Saturday was a beautiful spring day, perfect for yardsaling, so I hopped out of bed and hit a few sales. One of the first stops was this farmhouse on a country road near our subdivion. It wasn’t an advertised sale, but I saw the sign and decided to stop. Check out this pretty barn and the cow cutouts to the left, very idyllic setting.
They had lots of older things and some pretty pieces of pottery and china, but I only got one thing from them, which is down below.
Lots of quilts and linen things, but I’m not so much into that. Some of you would probably have loved it.
I did buy this set of Hull pottery, $5 for all. I know it’s highly collectible and I’ll end up selling it on Ebay. It’s in great condition. She said she knew it was old and collectible, but didn’t know much else about it. In fact, I just checked Ebay and it looks like these 3 pieces are valued at least at $150, if not more. So, on Ebay it will go! I have had a few windfalls like this over the years of yardsaling. It’s not really my style, so I will pass them on.
This day was a great day for finding clothes and jewelry and a few collectible pieces which I’ll pass on and sell. I had a great time finding all these clothes. Everything except the dress was $1.00 each. You can’t beat that for adding to the wardrobe….cheap, cheap!
Cute South Beach T-shirt. I love these colorful T-s and this makes my third one similar. They go with so many things.
Old Navy cotton gauzy blouse, perfect for summer.
Let’s go Yardsaling!
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Wow, you sure scored with some items this time!!! I love that turquoise necklace. I have been on the lookout myself for one to match a pair of my earrings. Good for your dear.