I’ve long admired transferware dishes, but somehow never got any. Til now! I worked out a trade with one of my readers here in Birmingham, when she let me know that she was having a yardsale and had this set available. I told her I wanted it and she wondered if I might like to trade out some decorating advice for the dishes. Would I ever?! So, that is what we did and I came home with this lovely set of brown and white transferware, one of my very favorite colors of these beautiful dishes. I might officially become a dish-aholic now!
There are 8 plates and many other pieces too, including serving dishes, so I’m very happy with my new set. Plenty to use for company and a party. They are by Royal Mail and are English ironstone.
I promptly moved the white Target dishes that were in my china cabinet and put these beauties in. They will be the stars now.
Aren’t they so pretty?
I’m so happy to have my first set of transferware.
And I will treasure it.
Do you have a favorite set of transferware too? What color is it?
Check out The Decorating Voice blog for a Spring Fling party this week! There’s a chance to win a fabulous prize and to show off your spring decorating skills.

Love the dishes and the way you got them even more!
I have no idea what transfereware is but it sure is pretty. I love to barter!
I just wanted to say that I love your site! I first read about you on Kelee Katillac’s, katillacshack.com, and wanted to know more. I love all the insights on decorating! Thanks for the inspiration.
Thanks for stopping by my blog (Grass Stains). to say hello! I, too, was excited to find that you live in Birmingham. I live in Bluff Park, part of Hoover. I’d love to get all the Birmingham ladies together sometime, too …. I don’t know if you read BooMama or not (it’s not a design blog), but I met up with several other Bham bloggers last year at her house. So much fun!
My red (or pink) transferware was collected piece by piece at various European flea markets.
My husband jokes that it would be the first things I would grab in a fire. 🙂
These are beautiful! Lucky you!
Lovely Rhoda! What a great trade…sounds like everyone came out a winner! And yes, I do have transferware and it is brown. I enjoyed running into you the other day…we passed on the chair. 🙂
So pretty Rhoda and barter LOVE IT !!
I don’t have any…and I am a DISH (well hubby tells me so lol) PERSON…I have to say as I get older I like them more and more !!
Happy Easter Rhoda in case I don’t get back here again this week 🙂
God Bless,
Kathy 🙂
love the transferware dishes! i’m jealous.
What a lovely treasure.
Is that your wedding bouquet I see sitting on top of those plates? Another treasure, perhaps?! 🙂
You are so lucky…then again…so is she. The dishes look great in your cabinet.
My “Amma” (grandma) who passed away 10 years ago, had this same set! I remember eating oatmeal out of them and trying to get down to the bottom to see the picture! 🙂 Now I am searching for a plate or two of my own on Ebay…thanks for the post!
I just love transfer ware and those are particularly pretty. I got hooked some time ago when my husband brought home a box full he found by the side of the road — he thought the serving bowls GOOD DOG DISHES!!! A few trips to second hand store, ebay and Craigslist, i have almost a full set. Serindipity.
ooooh! You lucky girl, you! and such a wise negotiator! what a trade! they are lovely!
Happy Easter!
Fantastic set! You would be a blast to go shopping with. Wish I lived near Birmingham. We are heading over to the Gulf Shores in a couple of weeks. Being from Bama I was wondering if you have any suggestions on shopping. I love shopping antique shops and flea markets. Any suggestions?
When Suzanne stopped by my store today (Black-eyed Susan!) and told me of your new aquired treasure! Little did she know I am an avid collector of all dishes, but especially brown transfer-ware!! I have a really fabulous collection that I aquired about 7 or 8 years ago. Oneof my friends who had an antique store picked it up at auction and stopped by to show me. She knew how much I love dishes, and even more so an entire set of dishes! Of course, I took them without a blink! I have service for 12, including dinner, salad, dessert, cups and saucers, serving dishes (with covers!) platters, and best of all, butter pats!! I love hanging plates as art. However, my brown transfer-ware has a place of prominence much like yours! I have a great tall cupboard (about the height of a great old mantle) at the top of a staircase . Everytime I go upstairs, I see them and my heart sings!!
A few years ago, I wondered what the real value of the set was. I happened to be living in Chapel Hill, NC for a short time and stopped by “Replacements”, a fabulous resource for any china pattern, old, new, or discontinued. And,to my surprise, I discovered that my set was worth about $15000.00!! I paid about $600.00 . They are my personal favorites and I’ll have to investigate your email address and send you a photo.
I love yours! And, you have done a great job displaying them. I love turning china cabinets into biblioteques and including objects of art, old books and the like. You have found yourself quite a treasure!!
Sorry for the long reply, but I guess we share a love of brown transfer-ware! I also discovered that brown is the most rare color.
Great find!
I learn so much from your blog! Before this post, I had no idea what transferware was, but I wikipedia-ed it and I have to say that I LOVE the Royal Stafford pieces I saw on the web. Weren’t those cute little dogs that you got for a STEAL, also Royal Stafford?
Take care!
Jo Draven
Gorgeous! I’ve never seen black and white transferware – I am crazy about red and white transferware.
Just gorgeous!!!!!! Love this!
I'm a stranger coming in a bit late:) But I wanted to thank you for posting these pictures! I had been looking at an ad for kitchen cabinets in the June 2009 issue of Victorian Homes magazine, and saw some charming transferware china "decorating" the kitchen. I have been curious as to what it was called. You have the very same china:)And now I know what name to look for:)
-Mrs. Humphrey