I don’t have a fashion post for you today. Honestly, it’s not always easy for me to come up with fresh things to share in fashion. I love fashion, but it’s not such a passion that I wake up thinking about it. I have a closet full of clothes and need to do another cleaning out soon. So needless to say, fashion is not always my priority to keep up with. Bless those girls who do it every day, I don’t know how they keep up with it all.
So today, I thought I’d do a life update. I haven’t done one of those in awhile.
First, let me say I’m very concerned about our country. I don’t talk politics on here very much at all, but to say that we have a lot going on in our country is an understatement. I know that God is in control and my trust lies in Him, but there is so much we are all dealing with last year and this year. I think most of you know that I’m a conservative. I pray that God will see us through whatever we are going to face in the future. That might sound like a downer, but I have to put my trust in the one who knows it all, otherwise I’d go insane! I’ll just leave it at that for now.
We’ll start with mom and dad. This year has not been that easy for them either. Right after Mother’s Day, mom started having pretty severe back issues. We’ve been to several doctor appointments for her and they did a scan which showed many compression fractures, one area worse than others. The neurosurgeon did not think she was a candidate for any of the”plasty” treatments, where they inject a cement like substance into the back to stabilize an area. But they did send her to another specialist who also looked at the scan and gave the same answer. He told us it would be a guessing game trying to figure out just where the pain was coming from and that if he did stabilize one area, it could cause harm in another. So for now she’s going to rest at home and try to heal up. Her pain level is definitely better than it was the first 2 or 3 weeks this all started, so it looks like she is healing up some.
{This is an old pic and she’s not nearly as perky now.}
We may have to live with this new normal, but he said a steroid shot might help her if she wants to try that later on. For now, she is going to give it a couple more months and see how she feels then. She’s pretty stable now, she can get up and move around as needed and she’s using a cane, but when she tries to stand in the kitchen for very long, it really starts to hurt. She’s not getting outside like she used to. She was always so active even the last few years, but this is finally catching up to her.
{Mother’s Day this year, right before the back pain got worse.}
We have a lady that we know, Sheila, coming in 2 or 3 times a week as needed. and she has been a God send. She helps mom with chores, bakes cakes and cooks some meals so that they have left overs to eat. I am going a couple of times a week and I take food as well. We have some good country cooking places close by so I go there and get food to go and it gives them plenty to eat on for a couple of days at a time. We are managing like this for now, but we may need more help in the future.
We are taking mom on Friday to get fitted for new hearing aids. She’s finally getting some and really needs them. Her hearing has gotten way worse the last year or 2 and she wants to wear hearing aids, so I’m glad she’s getting those.
{Dad and I on Father’s Day.}
I think I’ve mentioned before that Dad has dementia and it’s getting worse as well. It’s so hard to watch them decline with age, but I knew it was going to happen eventually. Dad turns 94 today and really, it’s amazing that they have done as well as they have for so long. They did really great in their 80’s and the 90’s have been more challenging. Dad is on a memory medication and it is supposed to slow it down, but he’s pretty bad with his memory. His long term memory is really good, but the short term is lacking. He can’t remember from one minute to the next what is happening. Mom has to take care of all their business now. We are trying to take as much off her as she wants to give up. I know it’s hard on her to be physically down and then to have to take care of dad too. He couldn’t live on his own if she wasn’t there.
He’s still been driving but I think the time has come to stop that too. It’s not going to be easy, but it’s part of life that we all face and deal with. We are new to dealing with all of this and we all learn as we go, don’t we? I’ve asked my friend, Vicki, for a lot of advice lately since she lost both her parents in the last 10 years or so. We don’t know what we don’t know until we get there and have to learn it for ourselves and that’s what our family is going through right now.
Mark and I planted tomatoes over there this year and they are doing great! That’s been a happy event of summer so far and we started picking tomatoes last week.
They are loaded with green tomatoes and finally starting to get ripe. We are all enjoying that for sure!
We aren’t sure where those little tomatoes came from, we didn’t plant a small variety like that. They don’t taste like cherry tomatoes, they have a full flavor of the big ones. No matter, we will eat them! We also ended up with a plant with yellow tomatoes and we didn’t know that either.
I’ve made Caprese salad a couple of times and I’m sure there will be more of this.
Renee and Lauren are coming home for a visit this weekend, so I’m looking forward to that too. It’s always good to have them home and with my sister moving away, it’s a little more challenging for sure.
My old house closed almost 2 weeks ago now and so that chapter in my book is complete. It was a lot of work to get it ready for the market, so that took some time and effort, but it was so nice to get it closed and finished. God blessed me so much with that house and I sold it way over asking price in this hot market! Mark and I went out to Henry’s, our local Cajun restaurant to celebrate the day it closed.
Miss Daisy turned 6 months old this week. She is a little doll and we love that gal. She’s so fun to wake up to every morning. We are still working on potty training, but she’s doing pretty well. Those small dogs are hard to train I hear and we are finding that to be true.
