Right in the middle of real life, I’ve been getting ready for my moving sale, which I’ve set for this coming Friday and Saturday, February 11 and 12th. So, if you are in the Birmingham area and want to stop by, please email me at [email protected] for all the info and directions. I’d love for all of you to stop by who can! Sale will start at 8 a.m. on Friday and the same on Saturday.As you know, I have LOTS of great stuff. And it is just stuff. Don’t feel bad that I’m paring down. It will be less to move and I really don’t need to hang onto all of this anyway.
Besides, I will want to go thrifting again at some point. 🙂
I’ve enjoyed it all and now I’d like to pass it along to another good home.
Fruit Dishes from Macy’s. I’ve had these awhile and hardly ever use them, since I have several other sets, so I’m hoping someone will want this beautiful set of dishes. I’m not selling things dirt cheap, but it will be fair prices. I’m asking $150 for this complete set of 10, plus serving pieces.
Lightweight wall hanging.
Set of 3 botanicals.
Glass front cabinet came from Homegoods.
Entertainment center and TV.
Lots of small accessories.
Vintage dresser and mirror. UPDATE: Friends from church came by and this piece is sold now.
End table. This is sold too!
Glass console table and lots more stuff.
UPDATE: Black sleigh bed is sold too.
This black queen sleigh bed will be sold, as well as other things in this room, like a black nightstand and chest of drawers. Several accessories in here too. The room has changed from this pic, but there’s plenty that I can sell in here.
UPDATE: Toile drapes are sold.
I’m going to sell my toile drapery panels. I have 2 pair of these (one in the dining room) and it’s time to send them to a new home. If I happen to not sell them at my moving sale and some of you might be interested in them, I will ship these. I’m asking $100 per pair, or $200 for both pair, which I think you’d agree is a good price for custom made lined panels. My mom made these for me and they are well made. That chest of drawers on the left will also be in the sale. It’s an antique piece, so I’m not going to sell it dirt cheap either. I think I put $150 on it.
This lamp and end table and most accessories will be in the sale. Lamp is sold!
This king bed will be sold, along with box spring and mattress and the damask bedding. I’ve enjoyed this room, but don’t mind passing it on. Many accessories in here will be sold too, including the lamps.
Whatever is not sold in this first sale, I will carry over to another sale in March. I’ve got quite a lot of Christmas stuff that I’m going to sell too and since my display space is limited, I can’t even get it all out right now. I’ve also got garden and outdoor stuff to sell, probably some now and some later.
Believe me, I’ve got plenty left to move and I won’t even miss all of this. I’m saving my favorite things and still have more than enough to keep.
I know there’s been a lot of curiosity on what in the world is going on and believe me, I understand. From the searches I’ve been getting on my search engine, Israel and husband have gotten quite a few hits over the last week, along with the first Israel post that I decided to take down. Since my plans have changed, it seemed best to just take that first post down.
Let me just tell you this. Whatever your speculation might be, you all have absolutely no idea of the tangled web that is behind the scenes of my situation. It is much more complicated than you can possibly imagine and I just cannot share all of that right now, but perhaps one day I will. Do I know the future and what all is going to happen? Absolutely not. But, one thing I do know. My God is in control and He is the one I will listen to.
See that scripture over there on my sidebar? ——-> the one that says “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding”. Well, that absolutely is my life verse and the one that I continue to cling to. He has my best interest at heart and He knows the best path for me to take and that I will stand on firmly and strongly. My Lord is good, ALL the time. Even in trials and chaos, His grace is sufficient for me.
So, as I remove myself from the chaos that I’ve been in and go home to my parents, I still ask for your continued prayers as I walk the path that is before me. Trusting the Lord and not my own understanding.
He has always, always seen me through and He will not leave me now, that I know for certain.
The Family Dollar $50 giveaway winner is Christy with Happy Greene Day blog. Congrats, Christy! Enjoy your prize.
Oh Rhoda……..I am saddened by whatever is going but you are so right, God is with you! He will see you thru this . Good luck with the sale and move. Hugs and much love to you!
Rhoda I have only prayers and my offer of friendship to offer..I emailed you, I hope you got it !!!
Please know I care and send prayers and love your way….
You Dear friend….will be just fine, I so believe everything in this world happens for a reason…
God Bless,
Kathy 🙂
Lean on Jeremiah 29:11. It is my go to when times are trying.
So sorry Rhoda, you are one special lady. Wish life was not so hard at times. I can say at the end of those trials that God does change something in us to be closer to Him. I have gained a new understanding of who He is through the hardest time of my life. I have come out stronger and better, doesn’t mean I have it all figured out but Believe Him when He says He will not leave you and He is who He is. He loves you!! So do all of us bloggers, your blog is one of my favorites!
Thinking of you and sending much love and many positive thoughts your way. You’ve brought so much sunshine into my life so I hate to see you going through this…but applaud your amazing attitude and outlook. xoxo