There’s always been something really attractive to me about black & white color schemes. I find myself drawn to those colors in magazines & fabrics so many times, so I thought I’d share a few of my inspiration pics that I’ve found in many of the catalogs & magazines that I receive. I don’t know about you, but once you get on one catalog mailing list, others join the bandwagon, so now I have catalogs galore. I love to page through them looking at all the pretty pictures & I always keep a few around, tossing the older ones as others take their place in my basket. In no particular order, here are a few beautiful black & whites for your Friday enjoyment! Thought I’d join the Friday inspiration bandwagon this week…might not always get to it, but this week I did.
If I had another undecorated room, I just might have to do black & white in there. I’ve been particularly drawn to the black/white damask pattern that is out now & think it is positively yummy. I know several of you agree with me on that one! The great thing about black & white is all the different colors you can put with it too…to change it up & make it totally different, but there’s just something so classic about the combo of black & white.
From Winterthur:From Horchow:

Well, I hadn’t realized there was so much black and white out there until you posted all of these lovely pics!
By the way, I do remember your fence and lanscaping at your old house and have a few inspiration pics saved from there. Thanks for chiming in on my vote.
Rhoda, what a great collection of black and whites. I always love the statement those colors make together. They’re like style with an exclamation point!
Your new banner is fan-tabulous. That’s fantastic and fabulous 😉
I would love, love, love to see your hydrangeas when they bloom. I never thought about them growing wild. That is awesome! Did you see the Montgomery Mophead variety? Oh my! I’ve reached the point of where would I put a new plant, but it is soooooo tempting.
Rhoda I adore your new blog topper. Your photos for Inspiration Friday are lovely. I’m not much for decorating with black and white, but these settings you’ve chosen are gorgeous. xoxo
Love the new banner — is spring cleaning fresh. And I love the bolack and white scheme. I am inches from upholstering a sofa in bold black and white checks — three to six months, tops. Your collection is very inspiring. Thanks
One more room….heeee heeeee
Some people could use one more house, not too big, just enough rooms to do more and more ideas. That’s why Pat has the condo don’t you think? 🙂
It’s been a year and half since I bought those cushions for the porch and I really love them. So I really liked your outdoor picture, since I didn’t have that one.
Have a great weekend!
Love your new banner. Your black and white pictures are awesome. I love the grouping of transferware plates. I’m always looking for that style. They are not readily available where I live. I’d like a collection in brown tones.
Love the Ballard Designs and Frontgate…..when that comes in the mail I am one happy camper they have such unique things !!
Your new banner is great, did Amy that did Daisy Cottage do yours too???
Have a nice week-end..
Kathy 🙂
Stunning! You have fantastic taste, I loved every singl photo! PS I have the same black and white plate that is shown on your page top!
Hi Rhoda
I loved the inspiration and my taste of southern hospitality.
This is my first visit, but I will call again soon. Your blg is lovely and your photographs are stunning.
Did you order one of everything>????
Love the new banner, and the black and white inspiration photos! I have a lot of black in my home…mostly iron. Love the way it anchors a room.
Hi Rhoda!
Hope you had a nice wk.end – your banner is beautiful! And, I visit your site daily – thanks for the kind comment and I will definitely be back to visit!
Love your Friday inspirational!
Rhoda, I loved seeing all of these fantastic photos – I love black and white too – these are great examples of that! Fun to see! Thank you!
Like the new banner!!
Thank-you so much for this lovely black and white color story!
Great inspiration. Thanks for the photos!
love your pics and your site. stumbled on it by accident as i am a huge fan of vintage and black and white. i just ordered these and thought you’d like them. they are truly this generation’s baggies in the best black and white scroll print i’ve ever seen. I pretty much love it all on this site and order here often. Not Your Grandma’s Baggies at or
thanks and great job on pictures. Marcy- Texas
I planning on doing a bedroom with black and white damask bedding. What kind of window treatments? I have plantation shutters on the bottom half of the windows. What color paint on walls? Greens, Reds, Yellows, etc??? Need some ideas.