How could I let Valentines Day go by without showing you the beautiful roses that my sweet DH got me for VD! This is just one of the buds…we had a special lunch out & exchanged some nice little gifts & cards. Valentines is such a sweet holiday & reminds us to be thankful for the loved ones in our lives.
And to jump to another subject, I’ve been anxiously awaiting spring with the beginning of yardsales…anyone else with me on that? Thought I’d just show you all some of my favorite finds over the last few years. There are many, many things in my house that came from yardsales & every year I hit them fresh & new just to see what I can find. I know you all can relate to the “thrill of the hunt”!
This sweet little tray was picked up somewhere in Atlanta during my past yardsaling…I think I paid about $3 for it & when I saw it, I just had to have it. It’s such a vintage looking piece with the fruits & the beautiful lime green color. The middle piece has a lid that comes off for serving dips or jellies. I haven’t actually used it for serving, but it sits on my breakfast buffet…I just think it’s the prettiest thing!
More vintage finds with the 2 European (Paris, perhaps?) prints. These were about $1 each and I’ve treasured them ever since. I have a thing for fleur-de-lis, as well as bunnies & have both sprinkled throughout my home.
Two chair prints called my name…I think these were $5 for the pair…how could you leave something as pretty as these & not take them home…I didn’t!
Ahh, this vintage little lamp just needed a fresh new look with some leopard fabric on the lampshade…and a bit of floozy trim! This was maybe $2.00.
This little bunny print was $5….and looks right at home in my laundryroom. The Target bunny who looks like he’s flying was one of my best finds yet. Did anyone else get one of these last year on clearance? I really lucked out & got the last one in the store for $7.50 & I was smilin’ all the way out of the store. In fact, someone else had picked up the very last one after I had been told by another store that there were about 10 left at this particular store. I asked her where she found them…she pointed over a couple of aisles & there were none to be found. I almost thought I’d cry & told her that I had driven all the way over to find one…as I was walking away, she called me back & placed the bunny weathervane into my arms & said…take it! I said “Thank you so much” & ran to the cash register. My bunny collection is almost complete!
One more little guy, I found him last year yardsaling, for I think, $1. He was the perfect size for this little shelf in the laundryroom.
OK, if that doesn’t get you in the mood for yardsaling, I just can’t help you much! Please come back & share some of your finds with me. I always love a good thrifty find!
Rhoda..I’ve always envied your finds. You seem to always hit a jackpot! I’m so excited for the season to start up again. I’ve been missing it! Can’t wait to see what all you can find in your new hometown.
Believe me girls, these wonderful treasures are only a “sample” of the fantastic finds that Rhoda has found in the past – she always has such a great eye for what will end up looking PERFECT in her home! So fun to see these enjoying their new places of honor!!
I am so ready for spring and the “hunt”! It is truly the only time I tend to spend much time doing that…I think it is the early morning spring sunshine that drives me on.
Love the bunnies!
Well HEllO there Rhoda! What fun to discover you have a blog. I so enjoyed your pics! Will be back often to visit. Come visit me sometime! Cherry
Hi Sweetie,
You really have the luck finding great items for your home. Every yard sale I find has nothing but “redneck” junk. Maybe I need to change my location…
Love a good yard sale, tag sale, estate sale, whatever! lol I’m all about some bargains and it looks like you are too!
Come visit me!