I shared the dresser/chest I found last week at the antique mall for $100, in its Before state. You’ve got to look past what something looks like to see potential. That’s always been my motto and it definitely works!
And now I’m proud to say, she doesn’t look like this anymore:
Much improved.  I’m still getting used to my new camera and trying to get good pics in low light, so bear with me on these. It’s hard to capture the color of the walls in here, which is Sherwin Williams Blonde. Some are too light and some too yellow, but the true color is in there somewhere. 🙂
Doesn’t take up too much space either.
Much better, don’t you think? I added some beadboard wallpaper inside the door and did a paint overhaul with some soft blue paint I had on hand: Rain by Sherwin Williams. Adding some glaze for a vintage effect helped too, as well as adding new knobs.
Not so baby-ish anymore, huh?
This chest really was the perfect size and shape for what we needed: adding a flat screen to the room. It now sits directly across from the bed, instead of in the corner as before.  I don’t even mind that it isn’t hidden anymore.Â
The distressing is really subtle (even more so than this pic) and I used Ralph Lauren Smoke glaze to achieve an aged look. I’ll show you more on all of that later.
I patiently waited 2 weeks for the knobs at Hobby Lobby to go back on sale and it finally got here this week. You can’t beat their knobs! Very much Anthropologie-like, but much cheaper on sale. These are navy polka-dots.
The flat screen sits nicely on top and there are plenty of storage drawers and a big door too.
Close-up of the knob and aging glaze.
Inside the door, I built a little shelf to put the DVD. Drilled a hole in the back for the cords with my skil saw. This was made with simple furring strips (98 cents for 8′), cut with my miter box and I had a left over piece of real beadboard that I just plopped on top, after cutting it to size. Nothing fancy, but holds the DVD up top and out of the way.
I moved my vanity over near the window and it fits there nicely too.
Looking back at the antique armoire as you come in the room.Â
Our room is not huge, so this piece doesn’t take up a lot of space, thank goodness. We have a lot of furniture in here, but it works out pretty cozy for us and everything functions well. We only have this one single window in here, so I have a hard time getting great photos in this room. I would love a whole bank of windows, but that’s not what we got.
You may remember that my mom made those drapes for me right after we moved in. I’m sorry to say they have faded quite a bit, as you can see in some of the pics. They are made of silk and I just don’t think I’ll use silk again in a window that gets this much sun. They are lined and inner-lined too, but it didn’t stop the sun from fading them and I didn’t get to it fast enough to spray the fabric with a UV protector. So, I think I’ll use them for awhile longer and then I just might replace them with some ivory dropcloth drapes. I can always add some blue to those to fancy them up a little. I hate it, but that’s what sun can do to fabric, especially silk.
We also found out that by pulling the drapes shut most of the time, it keeps out a lot of the heat that can get in during the summer, so we do keep them pulled shut most of the time during the summer and winter (to keep the heat IN). I opened it up to let some light in for these pics.
View of the bed and pillows. I still enjoy the fabrics that I chose for our room.
The vanity fits in very well in the corner now. I actually do put on my makeup here all the time. I decided to just keep the little bamboo table right here in between the vanity and the dresser. It’s nice to hold books and it seems to anchor the painting over it, so I’m just gonna leave it here for the time being. That plant is looking rather pathetic, time for a new one.
Here are a few in progress pics. I’m not the best about documenting every single step while in the middle of a mess, but hopefully this will give you a good idea of how I did this one.
I did start off by sanding all over the piece with my electric sander. I really should have gone ahead and primed the whole piece, but I was being lazy and tried to cut corners, but I discovered that after my 2 coats of finish paint, it was scraping off really easily on the front of the piece, so I sanded all of that down again and primed the whole front of it to make sure the paint would stick well. It is usually better to prime, when you’re in doubt and I didn’t follow my own advice on this one. The old paint was pretty shiny. When you see shine on a piece, you just know it needs to be knocked down for that new paint to stick well, so either get out the electric sander OR prime. Either or both will work so that you have good results at the end.
I simply cut to fit a piece of my beadboard wallpaper and glued it inside the inset door frame. As neat as that is, there is still going to be a slight gap when you add this, so my solution is to add a small piece of molding on top of the wallpaper to really make it look more authentic. To me, this just finishes it off. For $4, one piece of molding will do the trick. Â
This piece is raised higher on one side than the other, so you have to cut it appropriately with the miter box. Not hard, just pay attention.
So, back to the molding. I just cut it with my miter box and angled the corners. Caulk and paint and you’re all set.
