This blogworld always amazes me, the talent and creativity of new bloggers out there. Kristin from Bliss at Home is a new friend that I met at Haven and she is just adorable. If you can call a gorgeous blonde, taaaaall like a super-model woman, adorable. Kristin is warm-hearted and sweet and I’m so glad I got to meet her.
You’ll love her story too. She’s a thirty-something married mom of two boys, who bought the childhood home she grew up in, in Illinois. It’s a 1950’s brick ranch, nothing special to look at on the outside (yet, that is), but inside, Kristin has been busy making it her own. To fit her own dreams of what a house should look like.
I grew up in a 60’s ranch not all that different from this one. My parents live next door to that original house to this day.
I read this post about why they decided to stay in this house and not to sell it for their “dream home” plans. You know, we all grew up with this dream home idea about what kind of house we’d have if we could afford it, but I do think that dream home ideas are a-changing. With our economy like it is, many people who thought they wanted big grand homes are finding themselves content with less, with smaller expectations, and without a huge mortgage payment.
Can I get an AMEN to that! Yes, sistahs, I’m right there with Kristin. I have said many times, my home is certainly not a dream home to anyone but me, but I’m proud as can be of my fixer upper too. I love hearing stories like this, it warms my heart.
So, sit back and take a look at what Kristin has accomplished in her home, on a budget. She has some serious style going and can work wonders with thriftstore finds too.
She loves bold patterns, lots of black and white and knows how to mix things up. Coming in her front foyer is a lot of patterns, but it’s interesting too.
Stripes on the wall and a pretty console table are welcoming to guests.
One huge project that Kristin and her hubby completed this year is this wall of Ikea Billy bookcases, all customized to fit their space. Love, love what they did on this wall.
They took those Ikea plain bookcases and added light and sound for their living room and wow, does it make a huge difference in this room.
Adding all the styling to the bookcases brings the room alive, with pillows and fabric textures and patterns too.
Kristin has a good eye for details and bargains and made over this pretty brass lamp to fit her space. Brass is back, did you know that? It just looks more updated now with a burnished look instead of screaming shiny brass.
Kristin also knows her way around a paint can and refurbished this antiques store find that was in good shape, but needed some updating. Love the modern feel it has with a new coat of white paint. She said it had some bubbles in the finish, so she didn’t mind painting it.
Her boy’s room is equally adorable too.
And the master bedroom is cozy and casual with plenty of elegance too.
Outside, they have been working on a nice patio area to entertain and it is gorgeous! That’s her neighbor’s house that you see up there.
What a pretty table this is and Kristin has it all set up so nice.
Complete with a pond below, it is one beautiful outdoor living area. We’d all love to have this, right?
Oh man, this pic is so tranquil and peaceful, I just love what they’ve done outside too. Kristin says she has many more rooms to transform, so it will be fun to follow along on her journey. I’ve got a complete overhaul to do outside my house, so that will be what I start tackling soon!
I know you enjoyed Kristin’s story as much as I did and I hope you’ll go over and say hello. Kristin is a very sweet and talented blogger and I’m so happy to know her and Bliss at Home!
Rhoda, we have downsized too and love it. You have inspired me to get organized and use the space I have.
Cheryl Ann