So if you loved my office space yesterday, you’re going to love these DIY framed prints I put together.
I seem to be in love with botanicals and can’t get enough of them. Over the years, I’ve done several versions of DIY framing of several botanicals and still have many of them. These particular frames were used at Haven, so I wanted to recycle them and do something fun with them.
They are 16×20, rustic barnwood type frames that I found at Hobby Lobby (1/2 price at $20 on sale).
I bought 4 of the 16×20 size and couldn’t wait to do something with them after using them for classroom signs at Haven. I had painted them all in different colors of Annie Sloan chalk paint for that. Fun, right?
When I saw these beautiful black botanicals in one of my sponsor’s shop, Saturated Color, I knew they would be perfect in my new office space. I’ve got black furniture and I’m adding punches of color with lots of greens and blues and these prints are so fun and graphic. Their size is about 8.5 x 11 or so and so I took them to Hobby Lobby and had simple cream mats cut for them at $9 each. My sponsor and I did a trade and she got an extra month of advertising and I got these prints.
She really has some great vintage prints over there and I love her shop! Prints sell for $60 for all 4. You really should check her out if your in the market for some beautiful vintage prints.
Another sponsor of mine, Stylish Patina, sends me chalk paint when I need it in exchange for an ad, so I am so happy to be trying out the brand new Annie Sloan chalk paint color, Florence. It is a yummy turquoise shade of blue.
I painted over the other colors on those 4 frames to get them ready for my botanicals. Isn’t this a wow color?
All done!
With 4 cream mats ready to add the prints.
And the frames turned over with glass inserted ready to add the mats and prints.
I took my prints and added scotch tape around all 4 sides.
Lined it up behind the mats, making sure that the white border is all covered up, I taped it in place.
These prints are original bookplates, so they are printed on both sides. What you see here is the backside that I’m not using.
And here is one of them all framed up and ready to hang! Lovely, isn’t it?
They are going to add so much punch to my green walls in the office space.
I will add two on either side of my Ballard Designs shelves behind my desk. That turquoise just makes me so happy and I know these are going to really make a big impact in my new office.
Can’t wait to get them up! Have you tried framing like this before? This is my fave way to frame something that is not a standard size. Just get a bigger frame and cut a mat to fit. Works great every time and saves some $$ too!
Cost breakdown:
Frames: $80
Prints: $60
Mats: $36
Four framed botanicals: $176 divided by 4 = $44 each
Not bad for a one of a kind look!
What’s your fave DIY project you’ve completed?
Join us tonight on Twitter for a very fun chat at Hometalk, all about confessions of decorating! It will run from 8 – 9 pm EST and there will be some fun prize giveaways too. Chime in with your confessions and answer the questions (including the one above) that will be thrown out. If you love decorating, you’ll really enjoy the fun. Just put in #askhometalk to join the chat on Twitter! Hope to see you there.
I love the botanicals and new ASCP color!
Love the punch of color you used on the frames. It will really help pull the color of the closet around the room.
What a fabulous job you made of these, I love the colour you chose and the little bit of distressing. Cant wait to see them hanging.
Rhoda — I was thinking about botanicals the other day, because I love them, and I decided they have a dated, stiff feeling to them.
But yours –WOW! Both the prints themselves and your fun frames bring them into this century. This treatment gives new meaning to botanicals.
You are so right. These four prints are going to look smashing on your office walls.
very nice! can’t wait to see them in your office.
I have been wanting to do some framed botanicals – like some dried ferns or something.