Week 9 was a highlight for sure! I’ve been waiting for this day ever since we closed on the house. There’s nothing wrong with blue paint in and of itself, it’s just not what I wanted all through the house. I want lighter, brighter and airier and those tired blue patched walls were not it.
So it was with much rejoicing that I watched the painter cover up those blue walls and my beautiful creamy warm white walls took over.
We called in our friend, Jimmy, a retired friend of the family painter who sprayed the ceilings a few weeks ago. He knows how to paint those tall walls much faster than we do, so it was worth it to get some outside help for this room. My dad helped a lot too by cutting in next to the lower ceiling and windows and doors.
I kept working on painting more of the board and batten. Inside the boxes took several coats of trim paint to cover the old blue, but it’s looking good here.
New Wall Color: Sherwin Williams Moderate White
Trim Color: Sherwin Williams Pure White
Wall color in dining room, above board and batten: Rockport Gray, Ben Moore
Looking down to the den.
The windows coming in the small foyer are really pretty now with the new trim and bright white paint. You can see how we joined the board and batten to the windows and I just love how the detail of the board and batten adds so much to this space. So glad we took the time to do that, it was only an additional 3 or 4 days of work and not much money at all.
Top of the stairs trim added.
We used some left over trim pieces and made them work here.
Light switch trimmed out and painted.
Close up of the joints.
A lunch break on the porch with a fried chicken lunch was a much needed rest for all of us.
Fried chicken dinner from Publix, our fave place for chicken when we buy it out.
My sister stopped by to check on the progress.
After lunch, coat #2 went up and then it really came alive.
After…..beautiful. Just what I had imagined in my head.
Love the way the new creamy paint looks with the stone fireplace now. Do you see why I love this wall of windows so much?? All this light coming in makes me so happy.
The stairs.
Love this shot from the dining room to the fireplace. The gray of the paint really pulls out the stone colors now.
Living room looking into dining room.
Board and batten up the stairs.
Looking to the front door.
Looking down the stairs to living room.
Stairway and hall up stairs.
From master bedroom door looking down hallway to living room.
I got the grass cut again last week and it was looking nice outside. That big pile of rubble is the old flooring. We’ll get a dumpster in here soon to take it all away.
One more demolition project that we got done last week was getting out this old tile floor in my vanity area. I hired Debbie’s son, Andrew to come over and give me some help. Glad to get it out of here and it will be ready for some hardwoods now.
Mom’s been working hard too. As we painted, she got in the hall bath and cleaned out the rotten bottom to it. It had completely disintegrated into sawdust after an apparent leak. For now, we’ll build another plywood bottom in here and I’ll paint it out and use this vanity and countertop for awhile until I can afford to gut it and start over.
These pics are on the fly and not the best, but wanted to document everything. My mama is such a hard working woman, she can outdo me any day when it comes to cleaning things up. She has really helped keep the place clean and swept up and I appreciate her so much too.
That’s the big progress for last week. Getting all those walls painted was a huge milestone. We got one of the bedrooms and master bedroom painted too (same color) and I forgot to take pics of those. I’m working on my office too and I’ll show you that soon. It’s going to be a brighter color, wait til you see!
Thanks for being excited with me on this house reno. I love to read all the comments that y’all leave me! I’ve told my dad what a rockstar he is in blogland, but he just laughs. That is totally not in his world at all.
I really love the space outside your home. The grass is looking really awesome. And all the improvements you have made in your house are appreciable. Your home is looking really beautiful..:)
Still catching up on my reading after our family vacation at the beach. LOVE the new paint color!!!! And the stone fireplace looks FABULOUS! You guys are really going hard core. I can’t wait to see the flooring. 🙂
Great to see your Sis. Me and my sister ae close also and she checks in on my project. She’s NOT a DIYer like me and Mom. We’re working on her. Your place looks great and having those young men to hire is a big help. I have/had 2 built in helpers. One’s going off to the Army next week. His helping hands will be missed.
Great Job and I will Stay Tuned!
Happy for you!!!!!
Rhoda, I’ve been following your blog and renovations and just love what you’ve done! It’s so beautiful! May I ask what color you’ve painted your ceilings? Thanks very much!
Lookin’ good! I have really enjoyed reading your blog.