Last Friday was a crazy day. I got up at the crack of dawn, went to a Dr.’s appointment for my yearly exam and mammogram (oh, thrill!), hopped in the car and headed to Montgomery to meet up with my blog girls, Layla, Shaunna, and Ashley. We were Atlanta bound. Stopping by Ikea was our first destination, where we browsed and ate lunch.
Then, we headed over to Border’s bookstore in Buckhead for The Pioneer Woman’s book signing.
She has a new book, did you hear?
Black Heels to Tractor Wheels: A Love Story has officially been published and Ree is sweeping the country signing copies. We wanted to be there! And so we were, along with a bunch of other Pioneer Woman-lovin’ folks. After arriving at Ikea, we headed up the escalator and got started browsing. And if you’ve been here before, you know that it can take days to see everything in this mega-store. We barely scratched the surface that day.
Layla and I with dualing cameras kept it fun.
Ikea has it all, from live plants.
To colorful and unique bedding. But first our stomach’s were growling and we had to get something to eat. Ikea has a restaurant, did you know that too?
After hearing about the Swedish meatballs with mashed potatoes and gravy, I had to try them this time and they really were delish. At $3.99, a bargain too!
After filling our tummies, we walked around a bit and those girls picked up a few things. Me, I don’t need nuttin’, so I just concentrated on taking some pics of things that caught my eye. Like these pretty blue and white things. Dishes and linens.
Pretty pillow in blue and white too.
And these mugs had such a nice feel, they came in blue and lime green. CUTE and cheap too, I remember.
Shaunna and Layla discussing the benefits of fake plants. That one does look pretty real.
I loved this green and white checked rug. What a fun pop of color this would add to a space. You cannot beat Ikea’s prices.
Those girls are enjoying themselves!
More fun colors in these round polka-dot pillows and throws.
These ruffly throws were too cute!
Me and Layla checking out some tiny teacups.
Some fun and modern hanging lampshades.
More plants, real and fake, with lots of planters too.
Some colorful hanging paper lanterns caught my eye.
Along with these stylish glass lamps.
These pretty enameled metal pitchers were really reasonable. I think that large one was $19.99. Those would be so Springy with some tulips inside.
Layla couldn’t get over the great price on this huge umbrella.
Their furniture is so reasonable too. This is the versatile Hemnes chest.
Our time went so fast and we had to get on over to Border’s for the book signing. Check out this escalator for shopping carts, first time I’ve experienced that. Those 3 all took something home.
Shaunna made me drive her big SUV through the streets of Atlanta, since she was a little nervous. I told her I learned to drive here, so it wouldn’t be a problem. I think they were a little scared of my driving. 🙂
We scurried over to West Paces Ferry, past beautiful homes like this one and the Governor’s mansion and found Border’s in Buckhead. Where we got wristbands and waited awhile like this before we got in line to wait some more. Book signings are not for the weak of heart. You really have to want to be there. And we did.
We all got a little punchy after waiting about 3 hours in line, snaking in and out of the bookshelves, commenting on all the book titles that were funny.
But, it was totally worth it to get to see Ree again and chat with her for a few minutes. She was just as gracious as I remember her being. Did I mention I went to the ranch last year and slept in the Lodge?
Yes, I did! You can be a little jealous, it was totally awesome and a highlight of my bloggy career. 🙂
I just love Ree, she is so down to earth and genuine and we all had fun getting to see her. I can’t wait to read the book all the way through!
We all were a little bummed that this is as close as we got to Marlboro Man. He was there with their 2 boys posing for pics and signing autographs too and we let time get away from us and he had already left the building by the time we decided to go over and meet him.
Darn it!
Those Wranglers and cowboy hat from afar were all we got to see. 🙂
New blog friend, Christine, with Great Oak Circle, was also there and we got to chat a bit. She actually lives very close to me here in Birmingham and came to my Saturday sale last weekend. She is giving away a signed copy of PW’s new book, so hop on over for a chance to win.
I only live a hundred miles from an IKEA store, but I have never been there. Thanks for taking us along for the ride. It’s so good to see you smile Rhoda. 🙂 It looks like you had a great time!
Hello, Rhoda!
I just found your website while looking up images of farmhouses in Alabama, and I think it’s a wonderful site – I’m planning to spend the rest of the day reading your blog posts. Living in Philadelphia with the meanest, rudest population in America got me thinking that I need some of that Southern Hospitality in my life and wondering if I should move down there. And don’t laugh, it’s all because of Taylor Hicks – I’m a huge fan and love the way he talks about his love for Alabama.
I’m on a journey to find out if Birmingham could be the place for me, and your blog is definitely helping me decide, and I want to thank you for it. Cheers!
Watch out for the drivers here, though. That’s where we get mean. Too many people and not enough road.
