{Giveaway Closed}
This blogging world has certainly widened my horizons so much more than I could possibly imagine and given me dear friends all over the country. Two of my favorites are sisters, Heather and Vanessa of the blog, At the Picket Fence. I think I met these girls about 5 years ago when they first came to Haven and I was already aware of their blog and what wonderful women they are, both women strong in their faith in God. Having these women as friends has meant the world to me and I cherish them both.
While I was in NY, I got to spend more time with them than normal, since we were all attending the Better Homes and Gardens Stylemaker event and we had dinner a couple of times and had some nice conversations sitting around the table.
We also got to have brunch at the iconic Tavern on the Green, the restaurant that sits in Central Park and what a treat that was! I think it was closed for a few years and now is back open again and what fun it was to sit in this atrium setting and enjoy a delicious brunch with these two ladies.
Vanessa and Heather are uplifting, inspiring, and both have beautiful hearts and I’m so proud of them for writing their first book, Life in Season. They sent me a copy a couple of weeks ago and I read most of it on the plane while traveling and it is really a heart warming book, full of devotional messages, easy craft ideas, recipes, and uplifting thoughts for each season of the year.
The tagline of the book is Celebrating the Moments That Fill Your Heart and Home and it truly is all about that. Divided into the four seasons, it offers easy craft ideas for each season that we celebrate, as well as recipes and thoughts for the heart, to help us get in touch with what’s really important in life.
Both of these ladies have been through trials and triumphs in life, from Vanessa’s infertility issues to Heather’s amazing 130 lb. weight loss about 2 years ago. They both have such a positive outlook on life and are such wonderful women to have in my life and I count them as dear friends. These are the kind of women I want to surround myself with! Approachable, relatable, down to earth, but also soul sisters and I love that we can talk about our faith together.
I’m so proud to share this beautiful book for them with all of you and hope you’ll get a copy for yourself and maybe a couple for Christmas presents too! Sprinkled with Bible verses, crafts, recipes and down to earth relatable thoughts, Life in Season, speaks to all women at any stage in life you may happen to find yourself.
Life is truly a journey through all seasons of life and as we get older, it’s so important to figure out what those things are that we should hold dear to our hearts. For me it’s faith, family, and friends, in that order!
What season of life are you in?
Great news! They are giving away a copy of their book to ONE of my readers, so leave a comment on this post for a chance to win. Just answer the question above and let me know you’d like to win the book. I’ll choose a winner in one week! US winners only please.
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Giveaway winner is Gwen, who has been emailed!
Hi Rhoda!
What a wonderful post! I am between summer and autumn working full time helping to raise a 5 year old granddaughter and a 20 month old grandson. I am loving all the moments! Please count me in wanting to read this new book. Indeed , I will be giving a few as gifts for Christmas and birthdays..You are such a blessing ! Enjoy your day.
So great! God is pruning me so not sure what season – but transitional for sure.
In the empty nest season. One just graduated and the other is a Junior in college. Just me, the hubs and the doggie at home.
I am on the downhill slope as you might say. But I have thoroughly enjoyed this season of life. My children are grown and I have a lovely granddaughter who I really enjoy and she brings us much joy. My husband and I still work full time and are enjoying life and just thankful for our health and our family.
After raising five children my sweet husband and I are now empty nesters. It took me over a year to okay not having any children around. But now we are free to come and go and enjoy each other. Still love my visits with my grown children and really loving these new grandchildren.
I would LOVE to win this book. I’ve been following as they announced it’s conception, and the excitement that accompanied the final stage- a REAL book- FINALLY delivered to their doors. I, too, am in the family, faith, friends stage. Also the hoping to be a grandparent stage, as both daughters were married in the last year, and I’m DYING for grand babies!! ??????
I’m actually in the “Mimi” season as I have 2 year old identical twin grandsons and my daughter just found out she is pregnant again. Only one baby this time! I don’t feel like an old Mimi though. I TrueType believe you are only as old as you think. I know I would absolutely love this book. Thanks for the opportunity!!
I am certainly in the Fall season of my life, however faith has always been number one for me. As a school teacher in a Christian school, I get the joy of sharing about God everyday with my students. I enjoy teaching my 8th grade students about literature and writing skills everyday. Of course, my family is next and I enjoy every free moment with them. Enjoy your posts.
I feel like I am in dual seasons!! In life, I am in Autumn. Most of my children have moved out. I have been married for almost twenty years. In my spiritual journey, I am in Spring. I am just beginning to walk with God. I can’t wait to see what is next for me in both seasons!
I’m in the autumn of my life with a “big” birthday later this month.
I totally agree with their definition of Hospitality -” it’s all about them, not about us!” My philosophy exactly! Would love to explore this book, as the Apple Pie Cider sound pretty tempting!
Love your blog. I am in the Fall of my life….retired, 70s, and a one year cancer survivor and now struggling with sciatica and arthritis. But in my mind I am in the early Spring. Looking to rebirth and growth. I think this bookis written for me and my journey. Thank you.
Fall is my season of my life…..I enjoy your blog. It’s so nice the friendships you have made Blogging. Thank you for entering me – this book looks delightful! Thanks so much.
I am in he Fall Season of life and in a time of transition. I am preparing to put my house up for sale and make a move to another state in order to be closer to my children- and to enjoy the many beautiful and interesting things of that area! Thanks for the chance to win this book- it looks wonderful! ( And your blog is so refreshing and inspiring!)
What a wonderful book. I can’t wait to read it.
I am turning 50 this December and my daughter and her husband are expecting their first baby and my first grand baby. All in one month I turn 50 and become a grandma. What a joyful “Autumn” season of life to be in.
For me it’s Faith! Newly retired and recovering from a stroke! God has blessed me so much! Would love to see the book! Love y’all ❤️
Forgot to say I’m both a Spring (when my faith was flourishing when I had my stroke in late March) and now in Fall where I’m able to enjoy a wonderful time with friends and family and get back to traveling! A cruise soon!
Transitional! I retired last year and my hubby will be retiring in 1.5 yrs where we hope to take to the road more often and travel.
Sounds like a wonderful mixed content in that book.
My favorite time of year is fall but I’m not sure how that translates to the season of my life. Mid-30’s, established career, married – solidly in the middle of a season… This books is intriguing and would love to read it.
Fall is my favorite season and as a newly retired person it seems fitting. It’s a crisp new fall full of color, opportunities, time with seasoned friends, and time to look forward to soup, volunteering, walks with the dogs, etc. Life is good. Thanks for your fun blog. Kaye
Transitional time!! My only daughter is a senior in college and ready to really fly. I am in my 25th year of working at a university. Starting to really think about retirement as I have been diagnosed with disc degeneration in my lumbar area. Dealing with it with PT and trying not to think too far in the future. The planner in me is freaking out but my spiritual side is developing more and more. Great giveaway!!!