You all know by now how much I enjoy decorating for Christmas and in the kitchen with green and red already in here, adding the punches of lime green and red this time of year is just icing on the cake.
Green and red really pops off the beadboard I added to the back of my little kitchen shelf since this time last year. It’s a little hard to photograph, but you can see how cute it all looks. Joyful Tidings is the greeting in here.
Friends gave me the handpainted candlesticks and skinny Santa (thank you Wanda and Susan, long-time friends of mine). I love adding them to this little shelf. The red bottlebrush trees were found in the after-Christmas sales last year, I think at Target and I love them here too.
Hanging ornaments here are fun and easy to do.
And with the addition of the white corner cabinet, I had fun doing this up for Christmas too. I’ve had a few ask about the green paint color in my kitchen. It is Laura Ashley Olive 4 and you can find it at Lowes. Looks drab on the chip, but it’s a great color on the walls.
The after Christmas sales added some extras to my decor this year, like the cakestand and large platter. You can see I brought back the little kitchen tree intact and ready to celebrate at our house.
I even added some bling and sparkle to the chandelier in here.
The little kitchen tree glows and sparkles and adds a lot of cheer to the kitchen. See those cute green polka-dot metal candy ornaments? Found those at Walmart this year. Surprisingly, they have really kicked their decorations up a big notch and I saw lots of things this year that I may have to go back and scope out after Christmas.
Those candy ornaments have already disappeared though, maybe I should have bought more than 5.
My little black shelf holds a couple of sparkly red and green ornaments. The angel Fitz and Floyd plate was a yardsale find last year and HOPE was from after-Christmas sales.
A bunny ornament was given to me by a sweet decorating buddy a few years ago.
Here’s the cakestand and platter that you saw at the Holiday House. I found these at a cute little shop in Chelsea (AL) called Chelsea Lane, last year after Christmas for 1/2 price. My kinda deal!
The kitchen cupboard all decked out. If you were reading my blog last year, you’ll remember that I decoupaged that striped paper on the metal tin that’s holding the Christmas tree. You can click here for all of that info, in case you need a new project. 🙂
The corner cabinet was too fun to add to also, so I added mostly white dishes with a few red and green things.
The fake paperwhites look pretty on our breakfast table, sitting in the yardsale Southern Living at Home urn and the pretty white round platter I found at a yardsale too. Those yardsale finds sure come in handy! I just love this little display, it feels so wintery and makes me smile when we are having a meal here.
Corner cupboard with the Christmas Spirit sign I found a couple years ago.
These little hearts were found last year after Christmas too. It’s so much fun to drag out all the new stuff the next year, since I totally forget what I’ve found from year to year. Not that I need anymore stuff. 🙂
Those big green balls are new too from the sales and they are those shatterproof ornaments, which I’m liking more and more. With some green sparkly picks and a red bow, it’s a lot of Christmas cheer.
I simply piled some left over ornaments in this white bowl to add to the festive feel.
And the glass ball ornament wreath that I made last year, hangs on the window. I’ll show you the how-to’s next post.
Thank you all for coming by to visit me! I love this time of year and hope that y’all enjoy seeing everyone’s Christmas decor. I sure don’t ever want to come across as showing off. I simply love Christmas and everything about it and love spreading some cheer around our house and sharing it with all of you. I know that everyone has their own way of decorating for the Holidays. Some are more simple and others go all out (like my sister!). There’s no right or wrong way of celebrating or decorating and I think you all “get” that too. So, thank you for taking the time to come by and celebrate with me. I am always so glad to see you and read your comments! I do read every single one of them.
The main thing to remember is what this season is all about. Celebrating Jesus and what his birth means for ALL of us! That’s the reason for the season and for that I am eternally grateful.
For a fun giveaway of Hobby Lobby gift certificates, click on over to my friend, Kelee’s blog, The Katillac Shack and sign up! Who can’t use that right now?
And I can’t let today pass without shouting out a big ole’ ROLL TIDE!!! What a great game we had with the Gators and I’m so happy for the team and all the fans. My hubby has been a Crimson Tide fan since he was 5, so he’s a happy guy today!
everything looks so nice and cheery.
Such a beautiful time of year with glitter, color, shinny wrap, snow, hot cider, the list goes on and one but one outlasts any other, the reason for the season…God Bless You and Yours…thank you for coming into my home with your blog; I have truly enjoyed following you…Love & Blessings