Decorating for the Holiday House is complete and now we are just waiting for the big day to arrive, this Tuesday, November 10th. Here’s a tiny peak at part of my area. That’s my tiny kitchen tree that I put up in my breakfast area every year.
It has been a busy few weeks with all those ladies scurrying around this huge estate home decorating it to the nines. Those of you who are coming out to the Holiday House are going to absolutely LOVE it! It is truly stunning and I think it’s going to knock your socks off with all the beauty and creativity you will see. Not in my area, necessarily :), but the whole house is decked out beautifully, completely and magnificently.
I think we all got a little intimidated when we got started and saw what everyone else was doing. What I thought looked beautiful in my house wasn’t so special once I got it over there, so I had to regroup and pick up a few more things at home for my 2nd day of decorating. But, it came together pretty well and I’m happy with it. My area is not over the top, but cute and whimsical in the kitchen and classic and elegant in the den area. I hope you all will enjoy it. In fact, I know you will!
Here’s the recap of the Holiday House (with ticket info) that I’m taking part in on November 10th, in case you missed it before. There are still tickets available too, so I hope you local girls will come on out for the fun! Tickets will be sold at the shuttle pick-up area if you haven’t bought a ticket yet.
It’s gonna be fabulous! Of course, I’ll share pics afterward of everything, so be prepared for what will probably be a few days getting inspired again for Christmas. It will take a few posts of pics to show all of this house completely. We had a final meeting today for all the decorators and hostesses to make sure our plans are in place and I took a zillion pics.
It is gorgeous! We found out today that Southern Lady magazine is coming out to photograh the house too. 🙂
Sure wish I could hope in the car and come over!! I know it will be awesome. Can’t wait to see your photos.
Your kitchen tree is adorable!
I can’t wait til Tuesday! I have no doubt that what you have decorated will be fantastic!
I hope this helps me try to get in the spirit of Christmas this year without my Amber with me. I know the holidays are going to be tough. She loved Christmas and we usually have a tree in each room of our house. Can’t wait to see you on Tuesday.
I really wanted to come to this! But work is just too hectic and I’m two hours away. 🙁
I can’t WAIT to see the pictures! Best of luck with everything…I hop you get lots and lots of visitors.