My sister added a new tree this year, a white flocked tall tree in her family room. Since they went through so much with their renovation back in August, redoing the master bedroom and getting the house back together, they just didn’t have the energy to tackle her normal Christmas decorating routine, which consists of a tree in each room. Really! My sister loves Christmas and doesn’t mind taking her time to deck the halls just right.
But, this year, less is more. I helped her with her new flocked white and silver beauty.
Here it is in all it’s naked glory. Pretty on its own, really!
Here’s a few tips on how we put a tree together. These are a few of the elements we added to the tree. Lots of sparkly picks and leaves.
First, she added a pretty white angel and a big sparkly silver bow to the top.
Next, add the silver feathery picks for height.
Add in a few of these white sparklies for extra glamour.
Then, start layering in some netting around and down the tree. You definitely want to add the larger items first, then fill in with smaller ornaments and picks later.
Silver netting gets tucked in the branches.
We then added faux white fur, all tucked in the branches.
Like this! Now we’re ready to add the larger ornaments.
She has several of these large musical instruments that are tucked in and placed just so. After all the large pieces are added, then smaller ornaments go on.
A pretty silver violin.
Pretty pretties!
White Santa
Tassels, birds, and lots of sparklies are tucked in an added.
White icicles add more shine to the tree.
More sparkly picks are added at the end to add depth to the tree.
And last, she added some silver shiny picks that stick in the tree and flow downward.
That’s how my sister decorates her tree to make it lush and full. She knows a thing or two about decorating a tree and next year, she’ll be back to her regular house full of trees again.
My niece, Lauren, wanted me to share her tree too and it is beautiful! She has been collecting Christopher Radko ornaments and it’s colorful and sparkly.
It looks really pretty in their loft in New Orleans right in front of the window.
Dripping with sparkly ornaments.
Engaged in 2010, married in 2011, the newlyweds are celebrating their first Christmas together since they got hitched.
She’s got some really special ornaments on that tree.
Lauren has been home this week and we are enjoying having her near again. There’s been a lot of baking and cooking.
Lauren and my mom bake Christmas cookies every year and gingerbread men are favorites.
Lauren rolls the dough and cuts them out.
Mom takes them out of the oven and they are ready to decorate. It’s been a festive week around here.
Thanks for stopping by to see our trees! My family is celebrating Christmas all together at my sister’s house tomorrow. We’ll all gather there for Christmas breakfast, present opening, and general frivolity. Later in the day, my cousin, Brenda, and her family of 5 will arrive bearing lots more food and we will celebrate together with a big meal around 2 p.m. on Christmas Day.
I want to take this time to wish each and every one of you out there a very Merry Christmas. I hope that you are celebrating too with the ones you love and remember your blessings on this special day. I certainly am celebrating mine! I know I am not the only one who has experienced hard times this year and my heart goes out to all out there who need hope and encouragement. This has been one tough year, but it is ending on a sweet note. I think back to where I was last year at this time, with so much uncertainty, fear, and not at all sure what I would be facing in the New Year. This year, I’m breathing a big sigh of relief that this year is over and there are better days ahead in 2012! I am happy to see a new year arrive and look forward to many more fun and inspiring days with all of you. You have ALL been so supportive and so sweet to me and I am forever grateful for YOU…each one of you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
Rhoda — This post is full of inspiration and ideas! Thank you for sharing so much of your life and your know-how. I know you will have the best year ever in 2012, because you deserve it.
Thank you, Rhoda. Hope today is lovely, enjoy all the food, your family, and have lots of fun. (Lauren’s tree is breathtaking!)
Lauren’s tree is beautiful! So sparkly and colorful – reminds me of my childhood trees. Merry Christmas to you and your family!!
Jane H.
Beautiful trees! Rhoda….thank you for sharing your journey this year. I so admire your faith and courage!
I wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year.
Take care, VBg
Warmest wishes to you and yours for a very Merry Christmas and the brightest 2012!
What a breathtakingly beautiful tree, I have my theme for next year now.
Thank you for sharing with us.
Rhoda your sisters tree is just gorgeous!! and I too am rejoicing with you that this year ended on a sweet note! I can only imagine how hard this year has been-but God is good and His love never fails. May your 2012 be more than you had ever imagined!!
I have been thinking about getting a flocked tree and now my mind has been made up. Your sister’s tree is beautiful! Also, Lauren’s tree is so pretty and it looks perfect. I wish you a blest Christmas and want to believe that 2012 will be much better. You have been through a lot and even though things were so hurtful and unknown, you have not let bitterness consume you. You stay positive and I know good things are on their way for you. You are doing a terrific job. Merry Christmas!
You know, every time I see someone’s flocked tree I want one too! They are so beautiful! You and your sister decorated hers beautifully! I also LOVE the angels sitting next to it near the fireplace. Your neices tree is gorgeous also! Thanks for sharing them. I do hope 2012 will be a wonderful year for you, Rhoda. You have faced all your troubles with such grace and dignity. I so admire you for that. XO, Pinky
What beautiful trees and decorations. And the cookies look delicious.
I actually decided to make cookies this Christmas too. Snickerdoodles and sugar cookies! The hubby and adult child loved them.
Merry Christmas!
I hope you and your family have a blessed New Year!
Rhoda, I stop by your blog often and I’m happy that you are feeling happy. You don’t know me but I do pray for you. I started last year when I read you were selling your home and moving.
I’m happy for you!
I have been out West celebrating with our kids, Happy New Yyear dear friend….I pray 2012 will be a better year for all of us !!!
All the best to you and yours,
Kathy 🙂
ps when I make gingerbread men, I use a tablespoon for the body, teaspoon for each leg and head, and I split a teaspoon for the arms, they come out so big and puffy……….. (i got this tip from my girlfriend Patti)
Love the trees. I also very much appreciate the tutorials on exactly how you place the different pieces. Almost wishing I will not have to wait a year to try some of your ideas. The netting that you used/placed in the tree (silver netting) was that to add color sparkle or is the netting specifically for hanging the ornaments on? And, if it is for hanging the ornaments on do you then get find green netting if you are using a green tree? What exactly is it made out of? Thanks. Tamra
Also, I too, am primarily a lurker—-love your blog. You are so creative and gracious. Was saddened by your difficulties this past year but as the other reader said….you handled it with such dignity and grace. Best wishes to you and all your endaevors in the coming year.