August is sort of an in between time of year. End of summer. Too early for Fall and way too hot to do much of anything outside, so…..I’ve seen other bloggers open up their blogs for questions and thought this would be a great time to that.
So, now is your chance….do y’all have any burning questions you’re just dying to ask me? If so, speak up now. It can be general decorating questions, personal (within reason!), just anything that you can think of that you’d like to ask me. I usually do all the talking around here, so it would be fun for me to hear from all of you now. If I get some good decorating dilemma questions, I will do some posts with pics and let everyone participate in helping out. Doesn’t that sound like FUN?
So, put on your thinking caps and post your questions and I’ll compile them for a fun post or two! I can’t wait to see what you come up with. Of course, I reserve the right not to answer something if it’s in poor taste. 🙂
Throw them at me!
EDITED: I’ll have to close the questions for now! Got enough to keep me busy for a long while, so thanks for the participation. Stay tuned for some Q AND A.
Deserae says
Holy cow…it might take you a year to answer all these questions!!!LOL I don’t have a question for you…I just wanted to comment that you are such a sweetie to try and help so many people out with design delimmas :o)
bj says
Well, I am just beside myself to be able to ask you a question. So many thanks for this chance….
My biggest decorating problem is our Franklin Wood Burning Stove in our living room. It has the large black pipe that come out the top of the stove and goes thru the roof. OK..I have a mantle of sorts behind the pipe on the wall. Since the pipe divides the visual space, it is very hard for me to know what to put on the mantle and wall.
Any suggestions would be fabulous and, when you get to my question, I can send a photo of my stove to you.
Again, thanks so much for this fun Q & A session…it's great.
love, bj
Kitty Scraps says
Hello Miz Rhoda,
I think it’s incredibly generous of you to open your blog to decorating questions. I have so many but will contain myself to only one in the interest of being fair you to who is being so gracious. And I also would like to add that I love your blog so much, to echo the words of others, your blog is very uplifting and I so wish you were my neighbor!
I’ve seen you do some incredible rehabs on finds. I found a great pair of lamps at a yard sale. I think they are unglazed ceramic but I’m not sure. They are very heavy. Could I send you pictures and get your advice on how to paint/glaze/whatever to make them better suited to the color scheme in home? Also some advice on lamp shades, shape, style, great inexpensive place to find them, would be appreciated as the ones that came with them are not the right type and are truly awful.
TIA! You are such a sweetie!
Mrs. Darling says
Just found your blog and wanted to let you know how much I love it!!
Nancy Hood says
I wondered how long you’ve been in your present home and if you have a favorite one? Also, are the homes out past St. Vincent’s Hospital as expensive as they look? I loved driving that street during the azalea blooming time! The homes are large, but homey and loved.
Kimberley says
You probably hear this all of the time, but here goes…how do you accomplish a beautiful, layered look in your home where everything ties together and it is not too overwhelming? Is there a big secret or rules that are for decorators only?
sarah @ a beachcottage says
hmmmm the ones I was going to ask were asked, so I’ll be looking foward to the answers, one quick one, have you had many blog meets?
Pattie T. says
My husband and I are house hunting and one thing we both agree on is that we want a sunroom. I already know I want to decorate it in the colors of a Mexican sunset, but what I need are ideas as to what to do. It will be a totally blank canvas with windows all around (i.e. halfway down the wall running around the top of the room) about 10′ x 10.’ Any ideas?
jennifer says
I have several green tole ware trays that I want to hang over my headboard. This space is between two windows and is a little wider than a queen headboard (sleigh bed). How many should I hang in that space and should I incorporate any other form of wall art?
Great idea!!
Liz says
Oh My Gosh! 50 questions… Well I don’t have a question but I can’t wait to see how you address all these dilemmas. : )
Anonymous says
Hi Rhoda,
Just wanted to let you know how very much I enjoy your blog. Good Luck on ‘Got Questions’.
Janet says
I need ideas for decorating the mantel. The wall above the fireplace is very tall (to the second story). Currently, I have a large and tall floral arrangement in the center. On the right is a clock. On the left is a tall candelstick.
I need new ideas.
Self Confessed Lamp Tramp says
Wow….you are so sweet to take this on! You’ll be answering these questions till the cold weather sets in. Love all your projects and recent posts!
Rhoda @ Southern Hospitality says
OK, girls! I think all of these questions will keep me busy for a long while, so I'm going to have to close the questions for now! Thanks so much for all the participation.
I'll do my best to address every question, but it might take a good while to do that. I've got another post ready to begin to answer some of these & I'll post that shortly.
This was fun! I had no idea what sorts of questions I would get.
Mrs. Trixi says
My one real decorating dillema right now is my fireplace. Here is a link.
I am perplexed. I think I should paint the brick the same color as the wall. Then maybe paint the mantel black to match the insert or white to match my wall cabinets and molding.
What do you think?
Thanks for doing this!!!
mrsjones6 says
Aren’t you generous with your knowlege! So many of us will most definitely appreciate this!
My question:
Our LR is very odd shaped with a rock fireplace that dominates the room. We have tried to make the fireplace the focus of the room, but I have no clue how to decorate the oak mantle. Our walls are painted a beautiful “adobe straw” which is very neutral and my cutains and rug are predominately sage. I would LOVE any suggetions for a beautiful mantle. I’ll be glad to post some pics so that you can see the room.
Thanks for yur ideas,
Vicki T says
Rhoda, PLEASE let us Bham people know when you have your yardsale!