If you like antiques, click on over to my giveaway page for a fun book review and giveaway! And even if you don’t particularly like antiques, you might like this one.
I was also asked to do a book review of this book, The Girl on Legare Street, but since I haven’t finished it yet, I’m not going to elaborate and I’ll just say it is not quite my cup of tea, as far as books go, with supernatural and ghosts and all of that, but if you like that sort of romance thing, then you might enjoy it. It is set in Charleston, which is a plus, but it’s not the kind of book that grabs my attention or that I would normally read.
This is a sequel to The House on Tradd Street and I can see that it is necessary to read that one first, as I felt there were things left out that I should have already known about the characters from reading the first book, so that is a disadvantage if you just pick up the 2nd one first. Got that? Anyway, it’s a romance supernatural novel about a girl coming back to face her past and meeting a mother who abandoned her years earlier, with plenty of ghost spotting and lots of strange happenings going on.
So, I’ll leave it at that and you can decide yourself if this set of books would be something that you might want to check out.
Mom on the Run says
I did read the first one,The House on Tradd Street, and thought it was good, but I like to read that kind of stuff and I love Charleston. I’ve bought the second book but haven’t had time to read it. After Christmas, maybe!
emelle says
Since the cover pictures a house (Miles Brewton)that is on King Street, not Legare, I am not so sure about the content either…..just saying… I used to live down the street….I’m now sadly for many years displaced to your part of the country, leaving all the kinfolk in the Holy City.
BTW, I do enjoy your blog alot…..
Beverly Willis says
My cousins live on Tradd St. in Charleston… maybe I should read the book. She refuses to read any books set in the Holy City as she says they are not what life is really like SOB. My cousins…
grannyann says
The comments were hilarious
trish says
Just wanted to thank you for featuring the book, even though it ended up not being your thing. 😀