The drive over to Leeds from our house is about 30 minutes and I’ve driven it many times since we’ve lived here. Peter’s mom and Grandma Eleanor live over that way and so the main road from here to there is very picturesque and just a beautiful scenic drive. Closer into the small town of Leeds, I’ve passed by this house many times and noticed the historical sign out front. One recent day driving over, I noticed that the sign said that this beautiful old home is a museum, so I stopped by and took pics. It wasn’t open at the time, but I walked around and got some nice photos. You can read the sign to get an idea of the history of this house.
Drive Bys & AL History
I’ve got some more fun Grandma Eleanor stories to share with you next week, as well as a peek into their attic. And I finally got a pic of the aqua chair. You will not want to miss that!
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Way cool pictures. Love the drive by. I have those same pears (in your banner photo).
Just saying hi Rhoda! Happy Weekend!
Wow, these are beautiful houses! It has always been my dream to own one like them, though I doubt it will ever happen. Thanks for sharing!
Fabulous old homes. You can feel the history just looking at them.
Have a great weekend!
Both those houses are breath taking! One day… oh… one day I hope to have something even a little that special!
I did enjoy the little side trip with you. That white window frame with blue gingham curtains looked so inviting. I could well imagine a sweet plump grandmother with silver hair twirled up in a bun baking away behind that kitchen curtain!
Beautiful tour. I loved it!
Thanks for your kind comments on my blog. You’re so sweet!!!
Sweet Home Alabama …
I like the old birdbath, no telling how long it has been there. And the front porch with the rockers, just imagine how many life problems were solved while rocking. Thanks for sharing our State with others.
Blessings, Karen
Montgomery, AL
Hi Rhoda. I was just shot a wedding at the Sonnet House. Their primary business is weddings. The furnishings are sparse, as they need room for caterers to set up and guests to move about. The grounds are immaculatly maintained. They lived upstairs in the attic while rennovating and one of the owners now keeps a green house there, which looks out onto the balcony at the back of the house. One cool feature: there is a RED bathtub in the downstairs bath. We did a few shots of the bride and groom in the tub (dressed in wedding attire, of course:)I’ll post some of the pics on my website this afternoon. The upstairs bedroom, the bride’s room, is very nice. Decor reminds me of Pottery Barn.The house was built in 1923, I think.
Wonderful photos of Alabama. Is there anything better than a long expanse of porch with two rocking chairs? No! I live for a porch that big.