I painted 2 coats of Rain on the whole thing, along with the drawer fronts. Then I went back after it was all dry and used Ralph Lauren Smoke stain to give it an aged look. There are many ways you can go about aging something and I love to sand down too, but the way the old white paint was coming through, I didn’t want to risk my new paint coming off with the sander, so I just opted to do this method of distressing. I simply paint on the glaze and then take a damp rag and wipe most of it away.
And you’ll end up with a subtle distressed look with the glaze. I don’t think they are making RL glaze anymore. It used to be a Home Depot. But, this is really easy to duplicate. All you have to do is buy small bottles of glaze and Raw Umber craft paint at the craft stores and mix your own. It will do the very same thing, as will wood stain. Lots of ways to distress, so pick your fave!
So, that’s my little update in the bedroom. I’m so happy to have found a perfect sized piece for the flat screen and we do enjoy watching TV all snuggled up at night.
Are you looking for a special piece of furniture?
And are you thinking outside the box?
Rhoda. Rhoda!! Wow, that piece looks absolutely amazing. The beadboard wallpaper and molding you added really takes things up a notch. Then when you throw in the painting, the glazing, and the cool knobs, you have an amazing piece! And I love that you added that shelf for the DVD player. This should win an award, girlfriend!
Great job, Rhoda! You know I love repurposing old dressers as TV stands 🙂 And you crack me up… I too PATIENTLY wait for that 50% off sale to crank up at Hobby Lobby. They come every few weeks so if you see something you like and it’s full price, you know you just have to wait!! But all their gear is totally worth it. Great refinish!!
Rhoda you rock when it comes to fixing up some furniture! I love that you added bead board wall paper to it!
What a wonderful transformation!!!! And the beadboard wallpaper looks completely like it is real and was part of the original piece!!!!
I am so sorry I haven’t been leaving comments the past few weeks, but my 7 year old had a tonsillectomy & had some complications with being super sick w/ the pain meds afterwards, so it’s been a little whackier than normal here!
But, as always, I’m inspired so much by your blog and LOVE THIS RE-DO!!
Yes, I’m looking for a china hutch or buffet would be better for my space, something not so tall, the smaller ones. I’m kicking myself for not snagging a $125 one two months ago on Craig’s list. At the time I thought it was too much….but I should’ve budgeted for it and just gone for it because I haven’t foudn a better price ANYWHERE! So, I’m KICKING MYSELF!! Still on the hunt!
What a gorgeous bedroom. That cabinet looks fab now. I’m really impressed with the bead board wallpaper. I never would have guessed it wasn’t the real thing if you hadn’t told me.
I love this – it turned out beautifully! I love the tip about adding molding, it really looks great. So happy for you that you got it finished!!! And I love the knobs!
What a fab re~do you did on this piece!
I was really studying all that you did!
Getting ready to re~do several pieces!
Love it!
Oh, it looks sooo much better! Love that you were able to doctor it up yourself and add a shelf. 🙂
Looks wonderful Rhoda. I love how you used the beadboard paper. I have a cabinet in the studio that needs a good going over. I’m thinking it might be a great wintertime project.
I think we have lookalike tv’s. Yours is the same as the one we bought for the condo, last time we were there. I love these flatscreen tv’s. I don’t mind that ours isn’t hidden, either. We need to buy one for our room, here at home.
Lovely redo! Thanks for sharing your vision and the awesome finished product. I’m feeling inspired!
That turned out beautifully! 🙂
Goodness, I think I’m losing my mind! I could have sworn looking at this that Rhoda was putting soccer ball knobs on her furniture!
On second look, I love it. Another wonderful use of beadboard!
Oh what a great maekeover! I LOVE the vanity in the corner!
Wow Rhoda, This cabinet came out really nice. I didn’t even realize they made beadboard wallpaper. That is a great thing to know. Oh the things I could do with that! I love how you distressed it, and it is just the right size for your flatsceen. I recently went out looking for something simliar for one of my TVs, and they are well in the 300 to 450 price range. You did really good.
I love those knobs – so cute! Your cabinet turned out awesome.
I LOVE what you did with the dresser! Gorgous, just gorgous!
I love the finsh on this piece. Amazing!
You did great job remodeling this dresser. I love the ladybird like knobs that you have chosen. Even the color that you decided to use looks nice.
We have had that EXACT same antique dresser in our family for over 60 years! It began with my dad when he was a baby and then got passed around to every sibling, cousin, grandchild. I have been the latest to have babies so now I have it. I’m hoping the family forgets the tradition of passing it to the next baby in the family!
And I have been dying to do something with the front of the door! Now I know exactly what to do! I can’t wait to show my husband this tutorial! Practically written just for me! 🙂 thanks!