On a very sad note, I am so sorry for the devastating tornadoes that ripped through the Southeast in the last few days. I was watching the aerial footage over Tuscaloosa from a news helicopter and it was just unreal, the damage was heart-breaking. My heart aches for Alabama and the other Southern states for all that they are facing right now. My sweet mother-in-law’s power was out for 4 days and that was very hard on them, but thankfully not a lot of damage except for a fence that was blown down. I hope that we will all find some small way to help those affected by these tragedies.
The Thrifty Treasures party is getting off to a good start and I’ve enjoyed seeing what all you have found out there. I think some of our old participants haven’t found out the party is back on again, so hopefully more will join in along the way. Feel free to pass the word too!
Today, I’m going to highlight a few really great things that caught my eye from the last party.
These aqua Ball jars are favorites of mine too and I have a few of these collected. My buddy, Myra, from The Casabella Project, found all three of these for $10. That’s a great find!
This pretty blue chest didn’t look like this until Stacey from Embracing Change found it and repurposed it for better use. And she got it FREE on Craigslist, now that is a thrifty find for sure. I love, love the paint technique she used on this gorgeous piece.
Erin, from Richmond Thrifter really got me with her linky title: Prison Uphostery. I couldn’t click over there fast enough to see what in the world she was up to. She had an old chair that needed a new dress really bad and after finding out that the inmates (who knew?!) now are learning to do this in the joint for cheap ($25), she took it on by the local prison for a new look. Beautiful chair now!
And my very favorite find of the week goes to Beth at Unskinny Boppy and the really cool ladder she scored an an antique shop. Just look at what Beth did to spruce up her outdoor space with this vintage find. Love the hanging lanterns and how totally adorable it is now. Beth, you must be loving this! This shot is magazine worthy.
The Atlanta blogger’s lunch at La Madeleine was a LOT of fun! I thoroughly enjoyed meeting everyone. We talked and talked and talked over some delish tomato basil soup. I hope to do this at least once a quarter. There are some wonderful women here in Atlanta and it’s a pleasure to get to know some of them.
(Back row: L to R: Jena (reader), Dorinda (reader), Kim (Savvy Southern Style), Tamela’s friend (sorry!), Renae Moore (Renae Moore Designs), Libby (Light of the Home), Kim (Abnormally Normal), ME; Front Row: L to R: Babs (Upstairs, Downstairs), Lori (Lori May Interiors), Tamela (reader), and Connie (Sensible Redesign). Thanks ladies, for a fun day! )
We will have to do it again.
What have YOU found lately? Add your link to the Linky list and remember our guidelines for the party:
- Add your permalink to the link list, which is the actual post that you did for this party, NOT your general blog url. To get the actual post, after you publish the post, just click on the title and THAT will be your party post url. PLEASE try to get the correct url in the first time!
- Please add my button to your post or blog OR at least link back to this post in your post. That’s all I ask. It’s common courtesy to link back to the person having the party, so that all of your readers can find it too.
- Please do NOT link to an Etsy shop or something similar (even if you think it’s a fabulous deal) or I will delete the link. This party is for sharing thrifty finds from yardsales, thriftstores, or something along those lines. If I see that your post is not really on track with this theme AND you don’t link back, I’ll delete your link. Sorry, but I’d like to keep the party consistent! IF YOU SEE THAT YOUR LINK HAS BEEN DELETED, IT IS PROBABLY BECAUSE IT IS NOT IN LINE WITH THIS PARTY THEME.
Hi Rhoda…I wondered if anyone in your family was affected by the tornado. Glad all are safe! It was scary. Sorry I missed the Atlanta bloggers lunch. I actually live near Kim and our friend Babs (Her blog is Upstairs Downstairs…http://babs-upstairsdownstairs.blogspot.com) but my grandson had a Little League game! Maybe next time…would love to meet you! Happy week!…hugs…Debbie
Thanks Rhoda for hosting. I am happy your party is back, it was always one of my favs! The bloggers lunch sounded fun. I wish I were closer to Atlanta.
Rhoda, love that ladder and how she hung it, too. Prisoners upholstering who knew. There is a prison right behind me. I wonder if they do it there. That is Babs next to me. She had a blog upstairs downstairs. That was a lot of fun.
Rhoda, I’m a new follower of yours and hope to join in the fun for the next Thrifty Treasures party. The Atlanta area bloggers’ luncheon was so much fun. I really enjoyed meeing everyone and enjoying the delicious food at La Madeleine . Let’s do it again.
Have a great week,
Thank you so much for featuring my dresser! I am so proud of it especially because it was FREE! Thanks again for choosing my piece and for your wonderful blog – LOVE IT!
Stacey :o)
Linked up all my finds for my antique space, Rhoda! Thanks so much for hosting!!
Hi, Rhoda! I haven’t been able to make it to any yard sales yet! This weekend would have been perfect weather in VA, but we had to travel out of town for a funeral. Hoping to hit the sales next weekend and maybe get to link up! 🙂
Thank you so much for hosting this party;)
Lovely greetings…
I was really sorry to hear about the tornadoes that were hitting the US as we were enjoying a beautiful day watching the Royal Wedding. My thoughts are with everyone who was affected, especially those who lost loved ones.
Your ladies who blog lunch looks like it was a lot of fun! I didn’t find much this week, apart from a designer dress for a very cheap price, but now I am conflicted about what to do with it, as it’s a Galliano. As you may know, he was recently sacked from Dior for supposedly making racist remarks. The post is getting a lot of interesting comments!
Thanks for hosting, Rhoda! Glad to see you brought this back and that I was able to join in!
So sorry to have missed the luncheon! Hope to make the next one.
I am SO sorry I missed it…….the movers are coming this am and I had a weekend of putting away all of my breakable stuff that I don’t trust them with 🙂 I will definitely be at the next one but I am sure I will see you before that 🙂
We were without power for almost four days as well but when I see the devastation around me, I am thankful that inconvenience was all I had to endure. I missed reading my blogs and I am catching up today! Looks like you had a good turnout for the luncheon! Well off to catch up on laundry and clean out my fridge!
Thanks for organizing the lunch, I always love to have a reason to go to La Mad! Even though I’m not a design blogger or a DIY’er (as I said, I’m a HIRE’er!) I had a great time! Hope to make it to the next one and maybe I’ll see you at the Art & Design Showhouse! I’ll be there on 5/11 on the morning shift.
Yay! It’s so fun to see what treasures everyone finds. I hope my dollar tree find is ok for this theme. I LOVE those bell jars and I’m jealous of the price she got. That ladder is adorable, too. Thanks for hosting, Rhoda!
I love that photo of you ladies! So wish we could do something like that here in Dallas, it just seems that we are all really spread out and pretty far away from each other. Thank you for hosting, this will get me out thrifting and yard saleing again!
xoxo, Andrea
Interesting to see the blue Ball jars with clear tops. I’m sure they weren’t made that way, but I like the look. One of my favorite estate sale finds was three Ball jars filled with REAL beach glass from Lake Michigan. I really cherish it as beach glass is hard to find these days. Don’t worry about the slow start for your party, as it is still 45 degrees in Wisconsin and the tag sale season is a few weeks off up North.
Love, love, love all of these finds….just when I think I’m “creative”, I see projects like these. Wow, talent! Thoughts and prayers to those affected by the storms…
Hi Rhoda!
I’ve been enjoying your blog as a lurker for a little while but it’s the first time I’ve joined in the linky party today, thank you for hosting!
Jem xXx
Wow….wonder if our prisoners here are doing upholstery for $25….what a steal!! haha no pun intended. Thanks for hosting this party again, one of my faves.