Hey friends and Happy Friday to you all!
Hard to believe it’s Friday again, but they roll around pretty fast these days. I’ve got a fun feature today for you. I met Jenny on Instagram and she happens to live not that far from me here in Georgia. I figured that out by the description on her Instagram page that she lives near me, since I knew about Pumpkinvine Creek in a nearby area.
Jenny, from Big Family Little House (Instagram only) has farmhouse style down pat. And I asked her for a little bit of her story to share with y’all since she doesn’t have a blog and she shared this with me, so enjoy Jenny’s story and her farmhouse. In case you haven’t noticed, farmhouse decor is having a moment. A big moment.
I’m going to let Jenny take it from here…
We are a homeschooling family of 11! My husband and I have been married for 27 years and have 8 biological children, ranging in ages from 8-25. Last year, we adopted our 9th child who we had in our care from birth through the foster care system! He’s now 2 years old. We are still a foster family and would love to have the option to adopt again!
We bought our house in 2012, and it was about 4 years old at the time. It sits on 7acres of property, and after purchasing it, we decided we would love to start a small farm so that we could have a healthier diet with goat’s milk, eggs and raw honey.
We now have goats, chickens, pigs and bees. The name of our farm is Pumpkinvine Creek Farm, and it is completely run and maintained by our 24 year old daughter, who also has her own goat milk soap business!
The house itself is actually a Southern Living floorplan (the Tucker Bayou), and it was featured in the 2007 issue of Southern Living Magazine!
Although our actual house was not the one photographed, it is based almost 100% on the house that was featured (a house in Florida) in the magazine, and was decorated down to the last detail exactly the same.
When we bought the house, there was a copy of the issue that the house was featured in, and it looked identical to our house at the time!
It was originally built as a coastal living home, but we have since added board and batten, shiplap and several other features to give the house a much more farmhouse feel. We also finished the space over the detached garage and it is now an awesome bunkroom apartment that houses 2 of our older daughters!
As a former military family and then big corporate life, we are not native to Georgia, and we have lived all over the country, coast to coast, New York to California and everywhere in between!
But we are finally in a place where we can put down roots and have no plans to ever leave!!!!
Don’t you love those green cabinets of Jenny’s? Really pretty color! I loved Jenny’s story and wow, 9 children. I can’t imagine, but it looks like she handles it well.
They’ve addeda lot of personality to their farmhouse and it looks so pretty.
Jenny is quite active on Instagram, so be sure and follow her there.
This gray and white bathroom is very pretty.
And another bath of shiplap and white tile is also calming.
I think this must be the master bedroom.
And this might be my favorite spot in the house, a swing bed on the porch.
I love Southern Living homes and if I ever built another house, I think it would have to be a Southern Living one. They are so charming.
Back entry to the house.
And they have a beautiful pool! Looks like a wonderful farm and country living house, doesn’t it? Thanks Jenny for sharing your charming home with my readers. Hope you all will go over and check out Jenny’s Instagram at Big Family Little Farmhouse. She’s very active over there and has a You Tube channel as well.
Hope you all enjoyed Feature Friday today!
I follow Jenny and cannot get enough of her. Thank you for featuring her and her story because I learned more about Jenny and her family. I just adore Jenny and her spirit for life. ♥
Such a beautiful home ! It looks so liveable. I absolutely love the swing on her porch
I am in love with this home! Thanks so much for featuring her farm home.
Yes I think I follow her on Instagram and WOW it’s so nice. I love all the details of the home and Jenny’s decorating. The colors are gorgeous and so nice to see these days. Great feature.
Great pics and write up.
What a beautiful home and a beautiful story of a family! I follow her on IG. Thanks for sharing Rhoda!
Went over to Instagram … WOW…. gorgeous home…. and what a great family !!! Thank you Rhoda for sharing !!
I absolutely love everything about this home and her decorating! Truly liveable and comfy. Thanks for sharing Rhoda!
Thanks so very much for the sweet feature! It’s an honor to be part of your blog and I so appreciate the love!!!
I adore Jenny’s home and I live very close to her also! She is a fun gal to follow and you have to see her fall decorations, so cute!
Any chance you know the type of flooring in your home? I would love to know! Very pretty!!
HI, Lisa, I’m afraid Jenny won’t see this, you would need to go over to her blog and ask the question there. Thanks!
It is Item ID: AA791-12005
FORA (Bernina Hickory) from Anderson Tuftex and nicely warn from years of ‘traffic.’
What brand and color is the green paint?
HI, Marcia, Jenny won’t see this comment, you’ll need to go to her Instagram and ask her there.
Thank you for sharing Jenny’s beautiful home. She is very blessed, gifted and talented. Does she share any other way than Instagram? I’m not on that. Thank you much. Keep up the good work.
I think she has a blog but I’m not sure she blogs.
We just moved in a couple of weeks ago and do we have some stories to tell. I think the house is more livable than the pictures depict. I have a unique farmhouse decor style and would love to share some of my ideas/decor with you.