I finally got consistent on giving her a treat when she goes out and that has motivated her big time. The girl loves her meals and eating! I think she has reached her final weight and I’m not sure exactly what that is but I’d say 6 lbs or so. She’s still a little thing but has more than doubled from when we got her. It’s been fun having a new fur baby around the house. She is a bundle of energy and doesn’t let us forget she’s here. She enjoys playing hard and napping hard. We’re so lucky she goes to bed at 11 and sleeps all night until 8 or 8:30 every morning.
I thought you’d all enjoy a family update since it’s been awhile for that. Life is good, we are just getting into the hard stages of taking care of our parents. Mark’s mom is still living alone after his dad passed away last year and she’s doing fine. She wants to stay there for now, but I’m sure that might change in the future too. She’s 91 now, I think. I enjoy visiting with her, she’s a wonderful lady and mother-in-law.
We are very grateful for our health and our families. Life isn’t always easy but we just keep going, don’t we? God has been very gracious to my family and I’m grateful for that. I’ve got high cholesterol that I’m going to have to work on to get down. It’s been trending up the last 5 years or so and my doc wants me to go on meds, but I told him give me some time to try to get it down. I asked on my Instagram page and got lots of ideas so I’ll be implementing some of those. It’s not easy getting older either is it?! I haven’t had to worry about these things until the last few years. I have high blood pressure and now high cholesterol and I think it’s in the genes, but I’ll have to work harder at it now.
I hope you all are well! Thank you as always for coming by for a visit. I hope this peek into my family has been interesting for you. I can’t believe I’ve been writing this blog for almost 15 years, you all feel like you know me and my family! I’m planning to keep going, but eventually the posts may slow down a bit. I’m not sure I’ll keep up the fashion posts forever, we will see.
Thank you again for keeping up with me and coming by so often! I truly appreciate you all!
Happy Birthday to your dad! Love seeing your family. It is hard as they get older. In many ways the roles become reversed. I lost both my parents in 2018, only a month apart. Mom had been sick for many years so in a way we were much more prepared, it that’s possible. Losing Dad a month later was a bit devastating. He was in much better shape healthwise. I took care of paperwork/insurance, making sure bills were paid and their meds for a number of years prior. It was a lot of work because at the time I was still working. But I don’t regret a minute. They were both Christians and active in their faith so I know I will see them again! I will keep yours in prayer; dementia is hard. We only had a little of that to deal with. But I know others for whom it has been a major blow. ((hugs))
Thanks for the update on your family. My mom is 93 and dealing with a bit of dementia. We are blessed to still have parents, but the roles do reverse and that is so hard. I love your decorating style and have a bathroom based on your downstairs bath. Love the new bedroom you have just done. Praying for your folks.
Dear Rhoda,
I love what you post about your life and your family. I don’t go quite back to Birmingham in following your blog, but close.
Unfortunately, what you have posted today and previously about your Dad’s condition and your inaction/inability to stop him from driving puts you in a precarious legal situation. If, at worst case, there were to be a terrible accident, you have placed yourself, your Mom and Mark, as well as Lauren, in criminal liability. This is not something to play with or dither over. Yes, taking away the keys is very hard. The idea to have the car “go to the shop” is a very good one. But do something, and do it before you have a lifetime to regret your inaction. Don’t ask how I know this.
Thank you Jay for your insight. We are definitely about to stop the driving. I don’t think he’s driven anywhere in a month, I’ve been taking them everywhere they need to go.
Happy Birthday to your sweet dad! I will pray for pain relief for your mom so she can move around easier. I will agree with Jay: your dad needs to stop driving.
The Urban Farmer and I pray daily for our country and the courage to follow Elohim’s will.
I love hearing about your family and love your blog and following you,your beliefs and your decorating is so what I love and believe. I pray for strength and grace for you as you care for your parents! I hope you stay a long time on your blog💖💖
Enjoyed you sharing your 2021 update. Blessings and prayers for you and your loved ones. This post is very timely for me, as it has helped me make the decision to take action on my 92 year old Mother’s driving, as she too is having memory lapses and refuses to wear her glasses. So, needless to say, your post is likely a blessing for my family. Your room designs are gorgeous and I am planning to follow your ideas for my laundry room in the near future!
Thank you, Cindy, we are all in this life journey together. Hearing from another reader on here definitely make me decide that it’s time to take the keys. We knew it was, but now is the time. Can’t take a chance on an accident!
Hi Rhoda, I can relate to your mom’s back issues. I had Kyphoplasty after a bad fall 3 years ago and it helped tremendously but I was 79 then. Had one steroid injection a year and a half ago and that was good for quite a while. If she has muscle spasms Tylenol or Advil, extra strength helps if I drink a glass of red wine with it. Don’t know why the wine helps the pain but it does.
Also a small rolled up towel under the muscle while lying down helps interrupt the spasms.
