I got tagged by Betty at Country Charm for 8 Random things about me, so I’ll play along. I did a similar one back in May, so had to go back & read that to be sure I pick something different to share. So…here goes!
*I have a sweet tooth that won’t quit. I’ll blame it on my Dad, but when I finish eating a meal, I immediately want something sweet. Luckily, it can be something small, but that sweet craving is very strong for me. I don’t keep a lot of sweets around the house, cause me & the hubby love them too much.
- I was attacked at a small little zoo in FL when I was about 4 years old by a monkey in a cage. I was with my parents & uncle & we had peanuts that we were feeding to the monkeys. They all turned to walk away & I was still standing there with my hands full of peanuts. One of the monkeys grabbed my dress trying to get more peanuts & just about ripped it off me. I screamed & they came & rescued me pronto! No harm done, but the dress was history.
- I attended 2 years of college & wish I had continued & finished. I just got tired of school & couldn’t wait to get out into the big world! Don’t think I’ll go back now though.
- I wish I could sing really well. I can sing OK in a choir, but would love to be able to belt it out & do neat solos. I am not that talented & someone else got my singing voice. If I could pick who I’d like to sing like..it would be a Black sista, like Mandisa or CeCe Winans. Oh well, I can make a joyful noise in the car. By myself.
- I have been to several Caribbean islands….Bahamas, Jamaica, Puerto Rico, St. Thomas, St. John, St. Maarten, & St. Barths. And, I’d love to go again!
- I’m just now reading the Bible through for the very first time this year. Yes, I’ve read many scriptures & studied it over the years, but have never read it all the way through. I was convicted that I need to do that.
- I love gardening, but hate the maintenance part. Like pulling weeds. I’ll put it off all summer & then wait for things to die back in winter. Then I’ll get busy in Spring & get it all spruced up again. I’m just terrible with the maintenance part, especially in the heat of the summer. By August, I’m over it! (you will see lots of weeds in my garden beds right now!)
- My hubby & I are in the Bible together…well, our names are at least. 🙂 Check out Acts 12:13: Peter knocked at the outer entrance and a servant girl named Rhoda came to answer the door. Some things never change, I feel like a servant girl sometimes. When we first met, that was quite a topic of conversation.
Now, I have to pass this on to 8 others. Guide lines: List eight random things or habits about yourself. At the end of your post, select eight people to follow suit……..
So, I’m going to tag 8 of you new girlfriends (and some I’ve known awhile) who visit me & I’ve gotten to know in the last couple of months:
Linda with Restyled Home
Julie at Equus Villa
Heather at Heather J
Des at Peeking Thru the Sunflowers
Debra at The Bunnies’ Bungalow
Kristi at Sunny Pond Home
Steph at It’s Toile, Y’all
OK, girls…consider yourselves tagged! Go & multiply.
What fun, more new things to discover about you! I too have to have something sweet after I eat. Actually I’d just as soon eat the sweet and not anything else. Hershey kisses are good, they’re small and only 25 calories.
Why do the weeds grow so easily and not the pretty things? I’m not fond of maintenance myself. It’s a necessary evil!
I had to laugh at the servant girl remark! Sometimes I feel like that too LOL!
Have a great weekend!
I enjoyed reading your list Rhoda.
You piqued my curiosity so I went to see if I’m in the Bible somewhere. Nope no Patricia but there is Anna, which is close to Ann. Of course James is there, but no connection to Anna, other than she seems to have lived during the time of Jesus. I will have to read more about it! I’m forever “in the Bible” and that’s a good thing!
Attacked by a monkey! I can’t beat that one (ha ha) but I just finished my list!
Hey – BTW, I received the silver tongs and I LOVE THEM!! They are so unique. Thank you again.
I really like this game – it is so much fun to learn a bit more about people. Sorry about the monkey – that really is the kind of thing that sticks with you!
From one sweet tooth/none singer to another: love your list!
You’re such an interesting lady! It’s great to get to know more about you.
I have a salty tooth… After something sweet I always have to finish with a bite of something salty!
What fun to discover more little tidbits from your life! LOL, thank God for cars, so we can all sing to our heart’s content. Isn’t it amazing how fast those weeds reappear? And, so glad you came through the monkey “business” unscathed, and your dress took the brunt of it all! Ditto, re the sweet tooth. Some things are better left in stores, LOL. Have a great day! 🙂
Rhoda~ I am with you on those weeds. Every spring I am ready with new gloves and a big hat… by august it’s over! It gets to daggum hot here =D
I just finished off a piece of cake for breakfast…soooo bad!
Rhoda, I loved reading your 8 random things! Those monkeys can sure be ornery! I grew up in a small town in KS that had a fairly large zoo. They had “monkey island” where the monkeys were out on this island surrounded by a mote. They were never suppose to cross that water but they did at least once and was headed straight for me. Scared me to death and I never have liked monkeys since. They have teeth that could rip us to shreds….LOL.
Rhoda, I loved reading your 8 random things post. It’s always so fun to find out more about the people we visit through our blogs. So glad the monkey didn’t hurt you. How scary.
I love sweets too. I always have to have a treat at night after dinner.
I enjoyed your answers. I’m sorry a monkey attacked you. I had a pet squirrel monkey when I was little and he was just so cute and sweet. I also hate weeding, but it’s a necessry evil.
What a shor memory i have!! I did read this but commented on a different posting.
oh! I’m just now seeing this! I’ll get to it asap!