You can see by the clock that I got a pretty early start yardsaling on Saturday. There was a big neighborhood sale near me, so I was pretty excited. I decided to take my camera with me this time just to show you all the good stuff that is out there. I have to always used retraint, as all of the goodies would not fit in my house.
Here’s the neighborhood sale sign. They do one in the spring & fall & I’m always excited to see this sign out! Here we go….
I’m snapping pics as I go from house to house. This rocker had a price sticker of $25. Not bad.
These pretty white (they are not blue, as they appear..I think it’s the haze this a.m.) pieces were $50 each.
I didn’t catch the price on this cute little desk & chair.
Go Yardsaling With Me!
Now, for my find of the day…….
I looked down…and there it was! This beautiful chandelier….for $20. Now remember, I just painted the ugly brass one that’s in my breakfast area. If I had known, I would have waited to paint it, but that’s the beauty of yardsaling…you just never know WHEN you’ll run across that big find. So, this little beauty will be going above my breakfast table. I have only found a few very nice chandeliers in the past..usually all I see is the shiny brass crap that I’m trying to get rid of.
It’s a little dusty, but once I clean it up, it will be gorgeous. What do you think of the beads?? I may leave them since they will look good with my green kitchen or I could take them off. Not sure about that. I was SO excited to find this. After I got it home, I realized that it has been painted by someone. It totally fooled me when I bought it, as I could not tell at all. I think it used to be brass too, but that’s OK, since they did a really excellent job painting it. I love the shape of it & this is just about what I would have picked for that table anyway. It came with some faux leather shades that I will probably use. We’ll see. I will definitely do a post after I get this in place, so stay tuned. I know I can’t wait too long, I’m excited to get it up.
Hope you had fun yardsaling with me! Did you feel the excitement & anticipation…walking up to each house & looking around. Now, maybe you can get just a little bit of how much fun it is to get out there & treasure hunt! I know many of you know this already. And I hope those of you who don’t usually go saling will give it a try. It’s totally addicting….trust me!
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My dear friend Rhoda… Finally stopped by, and see that you still find the BEST yardsales loot no matter where you live! I think we have twinkie leopard pillows- I enjoyed catching up with you here today!
August 27, 2007
Saturday mornings are yard sale mornings here for me too – and we all know that you have to get up early to get the best buys :-}
Great idea to take your camera along and show all the great finds you come across!
Wow, great pics Rhoda. I felt like I was right there with you…except that I couldn’t snatch up some of those great bargains, lol. You found some fun things. Love the pears. Glad you enjoyed the yardsaling. Diane
You get the BEST deals, yes you do! Love all your new treasures, and the prices are amazing.
I know it will all look fabulous in your home…everything does after you get done applying your magic touch.
What fun…almost as good as going *WITH* you in person! Well, almost!
I loved that dressing table…all white and perfect for Grace’s room.
: )
I think your fixture is amazing and I know you will do something stunning with it! I love the beads as well…just my 2 pennies but I think you should leave them!
Love your pears…and leopard print pillow and painting!
Oh did I adore your friend Debbie’s home! Gorgeous setting….and those
hot dogs look SO good. : )
Have a sweet week dear Rhoda!
Oh, what a fun post! I loved seeing all the things you found! I would definitely keep the beads–I love them! I can’t wait to see it when it’s installed. ~A 🙂
That is great! I can’t wait to see the after photos of the fixture though. Several years ago, a friend and I grew and painted gourds. Many of them either looked exactly like apples or pears and they were painted accordingly!
Tell me you didn’t leave that marble top sewing table there!!!
That was awfully cheap…I found mine on the side of the road…somebody had thrown it out and the marble top I got when they cut the sink hole out of my kitchen counter top. I keep it on the front porch.
That was so much fun and girl, could we EVER get in so much trouble together! I’m thrilled you got that perfect pear for your collection – love them all together like that on the mantle AND your new chandy is gorgeous.. oh yes, leave the beads if you can – adds to the personality of it, I think! Fun post Rhoda!
That was fun! I like the danglies on the chandelier. Your yardsales are nothing like the yardsales we have locally. Mostly it’s just overpriced junk. Those pears look great on your mantle!
Great pieces and prices! I’ve not been junkin’ in 2 weeks. After reading your post, I can’t wait until Saturday.
How lovely, lovely, lovely!! The green beads on the chandelier – sigh! I actually have a table that I made with an old sewing machine base and a door that we cut down to size (“we”, of course, being hubby). Blessings… Polly
I thoroughly enjoyed going yardsaling with you. Can we go again next week? You sure found some great stuff. I go yard saling about once a year, if that. I enjoy it, but it’s hard to fit it in. I need someone to go with.
I love the pears and the chandelier is gorgeous!
Rhoda, you did good girl…I like the chandelier….also the dress. I shop at Talbots but only on the good sales…..
Keep up the good work….Betty
OH, I had fun!! Will you take us again?
My fav was the painting…loved that!
You have really nice yard sales there! I would be going yard saling every weekend too if they were that good! I love the chandelier. I have my $20 garage sale chandelier that I found a couple months ago on my blog today. Don’t you just love a good deal!
I love yard sales and auctions. I have to restrain myself lately because I have a garage full of stuff. I need to have a yard sale.
Wow, I really need to get out there. That was some nice stuff. And the chandelier, well what can I say. Gorgeous. Personally, I love the beads.
Oh how fun, thanks for takin us along. You sure know the places to hit!
Hey there! What time does that clock say????? LOL
That light should look great when you are done with it, nice shape.
Oh that wicker set was a steal. I see why it was sold so early. Long before I was awake most likely!