First things first…there’s a giveaway going on over at The Restyled Home for 20 copies of Matthew Mead’s latest book, Entertaining Simple. From what I hear, this is a fantastic book filled with great ideas for entertaining on a budget and also with a lot of style. She’s also giving away TEN Homegoods giftcards valued at $25 each. Now, that’s a great giveaway!
Go and visit Matthew’s website for more on this wonderful new book Entertaining Simple.
Check out The Restyled Home for more information on how you can enter the giveaway!
Why, you recycle it all for a new wall pocket for the frontdoor…a welcome to Fall. That middle tin planter has been in my house for quite awhile and since I’m paring down some of the fakes now, it’s been out of my diningroom for months and I took out the best things in there to reuse, some pretty sprays of artichokes and eggplants. These will be perfect for my Fall arrangement on the frontdoor! You may remember that black cone wall pocket I found at a yardsale last year. It was filled with summer flowers last year and now will be remade for Fall. And last, the black urn is filled with some dried and nice silks, but since I already have too many fake arrangements already, it’s coming apart too.
So, now I have these….
Which, within a few short minutes of playing around with them, turned into this…..
I love this mix of colors and textures.
Perfect for a little Fall inspiration on the frontdoor, don’t you think?
Luckily, I bought some nice quality things over the years and they can easily be recycled again. Feathers are a must around my house! Recycling at its best.
And I love artichokes too…
Eggplant and artichokes…can’t get more Fall colorish than that. And the best thing was…I didn’t spend a penny on any of this!
Enjoy your Fall and catch some inspiration!
Birmingham girls: If you missed it, I’m having a yardsale on Saturday, October 11th at 8:00 a.m., so email me if you haven’t already & are interested in coming by. I’d love to meet you! My neighbor is having one too.
I’m also in a little contest over at One Project Closer. I sent in my patio project & was featured earlier in the summer and they have several other great projects during the summer that have been featured, so now they are voting on the best Before and After. If you liked my patio project, please go & vote for me!
Stay tuned later this month for a giveaway too!
You could make a million selling arrangements like that! I would be your first customer!!!!! Looks beautiful, especially on your black door. Happy Autumn!
Oh Rhoda – that arrangement look stunning on your front door!~ I love Fall.
Love your re-use of the arrangement and transformation into the door arrangement. Simply beautiful.
Thank you for posting such detailed pictures of a wonderful idea. I have some arrangements that could benefit from re-styling, and your post gave me a tremendous amount of inspiration. Your blog is always such a ripe field for unique ideas to create beautiful spaces!
I love your free repurposed arrangement! It is beautiful!
Rhoda, I love your blog. I try to stop by daily. Thanks for sharing with us.
Your front door is lovely. It’s always fun seeing your project and learning something new.
Oh, I WISH I could be there. I think 3 hours is a bit too far to drive for a yardsale with the price of gas what it is. I have no doubt that you will sell everything! But I will wish you luck anyway!
I love your door decor! Always a treat to see your work. You have the most gorgeoous home!
This is a BEAUTIFUL display.
Wow. It is very professional!