My Endless Summer hydrangea is really doing well. I just planted this one last year and it was pink then…now, with our soil, it has turned a nice shade of blue, which I don’t mind at all. This little hydrangea is supposed to bloom all summer, so I can’t wait to see how it does. It may outgrow this little bed I have it in.
My perennial bed is blooming pretty steadily now. but we need rain SO BAD!!
These Stargazer lillies are just breathtaking. I picked up 3 of these plants at our Botanical Gardens sale a few weeks ago & now they are rewarding me with some pretty awesome blooms. They smell SO good too!
I don’t think they bloom for long, so I’ll have to enjoy them for now. I may even cut a few stems & put them in a vase, so we can enjoy them indoors too.
Daylillies are starting to pop out too. A friend here in town let me come over last year & dig up some of her daylillies & she has a lot of different colors. I have no idea what this one is, but I can’t wait to see them all open up in the next month.
Oakleaf hydrangeas are native to AL and we were fortunate enough to have this big stand growing in our backyard. They are in full bloom now and are wonderful to look at. There’s a bunny family that lives back here too.
More oakleafs….that’s all my blooms for now. Hope you all have a lot blooming in your garden right now too. My pink hibiscus with blooms as big as saucers is about to bust out any day now. I’ll be sure to share those with all of you too…they are awesome & bloom all summer.
Everything looks so beautiful!! And I hope you have a wonderful weekend in Atlanta (makes me think of Scarlett O’Hara!!)
please come help my yard!
Your’s is just gorgeous!
Beautiful blooms! I’m particularly interested in your Endless Bloom Hydrangea. I’ll have to look for that one. Very pretty pictures, Rhoda.
Rhoda, I’ve really enjoyed looking the pictures of your beautiful flowers! Thank you for sharing them with us.
All beautiful! But I’m especially interested in the blue hydrangeas. Wonder what kind of soil you have… what is the ‘magic’ ingredient?
We have some beautiful ones, that did that blue-color, at first. Mmmm, if they don’t come out blue at the beginning this year, I’d like to know how to encourage it, next year.. What they would like us to add to the soil?
just beautiful, Rhoda!!!…we’ve got a couple more weeks til our flowers start coming on like yours!!…thanks for making the wait worth while!!!…Lacy
Beautiful pics of your blooms!
The oakleaf hydrangeas are interesting looking!
Hey Rhoda!! So great to meet you (from a fellow Birminghamian! lol)
Your flowers are GORGEOUS!!! i love hydrangeas, although i’ve never done well with growing them (but my mother has a definite green thumb with them, so I can enjoy hers!)
Looking forward to checking in here often!
Your yard is amazing and so inviting. You have a talent for gardening that is much admired! My Aunt has saved me a copy of the Birmingham paper so that I can read the article about you. Can’t wait! Have a beautiful week!
Thanks for visiting me and glad you like my garden.I enjoyed visiting yours and it is interesting to see same plants in different locations and different plants too.
People here ind it harder to keep their Hydrangeas blue unless they feed themwith the rights stuff the turn pink. Love the Stargazers but I cannot go near them as their perfume affects me badly. I used to have lots of lillies (actually grown from seed I collected from a friends garden in Kentucky) but after about 7 years (5 getting the seeds to flower and 4 growing and multiplying) I cleared the bed for more roses.
Gorgeous pictures. Your hydrangeas are dazzling!
Oh Rhoda, I love seeing what’s blooming at your house. It all looks so lovely. I wish my yard looked that great.
Rhoda, those hydrangeas are stunning!! Mine are just now starting to bloom.
Rain?? what is that? We haven’t had any for so long…it’s water by hand and sprinkler over here in CA.
Love your garden, and your sister has a pretty darn nice one too!