Heat and cold alternating also helps. My current MD source for help is a Physiatrist.
Interestingly standing and working at the kitchen counter seems to be the worst thing for me to.
Enjoy your blogs.
Happy Birthday to your dad! I so enjoy watching you have lunch at your parent’s house each week and the delicious food you eat. The desserts always look so good that your mom prepares. I pray your mom will soon get relief from her pain………prayers for your dad too.
FYI – This is my first time actually visiting your blog. I usually look at your stories only.
Take care,
Thank you, Patricia, for coming over and leaving a comment!
I could have written this – I am on this same journey of caring for elderly parents still in their own home . It’s a privilege but also stressful. Take care of yourself too!
94 yrs old! Wow!! Birthday Blessings to your Dad. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed your visits with your parents. They’re truly an inspiration from your Dad saying grace over your meals to your Mom sharing her faith by reading from her devotional. Agreeing with you in heartfelt prayer for all that is good in this land FAITH, FAMILY & FREEDOM!! Sincerely~ Dena SC Paul
Happy Birthday to your sweet daddy! Thank you for sharing your family with us. I too am very conservative and worry about how crazy things are getting. Prayer is powerful!
My heart and best wishes extend to you as you deal with caring for your aging parents. I was caregiver for my parents who declined in their 60’s. This was a time when my children were still young, too. I could not have done it without the help of God and my dear husband. We have been married 36 years. As difficult as it was, taking care of my parents was such an honor and blessing. I grew up in a home with little money, but so much love. I can tell that you love your folks so much! I am sure they are blessed with your tender loving care.
I am a “liberal” civil rights lawyer; however, like you, I get my strength from God to keep going.
Wishing you many blessings. Thank you for sharing your life and decorating ideas. I enjoy your blog very much.
Happy Birthday to your sweet Daddy! What a rock your parents are – Salt of the earth for sure. A true example of a Godly life. You know Rho not everyone has parents like yours. I had a precious Mama and Daddy and I am eternally grateful for them.
You are right! You learn all of this as you go along. What works for one person does not work for another.
Happy that those tomatoes are coming in. Nothing like a mater sandwich! We have been enjoying some already here in TX.
You are a precious Daughter and friend. Please know that you are loved and that I pray for you and your sweet family.
Thank you my sweet long time friend! Love you back!
Thank you for this post, we are also dealing with caring for a live in elderly parent. It’s not easy, but we feel its the right thing to do.
Thank you for being real, sharing the ups and downs and your positive attitude is inspiring.
I’m sure its a challenge to write every day, and you need a break , but your blog is my #1 go to every day.
We are also concerned about our country, and praying for strength and direction.
Bless you Rhoda.
My best wishes to both your mom and dad. They are amazing people. I, like you, are caring for my parents who are 83 and 89. Would your dad like to receive a card or note in the mail? I’d love to send one. Pam 🙂
HI, Pam, sure that would be fine. How about emailing me and I’ll give you an address: [email protected]
Many of you sent him cards 4 years ago when he went thru the c-diff complications and they poured in.
It’s hard to see our parents in decline. Just a precaution in regard to your Dad still driving but with some memory problems showing. When my Dad was 85, he went to his regular doctor’s appt where he lived in Douglasville. He never came home and we were frantic until about 8:30 that night when we received a call from a very nice Policewoman. He was in Decatur and had been in a fender bender. His doctor’s appt had been at 1 pm and somehow he made a wrong turn and ended up there. He also stopped and bought gas somewhere – he always used cash. We had alerted our local authorities and family members scoured our area in the rain. We were lucky that that minor fender bender happened and not something much worse. The next day we took his keys. He was not happy but we realized that we should have done it sooner and were lucky that he didn’t end in worse circumstances. He mentioned how nice that nurse was who helped him at the accident! He died a year later from complication of leukemia. Take care.
Hi, Vicki, thanks for sharing. My sister and I have decided to take the keys this weekend when they are all home. We’ve been talking about it for awhile and now is the time, since his birthday is today. We do not let him drive alone in a very long time, but it’s time to stop it altogether. It’s not going to be a fun conversation.
I’m praying for you and your family.
And, sending a big hug from me, one of your Sisters-in-Christ.
Oh..those tomatoes look so good. Enjoy.
What a great update. Whew! A lot is going on in your life.
Thanks for speaking up for our country. You are not alone in your frustration over the craziness most are observing. That craziness has escalated since 2020 when the corruption monster was exposed on so many levels and segments of society.
Thanks for the update on Mom and Dad. All of the family is doing a great job taking care of them. Hugs to all.
Love the guest room makeover.
Love the comments of encouragement on this post. What a great community.
Much love to you all.
I know its hard watching our parents age. It helps to see how others are managing. My dad has Lewy Body Dementia and it’s such a cruel disease. I’m so glad you have someone that can help them out some during the week- mom knows she needs the help but dad isn’t so keen on it. It’s a day at a time, isn’t it?