Hi, Elizabeth, I loved your comment! There truly is no place like the South, although I’m a little biased on that. I do think Birmingham is a great city to live in, it’s just the right size. But, I’m getting ready to move in 2 weeks back to Atlanta, where I grew up (Marietta). It’s got a lot to do, but I’m not looking forward to getting back in the traffic over there. That can push anyone over the edge.
How neat… when I do Ikea I’m a one event person, my hat is off to you gals.
Never tried the meatballs though…… time I will give it a go !!!
I heard you had a nice time with Kat……so glad Rhoda.
I had my mamo a couple of months ago woo hoo’s all I can say.
Have a wonderful week,
Kathy 🙂
Looks like y’all had tons of fun! Love it!
What a fun day! And I am impressed you could get thru Ikea empty-handed. I never seem to be able to do that!
I so wish I would have known about your blog Friday. We were the crazy girls that came up to all of you. My friend knew of Layla and Shaunna and I had only read Layla’s blog. We thought afterwards that you may also write a blog. Now I’m following all of you and love the blogs! Glad y’all had a great time and safe travels!
I wish we had an Ikea anywhere near here, but of course don’t. My two girls live in Ft Worth so they need to take me sometime, huh? Looks like you and the blogging girls had a great time. Y’all definitely got some good shots, specially of the Marlboro man 😉
From N. Richland Hills to Ikea Frisco is 35 minutes on the new tollway (after rush hour of course!)! Don’t know how I would know that? Planning to sneak away there soon. Much harder to sneak back into the house with all of the Ikea loot!
it was a blast wasn’t it?? my crew didn’t hit up ikea, but since we’re local, we’ll just have to do another girls night, huh? and funny thing, we all looked at/laughed at that exact same painted cats book. crazy huh??!!! 🙂
Hi Rhoda-
Looks like you guys had a great day. What fun to be able to spend the day with blog friends. I read Christine at Great Oak Circle review of the day too. I have only read an excerpt of the book and look forward to reading the whole thing.
Too bad about Marlboro Man – you did get a good shot of him though 🙂
My best- Diane
Never been to IKEA, but keep hearing I’m missing out. Must make plans to go.
Doesn’t IKEA rock?
Thanks for sharing your wonderful pics and for the shout out to Geat Oak Circle’s giveaway!
Sounds like a wonderful afternoon! Love those turquoise & cream cups!
: )
Julie M.
Oh my goodness, I want every single thing you took a picture of at IKEA!!! I love that place. You took some great pictures, and it was great meeting you face to face!
Hi Rhoda, It looks like you girls had a great time and were all smiles. I’m in the mood to visit Ikea too and I’ve never had the Swedish meatballs. I’m thinking I might just try them next time I go 🙂
Rhoda, Thanks for the great pics and for sharing your day with all of us. Thanks also for sharing the link and info about the book giveaway! And, thirdly, thank you for getting and mentioning your mammogram 🙂 I know, I can say that, because I had one (1) mammogram (after finding a lump at age 37) and was diagnosed with breast cancer, one year ago. Had major surgery and chemotherapy and am doing well today…however I am so proud of you ladies who continue to go in and do what you need to do to keep your body in check…Thanks! ~C
I recently “reaquainted” myself with Ikea after a long hiatus (with the exception of a couple of romps through the Marketplace for wine glasses and the like) and couldn’t believe how far their furniture has come! We just bought a few pieces for the yet-to-be revealed attic reno (SO close to done) and couldn’t be more pleased with our purchases.
Good for Ree! Love to see a bloggy pioneer, if you will, doing so well. 🙂
What a great group you guys had! Love those girls. 🙂 Made me wish I was there. I always make hubby drive on West Paces Ferry when we are in Atlanta . I love that green rug you highlighted – maybe even enough to drive the 50 min. to our Ikea here. Good luck with the upcoming move. I have been thinking about you!!
P.S. Glad you drove while in ATL – always safer for a native to do it. My husband has an alter ego for Atlanta driving. 🙂
Rhoda, what a fun day!! I have NEVER been to Ikea! Can you believe that? What am I….living under a rock??? Sharon and I are planning a day trip to Atlanta to go to some places and Ikea is definitely one of them….THEN I can mark it off my bucket list! lol My bucket list is very doable!!
Hope you are doing well!
Lou Cinda
I am dying out laughing at the Swedish Meatballs! We were in Atl just this past week…visited Ikea with 3 children in tow…noticed there was food…and couldn’t believe they served those! It’s one of our favorite meals, so much so that I remembered I hadn’t put it on my main blog, and did so promptly! Hilarious!
My hubby is from Dunwoody, and we took our kids to visit family, do Stone Mountain, and a few downtown spots.
Beautiful wedding local!