Have you seen these lighted glass blocks yet? They were all the rage about 2 or 3 years ago & I have always wanted one & now I do! My sweet friend, Cheryl, surprised me last week when she stopped by my office holding this beautiful glass block Christmas present that she made for me all ready to go. Click on that link & you can see in the first pic of us all in front of her tree, scroll down & see Cheryl’s pretty glass block on her bench in the foyer.
I was so surprised & so excited to get it! I had long admired the one at her house when I saw it last week during our Christmas tour, so she decided to make one for me & drop it off. It’s the perfect little touch of Christmas cheer & can go anywhere there is a plug-in. I found a set of instructions on how to make them here so if you’d like to talk your hubby (or if you’re brave yourself, go for it!) into drilling a hole in a simple glass block, you can make your own. I heard you need a special glass drill bit, but other than that, it’s pretty simple. Once you get the hole made, you slide in a small strand of white lights leaving the plug hanging out. Wrap it up pretty & you’ve got yourself a lighted Christmas present.
What a wonderful gift! I’m really enjoying having this little light in our bedroom to add a bit of Christmas cheer & I’ll treasure it always! Thanks again, Cheryl. I so appreciate you thinking of me since I don’t have a drill or a handy hubby! ************************************************
I have just been awarded 2 more blogger awards…and am quickly running out of room. I’ll have to find a good place to put all these icons. I am so honored to keep getting these things & you girls are sweet to think of me.
Julie, at Fabulous Finds Studio, awarded me the Amazing Blogger award & I’m to share 7 things about myself. I have done this awhile back & totally don’t remember what I shared, so I’m going to try to come up with something unique, maybe I’ll throw in Christmas things:
1. I am the youngest of 2 girls in my family. I grew up not liking dolls, but was a big tomboy. I can only remember getting one babydoll for Christmas one year, but later when I got my Barbie doll, that was a real memory. I still have my Barbie doll & posted about her here, if you’d like to see Vintage Barbie.
2. I love mysteries & anything suspenseful. Scary movies are fun, but I don’t love sci-fi stuff.
3. Pizza is one of my favorite foods. And I have a sweet tooth that will not quit. It’s especially bad at this time of year.
4. I did not get involved in any extra curricular activities in highschool. Looking back, I wish I had, but all of my free time was spent with church activities. I secretly wanted to be a cheerleader, but I was a little too gawky for that to ever happen.
5. I was an ugly duckling and didn’t blossom until after I graduated from high school. One of my good high school friends came to see me after I was away at college for a few years & when I opened the door, she asked if I was home. I died laughing!
6. I hate English peas.
7. I took piano lessons for about 5 years when I was young, but don’t ask me to play anything now. It’s all about gone.
Sher, at Sher’s Creative Expressions, awarded me the Blogging Treasure & Bodacious Blogger awards. Thank you SO much, Sher! I’m not even sure what these are all about, but I feel honored to get them. I’ll pass these on Just a Beach Kat, Maureen, and Rosemary. Have fun ladies!
And, there’s another Holiday tour for this year at Tracey’s, Notes from a Cottage Industry. Go on over for even more Christmas cheer!
Fun reading up about you Rhoda!
I took piano for 5 yrs too 🙂
Hope you are having fun holiday cheer!
Hi there! Wow…it’s been so busy around my house I’ve had little time to blog or read blogs! I hate that…seems like I miss so much.
I love those lighted glass blocks. I’ve seen them before and thought they were wonderful. What a great gift!
I enjoyed reading your list. We have lots in common, including the love of mysteries, pizza and sweets. (I actually like English peas though.)
Congrats on your awards and thank you so much for honoring me with them. Very sweet!
Merry Christmas!
Rhoda, those glass blocks are fabulous! What a pretty addition to your holiday decor!
I’m also thinking that you got way past the ugly duckling stage very quickly! 🙂
Love, Andrea
Thanks for the information on the lighted glass blocks.
I like those little block lights alos. Merry Christmas
I love your lighted glass block. I must make some of those. Thanks for posting and sharing the info.
Nope I don’t believe you were ever an ugly duckling! Not our Rhoda! -V