Back to the Destin trip, after lunch at Dewey Destin we took off to a few antiques stops that I had been to before. Kat and I have done this a few time together and these are always fun places to browse.Smith’s was the first stop and they always have some great eye candy to look.
I’ve always loved these glass floats, they are so pretty to pile up in a bowl.
Lost of sea-inspired decor in these shops. We are at the beach after all!
Such pretty aqua blues.
Coral and sea shells.
Pretty botanical pillows.
Love this pretty coral shade.
Beautiful lamps.
Kat, Debbie and Tiffany had fun browsing around.
Seashell topiaries.
Pretty pottery.
Linens and things.
Cabbage rose pattern on a pillow.
Debbie spotted a pretty treasure. Don’t think she bought it though.
This is for my friend, Beth at A to Z.
Picture taking in the mirror.
Love, love these old bottles.
How about these hanging lights, with burlap inserts. So neat!
See, here’s a closeup.
Could you make one of these?
Behind Smith’s is Holiday Antiques, another great place crammed with beautiful things.
More glass floats.
Seaside decor.
Vintage clothes.
Pretty old birdcage.
Another pretty bottle.
Trendy antlers.
Lots of great globes.
A pretty burlap pillow.
Down the highway was Scavenger’s, another place to lookie-loo.
Love these old seltzer bottles.
Vintage dinnerware.
A pretty old toleware chandelier.
Fun place.
A bin full of starfish.
Seahorses on the wall.
Pretty blue painted piece.
Kat drove us back to her house and past Emeril’s house. This is a house that he is renovating. How cool is that?! BAM!
We stopped by her house for a bit and saw Miss Daisy, the cutest dog in the world.
She was as friendly as ever, probably doesn’t remember meeting me before, but she’s so sweet. I could hardly get her still to get a pic taken.
But, we got a few snapped before she dashed off in a flash.
Debbie, Tiffany, me and Kat had a wonderful day in Destin.
Thanks for stopping by!
I will be working on the wedding pics as soon as I can. The wedding was absolutely perfect in every way and went off without a hitch. The weather could not have been more perfect.
This will be a very busy week for me, as moving day back to Atlanta is Friday. Wish us good weather!
I’m looking forward to getting back to Atlanta with my family. They are the best support and I love them dearly.
The lucky winner of the Willow House $50 giveaway is #90, Ginny. Congrats Ginny, I’ve emailed you already!
Good luck with your move! I’ll be thinking of you on Friday and sending good energy and blessings your way!! All the best, Rhoda.
Rhoda…..You look better than ever….very polished and pretty! Hope all goes well….you are a delightful person….I enjoy your blog….Karen
Rhoda, My thoughts and prayers are with you as you
start your new chapter in life.Believing this will be a Ephesians
3-20 year for you. GOD has great plans for you, and will lead you in the way you are to go.
be blessed Cynthia
I am going to keep this list of shops, because I’m going to Destin in June!
Beautiful!!! A friend of mine from high school just got married in Destin on the 18th, such a gorgeous destination!!
Of course you and Kat would be friends!
You girlies are PERFECTly suited for each other!
I’ve been getting to know Kat and MISS DAISY and they are ADORABLE!
Daisy is Doogan’s GIRL~Friend! ;o)
Those antique shoppes looked amazing!
So much FUN!
Hugs Rhoda!
I’m really missing THE SOUTH now!
Good luck with the move, Rhoda! Glad the wedding was a glorious event for everyone……..I wish them the best of luck. They are a super couple ! Hope everything goes smooth this weekend for you with moving and your life gets settled again…..HUGS! Bonnie
Rhoda…those are all my favorite places to shop down there also!!! Looks like you guys had fun 🙂
Happy to hear you are moving back to be with family. But, you will be missed in Birmingham, i’m sure. Hope all goes well with the move, and hope life is full of new adventures and blessings as you begin anew.
I am glad to have found your blog today and read a little about your Destin trip. I live in Destin, and absolutely LOOOOVE it. Every day is a vacation 🙂
I also love to go to smiths, they have such a wonderful selection. Thank you for sharing, and you are already one of my new favorites
Great blog and amazing photos. For a list of all antique stores in the Destin area check my site: