It’s Friday again! I love Fridays since it means Mark is home for the weekend and this weekend is even more special, since he’s off work until after Christmas.That’s fun for both of us and I’m sure we’ll enjoy some memorable events over this Christmas holiday. We’re working on a little fireplace project at home that shouldn’t take too long to get done, so I’ll be sharing that with you soon.
Today’s Feature Friday is my last post from New England and highlights the last mansion I photographed to share with all of you, The Marble House. I hope you’ve enjoyed this series of posts as much as I have enjoyed sharing them with you. It sure was a fun trip and we look forward to going back again one day. This house was magnificent, right along with the others I’ve shared with you. I’ll just let the pictures tell the story, since I’m not an expert on any of these mansions. This is another of the Vanderbilt summer cottages. That still makes me laugh!
That’s Mark going in. Of course, The Marble House was filled with marble as you will see and it was decorated for Christmas so enjoy that too!
We learned in our audio tour that some of the marble sent to the house during construction was damaged and instead of waiting for more, a faux artist came in and faux painted some of the walls in marble. This sone example. Very realistic, don’t you think?!
Loved this staircase, which I think was for the servants to use.
That’s it for the final mansion tour in Newport. I hope you enjoyed! Have a great weekend and thank you as always for stopping by to visit with me today!
Thanks so much for sharing! These tours were so fun to follow along with. This house was my least favorite, but wow-I pretty incredible!
I should appreciate all the intricate detail of these mansions, but the first thing that comes to my mind is “Boy what a lot of dusting that has to be done.”
Really, Chris! It would take so many people to keep up a house like this. No wonder they had a swarm of servants.
How ‘quaint’! Ha! I can’t my head around that kind of wealth, but it sure is fun to peek in. I apparently would have been a servant in years past – my favorite part was the copper pots. Thanks for sharing!
You and me both, Barbara, I’d have been a servant too!
The plaster work and marble finishes are just incredible. Another beautiful ‘summer’ home. Thanks for sharing the photos.
Friends from Texas visited us in New York City and we took them to Newport thanks to you! We visited The Breakers and Marble House. Our friends enjoyed visiting these “cottages”.
HI, Maureen, I’m so glad to hear that! Glad you enjoyed too!
Hard to believe people really lived here 😳 Was it cold with all that marble an high ceilings ?
Well, definitely not cozy by any means. I don’t think any of these could be that cozy.
Hi Rhoda,
Although I really can’t relate to the lifestyle of the people who could afford homes like this, I have really enjoyed your photo tours of all the places you visited in New England… makes me want to go visit there, too! Regarding the high ceilings question, I noticed in your comments in your post that this house was built to be a “summer cottage”, which helps to partially explain the high ceilings. Since the house was built before the days of air conditioning, the high ceilings, big windows, and cool marble surfaces would have helped the house feel cooler during the warm weather months of the year. Hmm… wonder what their “winter house” was like?
I thought the same thing as Chris (above) comment…the dusting, but I suppose if you can afford “that” house you have others do that job. It is a beautiful home, lots of detail to appreciate but I couldn’t live with all of that, it is overwhelming for me personally. It is nice to see these homes and how they lived, that I can definitely admire. Thank you for sharing, it is fun to see these homes that we other wise would not.
Amazing! Thank you for taking us on these tours…one of my favorite things to do…house tours and museums. I got to visit the Biltmore this past spring, one of my bucket list items, and I was in awe! It is hard to conceive of how they actually “lived” in these houses; it’s so opulent! The spiral staircase was stunning, and it was for servants?! Wow!
Hi, Audra, I agree, so fun to tour these houses. I love the Biltmore too!
What a lovely break from all the Corona virus hoopla! I’d settle to have a couple of dollhouse rooms SLIGHTLY resemble this grandeur!
Who built these homes with this amazing woodwork and marble ? Such a dyin̈g art. Love that copper in the kitchen. The outsides of these homes is stunning. but I have SAD and the dark interiors are not for me.