One of my newest sponsors, Beth with Uppercase Living, is sponsoring a fabulous giveaway today for $50 of product from their online store. We’ve all enjoyed these wall sayings around the house, but there is so much more being offered now.
So many things can be personalized and there are just so many more things you can do with vinyls….
To fixing up a boy’s room with a baseball silhouette.
Really, there is no limit to what you can do with vinyls these days.
So, click on over to Uppercase Living and tell me what you would order if you do win the $50 giveaway?
Come back here and leave a comment! That’s it! I’ll leave this open for 3 days and choose a winner then.
I would have an inspirational saying for my foyer. Something with scripture. I would want Ryan’s input so I don’t know which one exactly yet!!