What do you think of when you hear the term “high maintenance”?
Well, that probably conjures up the image of a girly-girl who spends a lot of time making sure she looks exactly right. The hair, the makeup, the clothes, the nails, the perfume, facials, highlights, lowlights, all of those things that go into making us feel good about ourselves. Making us feel pretty. I do admit that having on the right clothes can totally make my mood or break it. If I feel “cute”, I’m going to feel so much better around people.
I can remember back to my 20’s (and into my 30’s) when going shopping was at the top of my list and I loved hanging out at the mall in the department stores, waiting for the latest cosmetic giveaway to come along from Estee Lauder or Clinique. Oh, I had my arsenal full of those girly things. You probably did too. Shopping for clothes was an all day event, oh what fun that was. I could spend hours in Lerners or The Limited (that was the ultimate back in the day, buying an outfit from The Limited!), trying on new clothes and shoes (oh, don’t even get me started on shoes), I just loved a new pair of shoes and was a borderline shoe-aholic. A new pair of shoes could change my life! Or so I thought back then. Of course, I was wearing much higher heels back then too.
Somewhere along the way, I have lost my mojo for clothes shopping. It’s not nearly as much fun as I remember it being.
How in the world did that happen?
Going to the mall now makes me break out in hives and if I had to shop all day, I’d have to stop and take a lot breaks, not to mention looking at the price tags and wondering who pays that much for those things? It’s just not as easy for me anymore to spend a ton of money on clothes, shoes, and cosmetics. Am I getting old? Perhaps, but maybe I’m just getting wiser. I do like nice clothes, but I’d rather just pop in TJ Maxx or Marshalls and look for name brands there. Or find them at yardsales. These beautiful boots waltzed into my life at the end of yardsale season this year. One of the last stops I made around September or so and these were sitting there just waiting for me. Beautiful black leather boots, very gently worn, in just my size, for $5. Do you think I didn’t scoop them up? You know I did!
And the last find of the yardsales this year was this pretty faux leather snakeskin jacket that fits like a glove.
Another great find and perfect with jeans and boots. I picked up the black cotton skinny jeans/leggings (jeggings, I hear they are called) when Gap had a one day sale and all their denim was 1/2 price. That’s how I shop! Half price, I’m there. I got them just so I could tuck them into boots this winter.
So what if I’m 54? I still want to look “cute”. 🙂
These days, this is the kind of shopping that makes me happy. Spending loads of $$ at the mall or the fancy boutiques just doesn’t do it for me. I might not be in the top trendiest fashion, but I felt pretty darn diva-ish in this outfit. I had on a black cashmere turtleneck sweater that my sister bought me several years ago for Christmas. It’s still going strong. And the lime green monogrammed scarf was a gift from my friend, Debbie, at Miss Lucy’s Monograms and very reasonably priced.
The zebra purse was a $1 yardsale find.
Once again, I just don’t think you have to spend a ton of money to dress well. The same concept that goes on in our homes can happen in our wardrobes too. I’m so glad I came to this conclusion. It keeps me out of the mall and a little more sane.
I’ve just cleaned out my closet and am decluttering the clothes that I’ve not worn in awhile, along with shoes and purses. Boy, does that feel good! And I don’t feel bad about getting rid of some of those yardsale finds, since they were so cheap to begin with.
How about you? Are you a thrifty shopper when it comes to clothes, shoes and accessories?
Do tell!
Joining up with Lindsey at The Pleated Poppy’s What I Wore Wednesday. Click over there for lots more fashion inspiration.
Oh Rhoda, I SO agree! I ONLY shop for clothes at Marshalls, TJ, Penneys (only on sale). I am not a garage sale shopper but admit I have found some cute things at real discount stores too (Walmart being one). I know. But I like to change things up so don’t want to spend alot of $$$$ on my clothes. I almost had a HEART ATTACK when I bought the dress for my daughters wedding. But my hubby convinced me it was a once in a lifetime thing. I did feel AWESOME in that dress. I LOOOOOVE your outfit!!! You look MAHVELOUS, darlin!!!! XO, Pinky
…and is that a Bed, Bath and Beyond coupon in your hand? That’s me – I don’t buy it if it isn’t on sale or I don’t have a coupon…
I just need to say this:
You are my hero.
That is all.
We are the same age and seem to have simular taste it clothes 🙂 I LOVE Marshalls, it’s my go to store. then perhaps Ross and JC Penney. I like to look nice but no way do i want to spend alot of money, nor do I want to go to a mall. Much more into spending money on my home, boy how things change, lol!
