon/Yorkie mix and really fun.
We had all the fixins ready for hamburgers, with fresh sliced homegrown tomatoes.
Mom and dad fixing their plate. Do ya’ll say “fixing your plate”. I know that is a Southern thing, but that’s what we say around here. It probably makes no sense to anyone else but us.
Eating around the table. We had hamburgers, roasted in the oven red herbed potatoes, cole slaw, and peach cobbler with vanilla ice cream for dessert. Yes, it was yummy!
Renee and Rhonda wishing I wouldn’t take their pic while they were eating. You can see by the striped curtain what a breezy day it was.
That delish peach cobbler that my mom made. I know you all are going to want her recipe, so I promise I’ll find out how she makes her peach cobbler. It really is so good!
Peach cobbler and vanilla ice cream.
Dad is a sweet-aholic and really enjoys his desserts and my mom happily obliges his sweet tooth.
Dad and mom laughing on the way out the door. They were headed up to their mountain house for a few days to work in the garden up there and enjoy some time on their mountain house porch.
Happy Birthday to the best man I’ve ever known, my sweet Daddy! I took a short little video of him on the spur of the moment, so you all can see the personality behind the still pics. He’s quite the character, our dad and can make everyone laugh at the drop of a hat. Enjoy the video!
I’ve said it before . . . I LOVE your sweet daddy. What a hoot! It was fun to hear from him and also a treat to hear your lovely southern drawl. Blessings to you and your entire family dear Rhoda, Patti@OldThingsNew
We say we’re dishing up our plates. That probably sound strange to those in other parts of the country 🙂
Thank you for sharing this with us….. I just love your Daddy!! It is obvious that his hard work, keeps him young. What a sweet, sweet family. Happy Birthday to your entire family!!!
I hope your sweet Daddy continues to have a great Birthday Week! I love seeing him – he reminds me so very much of my precious Daddy who, like yours, could do just about everything, and was always willing to help anyone do anything! What priceless memories you two share!
How sweet! What a precious family you have. I was already a fan of your blog (ordered the wallpaper thru your site) but your post about the changes in your life made me an even bigger fan. Your strength is amazing and your family is beautiful. Your voice sounds exactly how I imagined it would.
What a sweetie your daddy is! Reminds me so much of my late grandfather. He has such a wonderful personality. Happy birthday to him! And I say “fixin” all the time. It wasn’t too long ago before I realized that not everyone uses that expression!
Happy birthday to your sweet dad! Wow, you can tell he is still as sharp and spunky as a 26 year old! I love that!
P.S. I’ve lived in the south, I knew you were from the south, and yet I was still tickled and surprised by your and your father’s thick southern accents – love it!
Happy Birthday to your wonderful father.
He is adorable….as is Mom. You are blessed Rhonda.
Your daddy is amazing! You are so blessed to have him.
Absolutely Precious! Happy Birthday to RhodasSweetDaddy.
Hi Rhonda,
Thanks for sharing your Dad’s birthday celebration with your fans. Your Dad is special and a great guy. I hope he has a wonderful 86th all year long! You have a lovely family and the video was great!!
What a truly blessed family you have. Your Dad is Amazing! Please tell him Happy Birthday – he’s a true blessing. Thank you for sharing.
That video of your dad and mom was a gift to all your readers. Nice to see your family gathered to celebrate. Happy belated birthday!
This is my first time commenting on anyone’s blog but I wanted to say happy belated birthday to your dad, you are blessed to have such a sweet dad and your mom ,well I think she is such a beautiful lady.
What a lovely celebration you all had, so nice to see your mum and dad smiling and so happy. I love that you took a video, a great idea. You may remember I lost my mum last year to cancer, actually next month it will be 1 year on the 6th, I have no idea where the time has gone and I miss her like it was yesterday. However, what I wanted to say was one of the things I regret is that I never took a video of her, not ever! I now have to watch”King Kong” instead and stop it in the scene where she was an extra in the theatre ( it was filmed in New Zealand and my mum in her late 70’s was an extra in it).
Take lots of videos of your mum and dad and family for the future, I wish I had done the same.
Thank you sharing this personal day with us.
Lee 🙂
I think Daddy might be becoming as popular as Rhoda!! Ahhh, such a sweet family! Thanks for sharing this special day with us.
Yes, we say “fixin’ our plate” over here in Upstate South Carolina….come to think of it, I really don’t know any other way to say it!… 😀
awww super cute Rhoda! Happy birthday to your cute daddy 🙂
God bless him! I don’t know either of your parents but I love them! Your dad certainly has a “preacher voice.”
Happy belated Birthday to your sweet Daddy! How blessed that he is so bright eyed and abled body!
What a wonderful family you have Rhoda. I absolutely love your Mom and Dad. They remind me so much of my own. I lost my wonderful 89 year old Dad 6 years ago, but my Mom is 95 and still lives alone. I think Daddy even had the exact plaid shirt…ha ha.
Please give your Dad a huge hug and wish him a very Happy Birthday from me.
By the way…”fixin” is definitely in my Texas vocabulary.
Sylvia P. San Angelo, TX