Time for the neighborhood sales to begin around here…..and April will be a prime month too.
I just love NOT paying retail!
So, I guess you’ve all noticed my new banner?! I’m proud to say that I did it myself. If you’re looking for some free photo software to play around with, try Picasa and Photo Filtre. You can download both of them for free. I used Picasa for the collage of photos, then saved it and went to Photo Filtre for the borders and text. It was fun! I didn’t have any idea what I was doing, but I played with it until it worked and I was happy with it. I think it’s a fresh new look for my banner!
I can’t wait to share what I did on Saturday with you. Just call me part-time floral design assistant!
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I love seeing what people buy at sales and how much they paid for them!
You did great!
Rhonda, I want to thank you for the referral to the photo websites. I was finally able to make a collage. I cannot figure out the borders though. I will keep trying.
Don’t you just love getting out on a spring morning and hitting the sales?
I meant to comment on your banner last time and totally forgot! It looks just great! Everything is so pretty all in bloom. We had a few yardsales in our neighborhood the week before so I guess it’s that time again!
Hi Rhoda,
Love your shells. I lvoe your new banner. And thanks for the info on how to do it. I love learning new things like this.
Rhoda, I love that blouse…that is so cute and you will really enjoy wearing it this season.
I’ve been so busy at work that I haven’t had time for yard sales yet. 🙁 Of course, that saves me a little money, too!
I love, love your new banner. You are so smart! It is very pretty and very “you”. 🙂
Hi Rhoda…If it ever stops raining here in WA I think the yardsales will start…I am waiting….LOVE all your finds…especially the clothes!
You really did a fantastic job with your banner….it looks great..
I like all your ‘finds’…I’d like to shop in your neighborhood…..
Thanks for the visit and comment of the 86 year old lady…I think she left no doubt as to what she was saying….Betty
great bargains. the clothes and the shells. your banner is the best though. it looks awesome.
Great job on the banner and oh my am I gonna have to try that cake!
Oh a girl after my own heart! I love a bargain and I love a yard/garage sale. They are so much fun. I loved the seashells, too. But the blooming trees, the pictures are just out of this world!
Love the finds! I need to post pics of what I found at my sales on Saturday. Isn’t it just great getting to find little treasures! It was my first sale day of the year and I did pretty good! Looks like you found some nice stuff yourself!
Great finds! Wow
I love your new header too!