Hi, all!
We’ve made some huge progress already with the porch.
Mom and I first cleared everything out and then scraped the concrete blocks that were flaking off, getting it ready to prime and paint. Just getting a fresh coat of paint on these walls will be a major improvement.
I didn’t completely prime all the walls again, since they have all been painted with several coats of paint in the past, but my mom said it has been well over 10 years since this room has been painted, so it was definitely time.
I went around the room, touching up the bad spots with my Kilz Clean Start to get it ready for painting.
Dad said he wanted to paint, so I let him do that and he got it all painted in just a few hours, cutting in and then rolling. Do you love this color? I sure do! It’s actually leftover paint from my old house. This is Dutch Boy Colony Green, with another quart of a similar green from Lowes thrown in there. They were very close anyway, so adding that extra quart to the gallon, made plenty of paint to cover this space. It feels so happy out here now! Since I’m getting most of the new stuff from Home Depot, here’s what I found in the store that I fell in love with. I love green anyway and this set will be so nice to lounge on. I’ll get one settee. You can hardly see it, but those pillows have a bit of aqua blue in them, so I’ll bring out a little of that color too.
And 1 of these rockin’ glidin’ chairs. Oh my, this is so comfortable. We’ll all be fighting over the best seat in the house. 🙂
An ottoman to put up the ole’ feet and relax.
This 8×10 lattice rug will anchor the space.
And this pretty white armoire via Target. This was also part of my points and the only thing I ordered from a different site. I loved this cabinet for storage. It will hide all those things away that we don’t want to see.
This Martha Stewart storage bench from Home Depot is also a great piece and it has room for these cute fabric drawers.
I just adore these cute aqua blue fabric drawers. I’m throwing in a little of this color to bright things up too. They will hide more things away, like garden gloves and misc. stuff.
For the shoes and garden boots, I’m getting this huge storage bin, also for hiding it all away. It’s going to look so much better when things are put in their place.
On all 4 windows, I’ll be adding a shade like this to keep the sun from coming in. This will unify them all and add some texture to the space.
And I got a new and improved light fixture, nothing really fancy, but much better than the old one. In fact, anything is better than the old one. 🙂
So, you can see how this porch is coming along and I hope you see my inspiration of how I envision this space functioning. It’s going to be SO pretty and I can’t wait to sit out there and chill.
You likey??
If you missed the first Post #1, click on over to read about how this all started. This project is sponsored by American Express Rewards points. I was chosen to redo a space in our home using rewards points (150,000!), which I cashed in for the most part for Home Depot gift cards, which is where I’m buying the majority of items that I’m using in this space.
I was contacted by American Express about a program that they have going on: Membership Rewards. They launched Membership Rewards 20 years ago as a first of its kind program that over time has continued to innovate through new partners, categories, and features. The program offers more than a million rewards from over 500 brands and millions of Card members have redeemed their points for a variety of merchandise and experiences, from movie tickets to trips to the world’s finest resorts.
Not a Cardmember? The Premier Rewards Gold Card can help you redesign your social space. Apply today and receive a $100 Home Depot Gift Card when you spend $1000 within your first three months of Cardmembership to get you started.
{Disclosure: I was given 150,000 points ($1500) to use to redecorate this porch for my parents. I did not receive any other monetary compensation and was allowed to pick my own products from their websites. The final post of this series when I show the finished porch, will host a giveaway for a $100 giftcard from Home Depot! Woohoo for one of YOU!)
Love the direction you’re headed, Rhoda! Can’t wait to see more progress…:)
I really Like how it’s all coming together and the color is lovely. I’m glad you found so many ways to store things. Your parents are really going to enjoy this space that they didn’t really use before, other than dropping things off. Great job guys! Pat yourselves on the back from me 😉
Wow, glad you are already convincing your parents to go to town on their house doing what you love to do so much!
Dear Friend,
Those are colors and accents, I am just crazy about! The colors I my living room/dining room
with touches of aqua and tangerine to be exact. Thinking you got the shades at H.D. as well?
Love it – love it.
Oh, I’m sure it will be awesome! That is a neat porch/room!
We’re in the middle of major renovations on our newly purchased 1920’s cottage and whew, I’m about worn out!
Cheers to you and your family and your neat project!
Love that Colony Green Rhoda. Thanks for sharing the paint color. It is bright and cheerful and I love how the dark brown seating and shades will add some contrast. Cant wait to see the final photos.
Yes, I likey! It will look great, Rhoda! Hugs, Cindy
I absolutely love the green! The paisley pillows are gorgeous. They came from Home Depot? I can’t wait to see the finished porch.
Rhoda, you really went to town! I’m amazed you can make decisions so quickly. It will be gorgeous. If you think of it, tell us how big the porch is. It seems like you can fit quite a lot in. I love the paint color. It’s so much fun to see the transition. I have the feeling that this is just the start for your parent’s home. LOL
It’s looking good! Loving all of your picks — so refreshing!
Seeing your Dad painting tugged at my heart strings. I miss mine.
Your Friend,
Rhoda it looks great!
This looks so good! I am a big fan of porches, decks, sunrooms…anything like that. The look you’re going for is perfect for that kind of space!
This is going to be amazing! I know your parents will LOVE it!
Lookin’ good! Love the wall color, and the furnishings you’ve chosen are going to look fabulous!
Uh.Huh, UH Huh… like it alot! These colors remind me of that GREAT picture taken of you and your Mom, Sis and neice on the porch when you got together for the shrimp boil!I thought at the time, how beautiful ech of your outfits looked together- … aquas, greens, and ab it of tangerine.that pic would look wonderful out there with all these fab finds…’just sayin”… can’t wait for the reveal!!
know your folks are loving this!
You know, you AND your parents are benefitting from this move. How nice that you are redoing their porch and that they agreed and are HELPING too! It is all going to be beutiful, I love your selections. It makes me want a screened in porch even MORE….if that’s possible! Can’t wait for the bIG REVEAL!!!!!!!!!! XO, Pinky
Rhonda, I just saw that furniture set at Home Depot last week- sssoo pretty and SO comfy! You made a good choice!
Again… Rhoda, not Rhonda! I had just finished talking to someone at work named Rhonda and it got stuck in my head! 🙂
Oh it’s going to look great Rhoda…..your parents are great….what fun for them I am sure, to have you back in their lives….
All the best,
Kathy 🙂
ps we have had so much rain this week, have not seen the sun all week, so it’s a good time to sit back and catch up 🙂
Love seeing the progress on your porch, Rhoda! And I love the pops of turquoise and all the wonderful comfy looking seating and great storage pieces. Looking forward to seeing the final reveal with your mom, pop and you sitting and enjoying your newly refreshed space!