At 52, I am right there with you. I, too, used to Mall it up a bit but have not been in one in years. I love bargains — that way you’re not stuck with something forever just because of what you paid for it. Like some of the others, I’d rather spend on my home than myself – most of the time, anyway! ~ Lindy
When I read your post today, it was sooooo me back in the day. I am now 63 and shop just like you do. I do not go to the mall nor do I enjoy it. We have wonderful consignment and thrift stores in Phoenix and you can always find what you’re looking for. Soooo glad to see there is someone else like me LOL
love those boots! what a great find!
i most definitely try to wait until something i like goes on sale or clearance!! there’s no reason not to! i’ve also been really lucky recently finding designer button-ups for my husband at goodwill! (brooks brothers and jos a bank – that look like they’ve never been worn!!)
i’m going to have to get some good thrift/yard sale shopping places from you! i’m in montgomery and i’d love take a trip and do some thrify shopping in birmingham!
Rhoda, You look fabulous! You’re gorgeous! That jacket was a find. I love it and the fun green scarf and boots. I’m with you 100% on the shopping deal. I am no longer into the whole mall deal or the prices. I love the whole thrill of a great thrift find!
You look fabulous!
I love your style Rhoda.
I could not agree with you more. I am in my mid forties and sooo agree, I am over the whole mall thing and even driving my kids to the mall (and not even getting out) makes me want to break out in a sweat. The very sight of a mall kind of freaks me out. I used to be a huge clothes horse (though still do have my handbag fettish) as my husbands side of the closet will confirm:) But in general the idea of going into any store and spending hours looking for that perfect blouse or great fitting pair of pants no longer holds the same allure.Maybe I have dropped the bar for how I expect to look, though I am always put together.
I think I have also simplified my style, I like a nice fitting pair of pants, lots of cashmere and cotton sweaters in all styles, have tons of scarfs and every season will buy a few pairs of new shoes or boots. I don’t buy nearly as much and I am fine with it.
You looked better than cute..you looked great and very chic. Whatever you are doing is working!
Thanks for this post..it was really entertaining. Please check out my new blog, http://www.theenchantedhome.blogspot.com. I think you will like it, let me know what you think!
I can’t tell you, Rhoda, how much this post resounded with me. I thought there was something the matter with me. What a relief!! That was me too back when the mall was my place to be and it was all about clothes and shoes and earrings and so on. It must be the age! LOL! Now the mall is a chore and I go only when I have too. I want to still look sharp at my age too, but I do not want to invest all that time, energy or the money into such an exhausting enterprise. I am with you, buy it where you see it and move on!
You have some great finds here; I never have that luck at yard sales!!! I do prefer the TJ Maxx steals over the mall though; can’t remember the last time I shopped for myself at the MALL! I actually get a little “rush” from finding the deals 🙂
Have a great day!
Oh, how times have changed for me as well! I used to live to shop and sales were not part of my vocab. Somewhere along the line though, I became a seek and destroy shopper…I go when I must! I am very frugal for myself and clothes (but, of course, love the cute factor!) and I have trained up a pretty good shopper in my dear daughter as well. She is a frugalista in the finest way! At 19, she is well on her way to a life of fashionable budgeting.
I am right there with you! Although I don’t go to yard sales (I am gonna start soon!) I always go to Goodwill! I love that place! I only buy my son clothes from Walmart and Target because he is 3 years old and outgrows clothes so quickly, it doesn’t make any sense to me to spend hundreds of dollars on something he may wear a few times! Walmart and Target have really gotten some cuter clothes too! My husband has even jumped on the Goodwill bandwagon with me and shops there too! I think in this economy and recession, it’s just smart not to spend too much money! God bless you!
you look beautiful…what wonderful finds!
Hi Rhoda, I read your post yesterday and thought Rhoda needs to join the party, you are working it. Looks great, cool coat and boots, and what a deal. I have some of the coolest shoes and boots from GW, that were never even worn. Nice to see a familiar face at the party. I have been doing it for a couple of weeks, and LOVE IT!
You are so right! And yes, you have the diva look down pat!
I love it!
I’m in my 40’s with college/high school kids. Buying trendy and cute clothes is high on our priority list. {My high school daughters have been nominated as BEST DRESSED in their classes}
But, we are BARGAIN monsters! We pay very little and look very nice! I’m with you….I’d rather save my money for other stuff like good food (I bargain shop for that too).
i love your outfit! and i think the best part is that you are holding a coupon in your hand (about ready to pounce on another deal!). thanks so much for linking up!
I agree with everything you have said. I am morphing into a little Rhoda, lol. It is just wise and more fun. I think you look fab and you are so beautiful inside and out. Keep on keeping on!!
Looking damn good in these photos, Rhoda. Those boots were an amazing deal. I’m 24, and I’ve already lost my retail shopping mojo completely. This year I took a pledge not to buy anything new OR any new clothes. It will be a fun experiment on shopping the closet and re-using what I have.